Outside the armory.

Ye Ran came out with a strange expression.

Deputy Minister Zhang and the others looked at him with nothing on him and asked in surprise: "None of the treasures here are suitable?"

"There is one that is very suitable."

Ye Ran opened his palm and revealed a small black jar in his hand.

This small black jar is only half the size of a palm, and its appearance is also very ordinary, which looks very inconspicuous.

However, the moment Deputy Minister Zhang and the others saw it, their faces changed and they lost their voices.

"Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Fire?!"

Ye Ran stroked the small jar and nodded slightly.

To be honest, he didn't expect to see such a superb fire as the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Fire in the Silver Armory.

After all, this is only the Silver Armory of the Ningjiang Branch, and the treasures are limited. If it is from the Wumeng headquarters, it is naturally not surprising.

"This blood fire of ten thousand beasts was issued by the Wumeng headquarters."

Deputy Minister Zhang smiled bitterly and said, "The Wumeng headquarters will give us branches a treasure to inspire people."

"Among the items that were issued at the beginning, this blood fire of ten thousand beasts is the most precious and the most despised."

"We in Ningjiang City are unlucky. After we got it, Minister Long sighed for several days."

Ye Ran was stunned, "Isn't the top-grade strange fire very rare?"

"This blood fire of ten thousand beasts was found under the volcano when two masters were fighting. At that time, the masters were powerful and injured this strange fire."

Deputy Minister Lin sighed lightly, "This strange fire of ten thousand beasts was originally in its infancy. After being injured, it directly lost its spirituality."

"Now its spirituality is completely lost and it is severely damaged. If you want to recover, you need the legendary real dragon blood."

"Real dragon blood?!"

Ye Ran took a breath of cold air. That was a terrifying beast of the Wu Zun level.

"That's right, so it can't be restored. Even the best fire is almost the same as waste fire."

Deputy Minister Lin shook his head and said, "Not only that, this blood fire of ten thousand beasts needs to devour a lot of precious blood of beasts to maintain its activity."

"Just these precious blood of beasts will cost eight million in half a year."

"So expensive?"

Ye Ran was shocked. Looking at the black can in his hand, he was no longer as jealous as before, but felt a little tricky.

No wonder no one wants it even when it is placed here.

It's really too expensive.

Just to ensure the activity, it takes so much money. Who can afford it?

"That's right, so the Dragon Department has been applying to transfer this blood fire of ten thousand beasts back to the headquarters."

Deputy Minister Lin said helplessly, "It was also because we neglected to remind you that we let you exchange it."

Deputy Minister Zhang quickly said, "Xiao Ye, return the fire to the arsenal now. We should be able to return your contribution points if we apply to the higher authorities."

"Yes, there is still a chance now."

Hearing this, Ye Ran hesitated.

It goes without saying that the rare and powerful top-grade fire is precious, especially this kind of growing fire, which is even rarer.

But at the moment, the price to pay is a bit high, and it may not be restored in the future.

After all, it is real dragon blood.

Moreover, he has not yet successfully cultivated his spiritual flame body, and is still far from the dragon flame body. In the short term, he does not need new fire...

But if he misses this time, it will be as difficult to encounter top-grade fire as to get real dragon blood.

Finally, Ye Ran gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Zhang, Uncle Lin, I want this."

Deputy Minister Zhang and the other two were stunned.



The house was empty. My aunt and uncle had already left and went to Jinhe City for medical treatment.

In the training room.

Ye Ran walked out of a large blood and qi warehouse that looked extremely luxurious.

Outside the blood and qi warehouse, data appeared on the screen.

Blood and qi value: 2000.

Combat power: 9500.

"It's going to break ten thousand soon."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered. Last time, he didn't use the Spirit Flame Body, and his combat power was 8200.

This was the first time he tested his combat power when using the Spirit Flame Body, and it was the Spirit Flame Body after it was upgraded, which was considered to be the real full strength.

But even so, being able to reach such a high combat power was still beyond his imagination.

It can only be said that the Grandmaster-level martial arts are really powerful.

Then, Ye Ran looked at the open space next to him, where a large wooden barrel was placed, which was the wooden barrel that contained the black dragon's blood before.

But now, the wooden barrel is filled with colorful blood.

A small black can floats on it.

You can faintly see that in the small can, a tiny red flame is slowly absorbing the blood.

"Eight million."

Ye Ran felt extremely painful, walked over and put away the wooden barrel.

In this wooden barrel, there are precious bloods of exotic beasts used to nourish the blood and fire of all beasts.

He didn't spend a penny of his 10 million, but most of it was directly consumed by the blood and fire of all beasts.

"The remaining 2 million, half will be transferred to my aunt and the others, and I will keep the other half for backup."

Ye Ran shook his head and walked out of the practice room.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

A guest has arrived.

And it's a regular guest.

In the living room, He Changqing glanced at it, and his old face was a little surprised: "Where are your family members?"

"They went out of town."

Ye Ran said, and poured him tea politely.

He Changqing took a sip of tea and smiled: "How is it, how do you think about it?"

He looked at Ye Ran, his eyes full of satisfaction.

No matter what, he had to accept this student into Qiming Wuda, and no accidents were allowed.

This was also the main reason why he wanted Ye Ran to go to Qiming Wuda in advance.

I'm just afraid that other schools will cut me off halfway.

Ye Ran pondered for a moment, the conditions offered by He Changqing were very good, and the Qianlong Training Camp had more advantages than disadvantages.

In addition, the other party is a teacher at a top martial arts university and a sixth-level martial arts master, but he comes to see him every day.

Such sincerity...

He nodded, "Teacher He, I agree, but I have something else to do."

"Haha, if you have any requests, please make them as soon as possible!"

Finally receiving a positive answer, He Changqing couldn't help laughing, "As long as I can do it, just say it."

"Even if I can't do it, our Qiming Martial Arts University can do it and we will do our best to solve it for you."

"Well, there are no requirements. It's just that I need to go to Limu Wasteland for a week, and I can't leave until a week later." Ye Ran said.

"It doesn't matter, you go ahead, I'll wait for you in Ningjiang City."

After a while.

Ye Ran sent He Changqing away, sent a message to Zhang Fan, and left home.

It's afternoon.

He was going to visit Su Qin's house to eliminate the doubts in his heart, and at the same time, he was also going to give himself an explanation.

"I hope the mysterious person who has been hiding in your family is not..."

Ye Ran murmured, feeling a little melancholy in a rare way.

Su Qin was indeed one of his few friends of the same age, and he didn't want to see bad results.

Before going out.

Ye Ran raised his head and glanced at the sky.

There were dark clouds in the sky, which seemed to be a sign of rain. The sunlight was blocked from view, and he felt vaguely uncomfortable.

I can't explain it, but I feel very depressed.

It seems that something bad is about to happen...

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