In the sky, the rain gradually became lighter.

"Ye Ran!"

Minister Long shouted loudly, looked at the young man's back, and couldn't help but said: "Do you really want to walk all the way there?"

"If you want to reach Tianque City, you need to cross twelve entire wastelands and travel thousands of miles."

"Every wasteland is full of dangers. Don't say you are just a warrior, even a martial artist will escape death!"

Ye Ran didn't say anything, just turned around and bowed deeply towards Minister Long and the other three.

"Uncle Long, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Lin, thank you for taking care of me during this period."

"You...don't blame us?"

Minister Long had a complicated look on his face, "It's okay if we didn't help you, we still want to stop you."

Vice Minister Lin was also somewhat silent.

Ye Ran burst out laughing, "Uncle Long, I'm not someone who only holds grudges but not gratitude."

"If I really have complaints against you because of this matter, and forget all your previous help and contribution to me, then what's the difference between me and White-Eyed Wolf?"

"My sister-in-law knows, she's afraid she could break my legs."

"And you are also good for me, it's just that we have different choices."

Hearing this, Minister Long looked bitter and said, "You are really a good boy, but it's a pity that you are too stubborn."

"I know I can't keep you, so don't worry. Your sister-in-law's family is with us, so you can rest assured."

"No matter how powerful the Li family is, as the minister of the Ningjiang Martial League, if I sit in this position for a day, their hands will not be able to reach in."


Ye Ran nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm relieved now. I'll bother you three, Uncle Long."

With that said, he handed Grand Master Hengyang's jade pendant to Minister Long.

"Uncle Long, give this jade pendant to my sister-in-law and the others. It can also be used as a talisman."

Minister Long took the jade pendant, patted him heavily on the shoulder, and said solemnly, "Don't worry."

"I will find a solution regarding your identity."

"Although since the Martial Saint of our Zhenwu Division disappeared, there are two Martial Saints in the Yuanwu Department who are becoming more and more powerful. They took the opportunity to turn around and suppress the Zhenwu Division at every turn."

"But the orthodoxy of the Martial Alliance is the True Martial Arts Division after all. The foundation is still there. I will find a way to unblock your personal information."


Ye Ran took a step back and bowed deeply to the three of them again.

"Xiaoye... do you really want to leave?"

Vice Minister Zhang hesitated to speak. Vice Minister Lin touched him lightly, and he could only sigh helplessly.

Seeing this, Ye Ran smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang, it's not like I won't come back."

Then he looked up at the sky and said in a confident and firm voice: "When I come back next time, our Ningjiang City will no longer be hindered by others."

"At that time, all the ambitions and indignation of the three of you will no longer have to be suppressed!"

Hearing this, Minister Long and the others were stunned.

They looked at each other and then noticed that the fists of the three of them were clenched tightly unconsciously.

Obviously, they were also extremely angry with the Li family, but because of various scruples, they could only act against their will.

"Okay, let's wait for that day!"

Minister Long patted Ye Ran hard on the shoulder again, "Also, remember that Ningjiang City will always be your home!"

Ye Ran nodded, turned and left.

At this time, He Changqing came over, looked at him and said quietly: "Why bother?"

"With your talent, I can predict that you will shine in the Qianlong training camp and give our Qiming Martial Arts University a good reputation."

"Then it will be a smooth journey. I will break through the martial arts masters and participate in the True Dragon Conference. After a few years, I will grow up and compete in the martial arts rankings."

"When the time comes, Li Yuanzhou, who is number 78 on the Martial Arts Ranking, will be easily suppressed by you."

After saying that, He Changqing sighed softly, "Okay, I know I can't persuade you."

"But what you said today is very good. When I was young, I was full of passion and wanted to end the injustice in the world."

"I didn't do it, now it's up to you."

"At Qiming Martial Arts University, I will explain to you and give you a one-year gap period,"

"And this martial arts skill, I redeemed it for you with my points. When you come to Qiming Martial Arts University in the future, remember to return my points."

With that said, he handed over a blue martial arts book.

Ye Ran took it in astonishment. It read Fluctuating Light Seven Star Steps on it, and also marked S-level martial arts in the lower right corner.

"Footwork and martial arts. If you encounter a person or a strange beast that you can't beat, just run away. The green hills will be left behind, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

He Changqing said with some regret.

"It's a pity that you haven't reached that level, otherwise our Qiming Martial Arts University would defend you to the death even if we fall out with the Li family."

"But the girl's matter is not without its turning point."

"In half a year's time, at the Yujing City True Dragon Conference, if you can enter the top ten, you will become one of the candidate True Dragons."

"You will truly have the right to speak. When the time comes to ask for someone from the Li family, even if you walk in openly, the Li family will not dare to touch you at all."

He Changqing took a deep look at Ye Ran.

"Even if the three great masters of the Li family know that you are here to ask for someone or slap them in the face, they still have to greet you respectfully!"

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his face showed bitterness, "But in half a year, Su Qin has already..."

"In half a year, I might be able to fight for it."

At this time, a calm middle-aged man's voice sounded.

The master of the fighting arena came over with the two Jiang sisters, looked at Ye Ran and said, "I can help buy some time."

"But at most, I can only save Su Qin's life. I can't save the sword intention seeds of the great master of Sword Prison."

"As long as I can save my life!"

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "This great kindness will never be forgotten, and I will pay it back a hundred times in the future."

"That's not necessary."

The owner of the fighting arena smiled lightly, "I just want to see if you can really break through this piece of sky in Dongyuan Province."

"Even if you go to Yujing City, Tianque City is inevitable. I am looking forward to that day."

"By the way, if you really want to repay me, you can help me keep an eye on the Black Seal Tower and a man named Lin Hai. If you have any news about him, just contact my two disciples."


Ye Ran nodded heavily.

The owner of the fighting arena looked at him deeply, turned around and left.

Jiang Yu and Jiang Yin looked at Ye Ran with complicated expressions.

What happened today also shocked them deeply.

Especially Jiang Yu, who rarely became serious, without the previous laughter, just staring at Ye Ran in a daze.

"Goodbye, and have a good trip."

Ye Ran smiled,


Jiang Yin nodded.

Jiang Yu suddenly came close to Ye Ran and said softly: "If something happens to me one day, will you save me like you saved her?"

Ye Ran was stunned. They were so close that they were almost touching each other, which made him look a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding. Here, I'll give you a treasure."

Jiang Yu smiled and stuffed a small jade bottle into Ye Ran's hand and said: "It's very precious spiritual liquid. It can save lives at critical moments. Brother Ran, take it well."

"Here it comes again."

Ye Ran was helpless, but still took a deep breath and said: "Take care."


Jiang Yu waved to Ye Ran for the last time, jumped and left with the owner of the fighting field.

Ye Ran looked at their backs, and finally turned around, bowed deeply to Minister Long and the other two, as well as He Changqing, and resolutely turned around and left.

The moment he left Ningjiang City and stepped onto the road.

A ding sound rang in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, open a special achievement, and travel thousands of miles! ]

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