The night is as dark as ink.

The rain fell harder and harder, and a thick layer of water accumulated on the ground.

A black prison van drove quickly through the rain.


A long black knife shot out and stuck straight in front of the prison van, causing water to splash.

The prison van stopped.

In the car, a bald man got out.

The bald man looked gloomily into the distance. Under a low building, a man wearing half a silver mask walked slowly.

The voice was solemn and said: "Su Yue, you can do it, you didn't die from such a serious injury!"

Ye Ran's face was expressionless and he moved forward step by step.

He is very familiar with Ningjiang City, and there is only one way for the prison car to leave the city. After knowing this information.

It's not difficult to catch up from the trail.

The bald man turned to look at the prison car and said, "Deputy Minister Xu, you go first. I will catch up soon."

"Okay, Section Chief Li, I'll wait for you in front."

In the prison car, the well-built Minister Xu smiled.

After that, the prison car drove away slowly.

The bald man turned around, looked at Ye Ran, and laughed ferociously, "Are you here to die again?"

"It's so hard to save a dog's life, but you still don't cherish it. Since you want to die so much, I will kill you again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his energy and blood exploded, his figure surged, and he rushed towards him like lightning.

There was a low thunder all around.

It is the external manifestation of thundering qi and blood, and over ten thousand qi and blood.

The bald man suddenly approached with a ferocious face, and punched out, making the air explode.

Ye Ran resisted hastily.


In an instant, his body flew out heavily, fell to the ground, and rolled several times.

"You are so weak, aren't you Su Yue?"

The bald man frowned.

Only then did he notice that the figure of the man in front of him was completely different from Su Yue.


Ye Ran coughed and felt a little heavy in his chest, but with the black soft armor there, he didn't suffer much damage.

It's just that the blood is not comfortable.

When he was still a first-level warrior, he could rely on this inner armor to delay for a period of time under the martial artist.

Now with a combat strength of nearly 10,000, it is difficult for ordinary martial artists to hurt him.

"Li Xiong?"

Ye Ran got up, looked at the bald man in front of him, and asked, "Are you from the Li family in Tianque City?"

Li Xiong was stunned for a moment when he heard his voice, "This voice, are you that boy named Ye?"

The leaves are picked slowly.

Then he raised his head and asked, "Did you kill Su Yue's family?"

"The person you want to take revenge on is the Grand Master of Sword Prison. He has no grievances against the Su Yue family. Why do you want to kill them?"

"Where's Su Qin, how will you remove the knife intent seeds from her mind?"

He asked three questions in a row.

"It seems you know a lot."

Li Xiong sneered, "Yes, I am from the Li family in Tianque City, and we killed Su Yue's family."

"If they dare to save the Grand Master of Sword Prison, they should think of the consequences!"

"As for the one named Su Qin, depending on the mood of the Grand Master, if the Grand Master is in a good mood, she may end up with dementia."

"If you are in a bad mood, you will die. There will be no third outcome."

"Oh, that's it."

Ye Ran nodded seriously, "Okay, I have no doubts anymore. Thank you for your answer."

"By the way, if you do this and make people angry, aren't you afraid of being punished by God?"

"Does the Dongyuan Province Military League still care?"

"God's punishment?"

Li Xiong laughed loudly, and his laughter was particularly loud under the pouring rain.

"Boy named Ye, are you kidding me?"

"The Dongyuan Martial League is located in Tianque City. As one of the three major wealthy families in Tianque City, my Li family is in charge of the Yuanwu Department of the Dongyuan Martial League."

"In Dongyuan Province, our Li family is the sky!"

He sneered: "God's punishment? Do you think God will punish you?"

"Also, you should be lucky that you are a genius and are valued by Grandmaster Hengyang and Qiming Martial Arts University, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

Ye Ran asked curiously.

"Otherwise, just because you are so close to that Su Qin, do you think you can live in peace?"

Li Xiong snorted coldly, "Okay, you have someone to protect you, I can't touch you."

"We, the Li family, don't want to cause trouble, but I advise you not to meddle in other people's business."

"Although Grandmaster Hengyang is strong, this is Dongyuan Province, not Yuanjing City. Grandmaster Hengyang's hands can't reach here yet."

"Moreover, our Li family also has three great masters. It is unknown whether Grand Master Hengyang will offend our Li family because of you."

"So, go back and don't make yourself unhappy."

After saying that, he turned around and left, with a hint of gloom and a bit of fear in his eyes.

This boy named Ye dared to threaten him last time. If it had been the same in the past, he would have killed this boy long ago.

But the other party knew Grand Master Hengyang, and Qiming Martial Arts University, and they also valued this kid very much, so He Changqing wouldn't leave for the past three days.

It can be seen that although the Li family is powerful and not afraid of these, they do not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, if this kid can’t find happiness for himself, it’s not his fault…

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Li Xiong's eyes.

He was somewhat looking forward to it. If this kid took action against him, even if he couldn't kill him, he would be able to get angry even if he was injured or maimed.

Unfortunately, what is regrettable is that he has already walked some distance, and there is still no sound behind him.


Thinking of this, Li Xiong turned his head with disdain and spat coldly.

The next moment.

His hair stood on end as he watched a shiny black Tang knife suddenly slash towards his neck!


The phantom of the blood armor that appeared outside Li Xiong's body was instantly chopped into pieces.

The Black Demon Sword slashed through without mercy.

At the critical moment, Li Xiong shouted angrily, then fell to his knees, narrowly avoiding the knife.

Even so, the knife still grazed his scalp, barely scratching it.

Suddenly, a tiny stream of blood overflowed from the top of his head.

There was a bit of fear on Li Xiong's face. He was almost, just almost, hit by this knife!

By then, it’s not just the scalp that will be injured.


Before he could react, the man in front of him kicked him hard in the face again.

He was kicked over on the spot and fell heavily into the rain.

"Bastard thing!"

Li Xiong was furious, his face was twisted, he got up from the rain in embarrassment, and struck out with a palm.


A one-meter-long blue palm print hit the open space aside, creating a large crater on the spot.

Ye Ran had already withdrawn to avoid it. At this moment, he looked at the black magic knife in his hand and said with some regret: "What a pity."

"If you come back later, I can send you to see Su Yue."

"You brat, you're looking for death!"

Hearing these words, Li Xiong's face turned livid, feeling a deep sense of shame and a little fear.

This brat's martial arts skills were so weird that he didn't leak any breath, so he touched behind him and slashed with a knife.

If he hadn't just turned his head, he would have been killed by that knife just now.

He was frightened and frightened when he thought that he, a great martial artist, was almost attacked and killed by a third-level martial artist.

"As expected of a genius valued by all great masters, Ye Ran, you can do it, you are very good!"

Li Xiong's expression returned to calmness and he felt a little emotional.

The next moment.

His expression was ferocious, all the energy and blood in his body exploded, and all the rainwater around him was shattered!

"Since you want to attack and kill me, then if I kill you in return, it's considered self-defense. The Grand Master won't blame you, right?"

Ye Ran's expression did not change, and he still said regretfully: "It's a pity, I almost killed you."

"Martial Master, I have never killed anyone before."


"If you can't be killed by a sneak attack, then I will kill you openly and openly!"

The words fell.

His clothes suddenly exploded, revealing the black soft armor on his upper body, and at the same time, bright golden flames ignited all over his body.

Then behind him, a vague shadow of a black dragon appeared.

The loud roar of the dragon sounded then.

When the dragon roars.

The entire sky seemed to be silent for a moment, then there was thunder and heavy rain poured down.

The rain is getting heavier.

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