"Su Qin?"

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock and anger: "What happened? Didn't she leave?"

"No, no..."

Su Yue gasped with difficulty, tears of blood flowing from his eyes, "She was captured by the Li family, please save her."

"I'll tell you everything, everything..."


A moment.

Ye Ran slowly stood up. On the ground, Su Yue's body was no longer alive.

Only that palm was still tightly grasping his trouser leg.

He stared at the front unwillingly.

Ye Ran had no expression on his face. The rain poured on his face, making his handsome face look particularly pale.

Just now, he heard a story.

Three years ago, a strong man named Daoyu Grandmaster fought a life-and-death battle with a grandmaster of the Li family, one of the three great families in Tianque City.

Daoyu Grandmaster won, but because of the advice of his grandmaster friend who was watching the battle, he let the Li family grandmaster go.

A year later, the Sword Prison Grandmaster encountered a martial arts beast. Although he managed to escape, he was also seriously injured, and his martial arts foundation was destroyed. He had little time left.

So he hid his identity and came to a small city.

During this period, the Sword Prison Grandmaster suffered from a hidden disease and fell on the street due to pain. A small martial arts hall owner saved him.

He took him back to the small martial arts hall called Qinyang Martial Arts Hall and took good care of him.

During this period, the family of the small martial arts hall surnamed Su treated the Sword Prison Grandmaster very well and treated him as a family member.

A year later, the Sword Prison Grandmaster suffered from a hidden disease and died.

Before he died, he condensed his most important martial arts and his lifelong understanding of the sword into a sword intent.

This sword intent was passed on to the most talented girl in the family.

And the Li family's Grandmaster, because of his defeat that year, was brooding over it. When he learned that the Sword Prison Grandmaster had died, he wanted to inherit his sword intent.

The Li family took action against the small martial arts hall.

In a fire, all the people in the small martial arts hall died, leaving only the girl and her father.

The two of them wanted to sue the Wumeng with tears in their eyes.

But the Wumeng of Dongyuan Province is the Wumeng of Tianque City, and the Yuanwu Division of the Wumeng represents the power of the aristocratic families.

The Li family is one of the three great families in Tianque, with three great masters sitting in the Yuanwu Division.

So the result is naturally needless to think about, and Su's father has also gone from being a victim to a wanted criminal.

Hiding all the way to protect his daughter until today...

Ye Ran suddenly felt a headache, and couldn't help but press his eyebrows hard.

In his mind, Su Yue's hoarse and deafening questioning just now was still ringing in his ears.

"You think I am cruel and vicious, killing dozens of innocent citizens and eating their faces raw. I deserve to die!"

"Have you ever thought that those innocent citizens are just members of the Li family, hiding in the dark just to catch my father and daughter."

"Each of them is the executioner who killed my elderly parents, my first wife, my young son, and my relatives and friends!"

"Every night I dream of the charred bodies of my parents in the fire and the cruel dismemberment of my young son!"

"Don't these people deserve to die?"

"I let them go. blood, dig out their hearts. "

"That's right!"

"I want them to see if their hearts are black or not!"

"And the man whose face I ate raw, he tortured my wife and children to force me to know my whereabouts, tortured my five-year-old son, and even dismembered his body after death."

"Compared with him, am I cruel and vicious?"

"With such a huge blood feud, I wish I could eat his flesh raw, but just eating his face is nothing, haha, nothing..."

Ye Ran felt dizzy and his body was shaking.

Even though he now has a martial arts master-level physique, he still felt a little faint and had a severe headache.

"So, this is the most critical link?"

He showed an ugly smile that seemed to be crying and laughing.

Everything is clear now.

In order to avoid being hunted down and wanted, Su Qin and her daughter often changed cities to live in.

This time, they moved to Ningjiang City and became his neighbors.

The Li family found clues and came to Ningjiang City. Su Qin and his daughter were about to leave, which was the few days when he just came back from the wilderness.

Later, Su Yue found that there were more and more Li family members, and he was ready to leave directly with Su Qin.

Before leaving, he gave him the third item left by the Grandmaster of Daoyu, the black soft armor.

But when he left, he ran into a Li family member.

Su Yue hurriedly killed him, but unfortunately, he was seriously injured and escaped in the end, and eventually died at the gate of the community due to excessive bleeding.

Therefore, Su Yue's plan to leave was forced to be interrupted.

Because it was suspected to be a feint.

So the Li family was not sure that Su Yue and his team were hiding in this community.

They just laid out the surroundings and buried a lot of nails in secret.

Staring at this entire area.

And those Li family members, disguised as salesmen in various stores and supermarkets, were eventually killed by Su Yue...


Thunder roared in the sky.

Ye Ran raised his head blankly, and was awakened by the huge sound.

He lowered his head and looked at Su Yue's body at his feet.

In his mind, the three sentences Su Yue said before his death flashed again.

Or rather, they were two questions and a request.

"Tell me, should I have saved the Grandmaster Daoyu at the beginning? If I hadn't saved him, my family would be happy and complete. How could it have fallen to this point!"

"Do you think there is still justice in this world? I was kind-hearted and saved people, but my whole family died and I became a wanted criminal. Is there any justice?"

"Ye Ran, I know you are now a big shot, so I don't ask you to sacrifice your own interests and help us get justice.

I know that all the big shots in this world are like this. Even an upright person like Minister Long would not dare to offend the Li family.

So, I really don’t expect anything.

All I ask is that you can save my daughter, just keep her alive.

If there is an afterlife, I can repay you by being a cow or a horse..."

Two questions, one request.

Before Su Yue died, he also told his answer.

"If I could do it over again, I wouldn't save him!"

"There is no justice in this world!"

As for the last request, he had no answer. He just looked into Ye Ran's eyes, as if looking directly into Ye Ran's heart.

Then the breath disappeared and he died.

"The Li family is one of the three major wealthy families in Tianque City. They have three great masters. They are such a terrifying force."

Ye Ran murmured, "I shouldn't offend such a force."

"Especially since Su Qin has been taken away and the deal is already done, it is even more important to clear up the relationship in time."


He suddenly smiled, squatted down, and closed Su Yue's eyes, which were beaten by the rain.

Then take out the Black Magic Knife.

Gently stroking the long knife, he whispered: "Tell me your answer."

"I will also tell you my answer."

"The first question is, I'm not you...Don't advise others to be kind without their suffering. I won't make decisions for you."

"As for the second question, I think there is justice in this world, because I believe in it!"

"If not, I will do it justice!"

After saying that, he held the Black Demon Knife and turned around and walked into the thick rain.

It was raining heavily.

There was also a voice.

"As for the last request, you misjudged me..."


"I'm not a big shot. From beginning to end, I'm a little shot."

"Just an ordinary person."

"But... I have a conscience."

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