Su Qin's house.

Ye Ran pushed open the door, and the living room was silent.

The furnishings remained the same, without any changes.

"Brother Ran, is this the home of the girl from No. 1 Middle School?"

Next to him, Zhang Fan looked curiously.

This guy had nothing to do in the afternoon, so Ye Ran called him out and found something for him to do.


Ye Ran nodded, walked to the window skillfully, opened the window, and ventilated.

Zhang Fan looked at it, not very interested.

Turned around and said excitedly: "Brother Ran, do you know that I became an honorary student of the Black Water Martial Arts School this morning!"

"The owner and the instructors all praised my extraordinary bones and said that I am a genius that is rare in a century!"

Ye Ran's mouth twitched.

What kind of genius is this? If you are really a genius, you will have a hard time signing up.

Zhang Fan wanted to enter the Black Water Martial Arts School, but he failed to sign up for a long time.

After he knew it, he told the owner of the Black Water Martial Arts School, and Zhang Fan entered the school smoothly.

As for the honorary student, it is estimated that the owner of the Black Water Martial Arts School knew the relationship between him and Zhang Fan, so he opened a back door for this guy.

"Remember to eat the exotic beast meat I gave you every day."

Ye Ran glanced at the living room and said, "There are also those martial arts. If you practice well, it shouldn't take long for you to break through to the level of a warrior."


Zhang Fan said with some longing, "Brother Ran, if I become a warrior, take me to the wilderness to train."

"My dream is to hunt exotic beasts in the wilderness."

"It depends on the situation. If I am still in Ningjiang City at that time, I will take you to the Limu Wasteland to have a look."

Ye Ran retracted his gaze. The furnishings in the living room were normal and no one had touched them.

It seems that no one has come in these few days.

"Brother Ran, is the wasteland dangerous?"

Zhang Fan asked excitedly like a curious baby: "What strange beasts are there in the wasteland? Are they ferocious?"

"Generally speaking, it is very dangerous. Of course, it is not dangerous if you follow me."


"Because as long as I run faster than you, I will be safe."

Ye Ran looked at the dumbfounded Zhang Fan and smiled: "Okay, I called you here to help."

"You look for those two rooms, and I will look for these two rooms to see if there are any strange things in the rooms. Look carefully."

After saying that, he walked into Su Qin's bedroom.

Zhang Fan also entered another room.

In the bedroom.

Ye Ran searched for a while, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and took out a letter from under the pillow.

In the envelope, there was a photo in addition to the letter.

The photo was a photo of Zhang's family.

There were a dozen people on it, young and old, all smiling.

Ye Ran saw Su Qin in the middle.

Su Qin should be 13 or 14 years old, with a youthful look, twin ponytails, hugging a little boy of 4 or 5 years old, with a bright smile.

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he saw Su Qin so cheerful and lively.

And that little boy should be Su Qin's younger brother, and Su Qin's parents were standing next to him.

Su Qin's parents looked like an ordinary couple, but they looked very gentle, like people with good temper and patience.

The background of the photo was a martial arts school.

The door of the martial arts school was brand new, with the plaque reading Qinyang Martial Arts School, and red silk hanging on it, obviously it had just opened.

After taking a few glances, Ye Ran put away the photo and looked at the letter.

The letter paper was pink, exactly the same as the letter Su Qin left him before.

However, unexpectedly, the letter paper was blank.

Ye Ran stroked the letter paper and soon frowned slightly. Something had been written on it.

But the content was erased by something.

His blood burst out and poured into the paper.

Soon, a few faint traces of words appeared on the paper.

Probably the truth, Yujing City Wumeng Headquarters, bloody case, sword prison and other scattered words.

The content was incomplete and could not be connected.

Ye Ran continued to stimulate the blood and qi, but unfortunately, no more content emerged.

He had to put away the photos and letters with doubts.

Next, he searched other rooms, but there was no harvest.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened.

Ye Ran looked at the sky and shouted: "Fanzi, let's go."

"Brother Ran, I'm here."

Zhang Fan rushed out of a room quickly, holding a silver mask in his hand and shouted.

"Brother Ran, look at what I found?"

"This mask is actually made of alloy. It must be worth a lot of money if it is sold. Hey, Brother Ran, why don't you speak..."

Zhang Fan's voice gradually became lower, and he realized that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Ye Ran was silent for a long time before he took the mask and asked, "Where did you find it?"

"It seemed to have fallen into the gap of the bed by accident."

Zhang Fan whispered.

Ye Ran carefully looked at the mask, and suddenly, a blazing golden flame appeared in his hand.

The flame instantly devoured most of the mask.

Zhang Fan was shocked, "Brother Ran, what's wrong with you?"


Ye Ran took a deep breath, and the golden flame on his hand disappeared. He looked at the incomplete half of the mask and said softly.

"It's just that I saw the thing I least wanted to see, so I couldn't control my emotions."

"Okay, let's go."

He put away the half mask and left Su Qin's house.

All the way.

Ye Ran was absent-minded, his mind was full of the half mask and the silver-faced man he met before.

And the innocent citizens who died under the cruel means of the silver-faced man.

He knew that there was a mysterious person hiding in Su Qin's house, and that person might be a wanted criminal.

But after getting along with him for so many days, he felt that Su Qin was definitely not a bad person and should have his own reasons.

That's why I let everything go without notifying the Martial Alliance, but I didn't expect...

"No wonder Vice Minister Lin and others reacted that way."

Ye Ran murmured to himself.

In the morning, when he asked about the silver-faced man, it was obvious that Vice Minister Lin was hiding something.

Now it seems that Vice Minister Lin and others already know the identity of the silver-faced man.

At the same time, he also knew that he and Su Qin were very close, so he deliberately hid it for fear that he would feel guilty.

At the same time, this also explains why Su Qin left suddenly.

Most likely they fled Ningjiang City with the Silver-faced Man.

"However, since the silver-faced man escaped, why did Deputy Minister Zhang say that he can be caught today?"

Ye Ran frowned, a little confused.

He always felt that there was still a very important part of the matter that had been missed.

If we can connect that link, everything can be explained.

"Hey, where did the water come from? Damn it, it's raining!"

Zhang Fan touched his face and shouted quickly: "Brother Ran, let's go quickly, it's raining."


Ye Ran nodded. The sky was covered with clouds and sporadic raindrops began to fall.

The heavy rain is about to start.

The two quickened their pace and walked out of the community.

The gate of the community.

A rather gorgeously dressed woman was chatting with the new security guard at the door.

"Ningjiang Star Ye Ran, you know, my neighbor across the street has a very good relationship with our family, and my son is also his good friend."


The young security guard's eyes widened, and he stammered in excitement: "It's... it's amazing."

Sister Xue smiled and waved her hand, "No way, everyone in the community knows it."

Ye Ran and Zhang Fan passed by.

Zhang Fan heard this and joked in a low voice: "Brother Ran, no wonder you wear a hat when you go out. You are really a household name now."

Ye Ran was also a little helpless.

Being famous is not necessarily a good thing.

"But, even if you wear a hat, what does that person do? Why is he covered up more tightly than you?"

Zhang Fan looked in one direction curiously.

Ye Ran followed his gaze.

I saw a man wearing a black windbreaker, a hat and a mask, wrapped tightly, quickly entering the community.

His body suddenly stiffened.

Then he said with a normal expression: "Fanzi, you go back first, I forgot something."

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

Raindrops hit the ground heavily.

The rain has gotten heavier...

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