The B-level black magic sword was devoured in an instant.

The spiritual flame pattern grows by three lines.

At the same time, a black seed fell out of the swallowed Black Demon Knife and was picked up by Ye Ran.

After the black magic knife devoured it, the master's inner armor came next.

Gold-devouring Yangyan was almost crazy with excitement. The flames were burning and devouring crazily. The Grandmaster's inner armor was slowly being eaten away.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiong's expression changed.

What kind of evil tricks does this kid know?

There was a strong uneasiness in his heart, and he didn't even bother to say harsh words. He turned around and ran away with all his strength.

Although he couldn't do anything to this kid, there was nothing this kid could do to him.

Li Xiong fled all the way.

Ye Ran took his time and followed him, not in a hurry.

The master's inner armor on his body became less and less as time went by.



A grandmaster-level weapon was swallowed up by the gold-devouring Yang Yan!


Ye Ran's body was covered with golden flames, which swelled fiercely like a volcano erupting and spread to all directions.

The flames on his body suddenly doubled out of thin air.

Now, he has completely transformed into a gold and fire giant more than three meters tall, with no trace of human characteristics.

At the same time, golden spirit flame patterns quickly appeared everywhere on his body.

In the end, a total of sixty-six appeared!

A grandmaster-level weapon actually has thirty-seven spiritual flame patterns!

"not enough."

Ye Ran murmured, and from the Hengyang Ring, pieces of black dragon scales were taken out, and were quickly devoured by the gold-devouring Yang Flame.

After swallowing the Grandmaster's inner armor.

The Gold-Devouring Yangyan has grown to a rather terrifying level, with ferocious ferocity and raging fire.

The black dragon scales that he didn't dare to touch before now pounced on him without hesitation.

More than sixty black dragon scales were all swallowed up in an instant, leaving no residue behind.

At this time, the distance between Ye Ran and Li Xiong was within ten meters, very close.

Ye Ran's face was calm, and the golden flames outside his body were frantically sucked back into his body, and soon they all disappeared.

Although the golden flame disappeared, golden spirit flame patterns appeared one after another outside his body.

This time, the spirit flame patterns were densely covered all over the body, and there were actually ninety-nine of them.

Ninety-nine spiritual flame patterns, the spiritual flame body is complete!

Next, he only needs to consume achievement points, deduce the subsequent training methods, and obtain new strange fires.

You can step into the Dragon Flame Body, the second level of Hengyang True Body!

If Grand Master Hengyang learns about this, his eyes will probably pop out of his head. It has only been less than a month, which is ridiculously fast.

You know, he used it for several years at first.

At this rate, when this kid sees him again, Hengyang's real body may be at a higher level than his founder.

After all, he has just broken through to the third level of Hengyang True Body.

Although the subsequent training methods were deduced, he himself did not reach the strongest state.

"There's no movement behind me."

Li Xiong, who was running away, suddenly felt something in his heart. He thought he was getting rid of Ye Ran and couldn't help but look back.

At this sight, his expression changed drastically, and he suddenly slapped his palm.

Ye Ran turned out to be like a ghost, appearing behind him with a cold expression!

"Wind and thunder break!"

Li Xiong struck out with a palm, and the purple palm shadow was just born out of thin air, but was shattered by Ye Ran's punch.

This punch was fast, hard, and extremely powerful. It instantly bombarded the shadow of his palm and hit Li Xiong hard on the chest.

Li Xiong spurted out a mouthful of blood. Even though he was protected by inner armor, his whole body was thrown away like a broken sack.

"How could you... ahem... suddenly become so strong!"

Li Xiong was shocked and angry, and staggered up.

"You have become weak."

Ye Ran said calmly: "You don't have enough physical strength. You can still fight me when you are in your prime, but now..."

He shook his head and suddenly took action, his energy and blood surging, and the golden spirit flame patterns on his body were dazzling.

The whole person was like a god shrouded in golden light, punching one after another, domineeringly and forcefully, hitting Li Xiong hard.

Li Xiong was coughing up blood like crazy. Even with his inner armor, he still felt like mountains were hitting him constantly, and he couldn't bear it at all.

He kept staggering backwards, and soon, his whole body was soaked in blood, and his internal organs were shattered.

It was also the first time that I truly showed fear and wanted to beg for mercy.

However, he could not speak yet.

Ye Ran punched him away and said coldly: "Do you still remember what I said to you before?"

"If you want to kill the people I saved, only I can kill them. You have crossed the line."

"Now, that's the price of crossing the line."

"I know, I was wrong, Ye Ran, please let me go!"

Li Xiong said in horror: "Let me go, and I will find a way to help you save that Su Qin!"

Ye Ran's movements stagnated.

Taking advantage of this moment, Li Xiong suddenly shot a jet-black poisonous needle at him, then rolled and crawled, hurriedly fleeing away.

"Star Dou Pulse Shock Fist..."

Ye Ran dodged the poisonous needle and was about to take action when he suddenly murmured, "Not enough, not enough."

In his mind, the achievement points disappeared by 200, and the level of Xing Dou Fist was also improving crazily.

In an instant, he reached the state of small success.

Understand the second punch.

"Xingdou Poyun Fist!"

Ye Ran punched out, and in mid-air, a dark blue fist print the size of a human head was shot out, enveloped by thick clouds.

After punching out, Ye Ran turned around and left without looking back.


This deep blue fist mark, with a terrifying speed, caught up with Li Xiong in an instant and hit him hard on the back.

Li Xiong's inner armor, which had been eaten away by the Devouring Gold Sun Flame, finally couldn't bear it.

It was pierced on the spot, and then the fist mark passed through his chest and hit the ground, leaving a deep hole of the fist mark.

Then, a corpse with a bloody hole in the chest fell to the ground and hit the rain.

The rain splashed, and a piece of deep red slowly flowed.

Ye Ran stopped, squatted, scooped up some rain water, and splashed it on his face.

The coldness came, and he gradually calmed down.

Then, he sighed lightly, just now, he was a little bit drunk.

In fact, he could have ignored Li Xiong and chased the prisoner car directly, but for some reason, he was particularly murderous.

As a result, he swallowed up the Grandmaster's inner armor in his impulse.

He also consumed 200 achievement points to deduce the second form of the Star Fist.

The Star Fist is fine, but the Grandmaster's Inner Armor is really too impulsive.

Ye Ran was silent, and then reacted. He seemed calm now, but he was actually very confused.

After Su Yue's death, after learning the truth of the matter, he always suppressed a ball of anger in his heart that had nowhere to vent.

It was this anger that made him lose his composure rarely, and acted impulsively without considering the consequences.

Fortunately, after killing Li Xiong, most of the anger disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Ran gradually calmed down and looked forward, where was the exit of Ningjiang City.

As expected, the prison car was waiting for Li Xiong there.

He stood up and sped up to rush over, but at this time, a ding sound rang in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, becoming the seventh warrior in Xia Country to kill a martial artist head-on, and completing a special achievement - the seventh warrior in Xia Country. ]

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