Ye Ran was stunned on the spot.

Achievement panel, prompt sound sounds.

[Congratulations to the host, you have unlocked a special achievement and traveled thousands of miles! It has a time limit of three months to complete. Within three months, it will cross twelve wastelands and reach Tianque City. 】

[Based on the original rewards, the understanding will be tripled, the physical fitness will be tripled, and 2000 achievement points. 】

Triple it? !

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly. This was not an ordinary physical improvement, but a direct threefold improvement on the original basis!

If he has a sixth-level martial arts master's physique and triples it, he may directly enter a grandmaster-level physique!

Not to mention the importance of understanding.

Although achievement points can be consumed to deduce martial arts, improving one's understanding is not only beneficial to practicing martial arts.

There are many other benefits of cultivation.

Moreover, the last time his understanding doubled, he had a rare state of enlightenment, and he understood martial arts fiercely.

Of course, apart from martial arts, there is also...

Ye Ran touched the jade knife on his neck with a strange expression.

This Chunyang Heavenly Sword was given to him by Su Qin, saying it was the most important thing left by the great master of Sword Prison.

Inside, there is an extremely powerful martial skill, but it requires a high level of martial arts talent.

And since he didn't have any martial arts skills, he couldn't even deduce it.

However, when he had his last enlightenment, he vaguely felt that it resonated with the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword.

Wait until next time, when you have an epiphany state, you will most likely realize it.

"It is more important than the seeds of sword intention. What level of martial arts is this Pure Yang Heavenly Sword?"

Ye Ran pondered for a moment. He had no clue, so he stopped thinking about it.

Then, he took out another black seed.

The seeds are dark and deep, with three golden lines on them. They feel soft and elastic, like rubber.

Seeing this, Ye Ran's expression became even weirder.

Because this thing fell out of the Black Demon Knife.

"That rumor can't be true, right? Is this the Black Demon Grandmaster's lifelong treasure?"

Ye Ran rubbed the seeds and was speechless for a moment.

Among the thousands of black devil knives, there was only one, which contained the treasure of the black devil master, and he got it.

His luck is really ridiculously good.

Putting away the black seeds, Ye Ran took out the jade bottle that Jiang Yu gave him before leaving.

The jade bottle was opened, and there was a drop of green liquid inside.

The faint fragrance came from the bottle, and Ye Ran's spirits were lifted, and his whole mind became much clearer.

He was a little shocked, "This spiritual liquid is very extraordinary, Jiang Yu..."

at the same time.

In the other direction, the master of the fighting arena and the two Jiang sisters left.

"Sister, are you crazy? Did you give the life spirit liquid to Ye Ran?"

Jiang Yin's little face was full of shock, "This is what my father left for us two to save our lives before he went into retreat. Each of us only has one drop."

"What do you do with the Ye Ran you gave yourself?"

The master of the fighting arena also looked solemn, "Xiao Yu, you are impulsive. I will go back now to help you get it back."


Jiang Yu shook his head, "No, I've given you everything, there's no reason to take it back."

"But, sister..."

Jiang Yin was extremely anxious, "You can forget about other things. Life Spirit Liquid is a life, so you can't forget about it like this."

Jiang Yu's pretty face was calm.

Seeing this, Jiang Yin lowered her head dejectedly. Although her sister was usually very adventurous, once she made up her mind, even ten cows could not stop her.

In this regard, he is very similar to Ye Ran, just as stubborn.

"Wait a minute, sister, are you really going to like..."

Jiang Yin's eyes suddenly widened in shock.

"Okay, little kid, don't think too much about it."

The owner of the fighting arena interrupted her and continued: "Let's go to Liaobei City first, and I'll deliver a letter."

"My teacher has a friendship with a great master of the Li family. With this letter, Su Qin's life should be saved."

"The rest is up to him."

"It's really a young man's arrogance to break this world, but I'm looking forward to it..."

Ningjiang City.

Minister Long looked up and saw that the rain had completely stopped and the storm had completely passed.

But he had a vague hunch.

The storm that stopped today will start again in Tianque City in the future, and it will become even more violent.

Then, it will be the day that everyone is watching.

"He Lao."

Vice Minister Zhang looked at He Changqing and asked: "You just said that if Ye Ran reaches a certain level, Qi Ming Wu Da, you can fight for him against the Li family."

"What does this level mean?"

"Of course it's genius level."

He Changqing smiled and said, "Although this little guy is now the only genius I have ever seen in my life, the Li family is not someone to be trifled with."

"Especially the Li family, which still belongs to the Yuanwu Department of the Martial Alliance. We at Qiming Martial University cannot fall out with them."

"Of course, if he can become a monster-level genius who can kill martial arts masters as a warrior, why not have our Qiming Martial Arts University risk everything for him?"

"That's why I said it's a bit regretful."

"The difference between a martial artist and a martial artist is a full eight thousand qi and blood points, and the gap in combat power is even greater. Is there really someone who can surpass the level and kill the martial artist?"

Vice Minister Zhang looked shocked.

Deputy Minister Lin, who has always been calm, couldn't help but be shocked: "Are those three legends true?"

"More than three people."

He Changqing shook his head, "In our investigation at Qiming Wuhan University, there were a total of five people. Of course, there may be others missing."

"But there shouldn't be much difference, at most six or seven people. After all, such a monster-level genius is extremely rare even if our Xia Kingdom has a vast territory and many people."

"Hiss, there really is someone who killed a martial artist above his level?"

Deputy Minister Zhang was shocked, "Five people, then these five people..."

"The three people you heard about in the rumor are all the top figures in Xia Country now, and the remaining two are not inferior to them."

He Changqing smiled, "We should know their names in our hearts and be careful in what we say and do."


Minister Long and the other two were shocked.

Then they turned and left.

Although Minister Long had tried his best to keep him along the way, He Changqing decided to leave today.

"Minister Long, there is no need to stay. I will leave now after I go back to pack up."

He Changqing said with a smile.

"Well, Mr. He, next time you come to Dongyuan Province, please come to our Ningjiang City."


At this time, Minister Long said in a serious tone: "Why is there a body there?"

Several people followed his gaze and saw a body lying in the rain in front of them. It was a bald man with a huge bloody hole in his chest.

Seeing the bald man's appearance, the four people's faces changed slightly, and they walked over quickly.

"This is Li Xiong's body."

"Li Xiong is dead?"

"He should have died together with Su Yue. Su Yue's body has been found by someone from the Wumeng and told me."

Deputy Minister Lin hesitated and speculated.

"Dying together, how could he die here? Where is Su Yue's body?" Minister Long frowned.


Deputy Minister Lin was stunned. Yes, Su Yue's body was on the other side, how could Li Xiong die here.

"If it's not Su Yue, then who can kill a martial artist?"

Several people were a little confused.

"Hey, this injury is a bit familiar."

At this time, He Changqing, who had not left yet, exclaimed in surprise, squatted down to carefully examine the wound, and looked at the traces of battle left on the ground.

Suddenly, he hesitated, "This seems to be the second form of our Qiming Martial Arts University's Star Dou Fist, the Star Dou Cloud Breaking Fist."

"No, it's the injury left by the Star Dou Cloud Breaking Fist!"

He Changqing was certain, and then asked in surprise: "Are there any alumni of our Qiming Martial Arts University in your Ningjiang City?"

Minister Long shook his head: "No."

"No, then it stands to reason that no one in your Ningjiang City should know this Star Dou Fist?" He Changqing was even more confused.

"Mr. He, didn't you pass the Star Dou Fist to Ye Ran?"

Deputy Minister Zhang said subconsciously.

Hearing this, He Changqing's pupils shrank suddenly. That's right, how could he forget this.

Now in Ningjiang City, besides him, the only one who knows the Star Dou Fist is Ye Ran!

"In three days, the Star Dou Fist has become a minor success?!"

He Changqing looked at the obvious injuries on the corpse on the ground, and couldn't help but lose his voice in horror, "And killed a martial artist?"

Minister Long and the other two also reacted, looking at the corpse on the ground, with shock on their faces.

Isn't Ye Ran still a martial artist?

(I have guests at home, so I'll be delayed for some time. I still have one chapter left, and I've written most of it. I guess I won't be able to update it until after midnight.)

(Don't wait, go to sleep, and read it tomorrow morning.)

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