Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 136 The heart dies first, and the blood cools first.

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment.

In my mind, the notification sound from the achievement panel continued to sound.

[Congratulations to the host, for becoming the seventh warrior of the Xia Kingdom to kill a martial artist head-on, and completing a special achievement - the seventh warrior of the Xia Kingdom.

Reward obtained: 1000 achievement points, rare physique, strong Yuanling body x1 (Note: This physique is an advanced physique and cannot be deduced.)]

[Strong Yuan Spirit Body: Increase the total combat power amplitude by 10%. Each level increases the total combat power by 10%. It can be superimposed infinitely. 】

"10% of the overall combat power, so strong!"

Ye Ran was a little shocked. He didn't expect that by a strange combination of circumstances, he could achieve such a special achievement.

Whether it's 1,000 achievement points or just a look at it, it's an advanced physique that's stronger than the Nirvana Body and the Fearless Body.

All reflect that this special achievement is rare.

"The seventh in the Xia Kingdom...the seventh warrior in the history of the Xia Kingdom to kill a martial artist head-on?"

Ye Ran shook his head. He had only heard of three people who killed martial arts masters in the warrior realm in rumors.

But many people think it is a rumor and cannot be trusted.

Now it seems to be true, and the achievement panel says there are six people, which is more.

There should be a few others who, after leapfrogging and killing the martial artist, did not reveal the news and were extremely low-key.

Without thinking much, Ye Ran left quickly and chased forward.

Ningjiang City, outside the city.

The road is broken, full of potholes, and iron fences of various defenses are built on both sides, extending far away.

Every few dozen meters, there are some soldiers of the Beast Suppression Army patrolling around with alert expressions.

This road connects to Jinhe City.

Ningjiang City is a bit remote and there is no station. You can only go to Jinhe City first and then leave by train.

At this time, a black prison van was parked at the exit, seemingly waiting for someone.

Near the exit of the city, not far into the city.

The master of the fighting arena, wearing a dark gold mask, was standing on a tall building, looking at the black prison car in the distance, standing with his hands behind his back.

"Yin'er, you shouldn't let Ye Ran investigate this matter."

Jiang Yin hesitated, "Teacher, I think Ye Ran has the right to know that Su Qin is his very good friend after all."

"That's right, although Brother Ran is always mean to me and never to Su Qin, I also feel that Su Qin is very pitiful."

Jiang Yu also said at the side.

The corner of the fighting arena master's mouth twitched, "Yu'er, it's just normal. Now you should be normal."

Then, he shook his head slightly and said, "If Su Qin wants to say this, then he will."

"But after Su Qin wrote the letter about the whole incident, she found out that Ye Ran had become the star of Ningjiang and had a bright future, so she erased the letter."

"This means that she doesn't want to involve Ye Ran, and we shouldn't make the decision for her."

"I don't know Ye Ran's thoughts or what kind of person he is, but little girl Su Qin does regard him as a true friend."

At this point, the master of the fighting arena sighed softly, "A very good little girl, what a pity."

"Teacher, can't we help her?"

Jiang Yu and Jiang Yin spoke at the same time.

The master of the fighting arena was silent for a moment, "I still have important things to do, and you two are not in a good situation now."

"Although your Jiang family is not weaker than the Li family, you are also aware of the current situation within the family."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu and Jiang Yin both had a bit of sadness in their eyes.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. Ye Ran should have met Su Yue and learned the whole story."

The owner of the fighting arena said calmly: "I really hope to see him here, but he is more than just the star of Ningjiang now,"

"It is still a special admissions program of Qiming Wuhan University. It is highly valued and has a promising future. I think most of them will not get involved in this quagmire."

"Teacher, I think I will come."

Jiang Yin shook his head.


The master of the fighting arena was surprised. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly looked in one direction and said, "He's really here."

Ye Ran arrived quickly, and at a glance, he saw the black prison van waiting at the exit.

His face turned cold and he walked over there quickly.

At this time, three people suddenly walked out.

When Ye Ran saw Minister Long and the other three appearing in front of him, he quickly said in surprise: "Uncle Long, stop that prison car."

After the words fell, there was no movement at all.

Ye Ran paused and stared at the three people in front of him.

Minister Long looked silent and shook his head slightly.

He didn't say a word, but it seemed that everything was said, everything was made clear.

Ye Ran also fell silent.

He thought that there might be people who would stop him, such as Vice Minister Xu or other members of the Li family.

But I didn't expect that it would be these three people...

Thunder roared in the sky, and bright lightning flashed across, vaguely illuminating the young man's pale face.

Ye Ran was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Uncle Long... Minister Long, you all know this already, right?"

"It's not that early. I only found out after the Li family arrived."

Minister Long sighed softly, "I tried my best to mediate and help Su Yue delay some time, but that's all I can do."

Ye Ran nodded and asked: "Minister Long, Deputy Minister Zhang, Deputy Minister Lin, are you trying to stop me now?"

He asked seriously and looked very calm.

"Ye Ran!"

Minister Long gave a clear drink, and for the first time looked stern to Ye Ran, saying in a deep voice: "Calm down!"

"I've calmed down now."

Ye Ran smiled, "I know very well what I should do and what I should do."

After saying that, he walked towards the prison car.

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

Minister Long snorted coldly: "Do you know what kind of behemoth the Li family is?"

"The Wumeng is no longer the same as it used to be. In the past, there were three departments and one division, with the Zhenwu Division as the main one and the three departments as assistants."

"But now, the Yuanwu Division represented by the martial arts family is becoming increasingly powerful, and is no longer inferior to the Zhenwu Division, and is even trying to seize power!"

"Especially in our Dongyuan Province, the three major families in Tianque City are in their heyday, and the Yuanwu Division is absolutely dominant."

"You are now against the Li family, which means you are facing the entire Dongyuan Province, so have you thought about the consequences?"

Ye Ran stopped and thought seriously for a long time.

Sighed: "Minister Long, so that's the case. I understand your difficulties."

"Can you let me go over?"


Minister Long was furious, and Deputy Minister Zhang and Deputy Minister Lin also looked anxious and advised.

Ye Ran continued to walk over, saying, "Sorry."

"I also thought about the consequences and wanted to stop."


He touched his chest and smiled, "I feel my heart is still beating and my blood is still hot."

"So I should walk over, even if Fuyou shakes the tree, as long as I am not dead, I can't let myself..."

"Let my heart die first and my blood cool first."

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