Three days later.

Limu Wasteland, inner area.

Ye Ran's face was calm, and he punched out. His fist was covered with thick black mist.

The black mist was strange and corrosive. The golden giant wolf in front of him was corroded by flesh and blood in an instant.

On the spot, his chest was pierced, and he fell to the ground with a wail.

And after falling to the ground for a few breaths, his body exploded violently with a bang, and it was instantly blown into pieces, deader than dead.

"For me now, ordinary martial artist-level beasts are too easy to kill."

Ye Ran shook his head.

The golden giant wolf in front of him was a martial artist-level beast, but under his full strength.

In less than a moment, it was killed by a punch.

He stretched out one hand, and the black mist on his hand enveloped the body of the golden electric wolf on the ground.

At the same time, he looked at the achievement panel again.

[Wasteland Hunter (Advanced): Progress (45/100) Kill thirty different wasteland beasts and reward 300 achievement points. 】

【No Martial Ethics: Progress (0/10), defeat ten warriors with unethical behavior, complete the achievement, and reward 150 achievement points. 】

【Travel Thousand Miles (Special): Remaining time (two months and twenty-seven days), progress (1/12) Wasteland. After completion, the reward is tripled comprehension, tripled physique, and 2000 achievement points. 】

In these three days, he has completed the intermediate achievement of Wasteland Hunter, but he has no idea about no martial ethics for the time being.

Looking at these achievements, Ye Ran shook his head. Wasteland Hunter should be almost completely completed.

This achievement is not bad, and it can be regarded as a stable source of achievement points.

At this time, the black fog covering the corpse slowly retracted.

Ye Ran looked at the body of the Golden Lightning Wolf on the ground. The corpse looked no different from before, but it still gave people a weird feeling.

It's hard to describe.

If I really want to describe it, it is a sense of withering.

It's as if the essence of life has completely passed away.

At this time, the black mist grew a lot after devouring the body of the golden lightning wolf, and now it can fully cover most of his arm.

"Black magic secret technique?"

Ye Ran looked strange and took out a black seed.

There were only two golden lines on the black seed, and one of them had disappeared.

Three days ago, he successfully triggered this black seed and obtained a strange martial art called the black magic secret technique from it.

After practicing, this strange black mist gradually appeared on his body, which could devour the bodies of strange beasts or people and grow.

This black mist is extremely corrosive and can easily break through the hard leather armor of strange beasts and injure vital parts.

At the same time, it also contains strong explosive power.

However, there is a certain delay, just like the golden lightning wolf just now, which exploded after falling to the ground for a few breaths.

But it must be said that this black mist is really easy to use, and it is more convenient to use than the combat soldiers.

The only disadvantage may be that it is a one-time consumable and can only be replenished slowly through corpses.

Ye Ran put away the black mist and checked his achievement points. There were 1350 left.

Although the Star Fist consumed some achievement points, he gained a lot of achievement points after completing two achievements.

"Find some time to deduce the Seven Star Steps of Light and the Cloud Breathing Technique."

He thought to himself that these two martial arts were used to save his life, so they had to be improved.

"Next, we will go to the core area of ​​the Limu Wasteland."

Ye Ran looked up and looked forward.

He used the Qi and Blood Storehouse to test his combat power. Now his maximum combat power is 14,200.

The Spirit Flame Body is perfect, adding 6,000 combat power, which is extremely terrifying.

And 14,000 combat power is a number that makes any warrior's scalp numb.

But for a martial artist, it is very ordinary.

A fourth-level martial artist has a Qi and Blood value of 10,000 to 49,999. He can easily control an ordinary fourth-level martial artist.

But a slightly stronger fourth-level martial artist will have to turn around and run away.

Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the black dragon blood as soon as possible to break through the martial arts master.

"After leaving Limu Wasteland, I will go to Tianque City and Yujing City for the True Dragon Conference selection. Among them, the top ten candidates for the True Dragon have the opportunity to become martial masters or even disciples of martial saints, and can use the power of martial masters to suppress the Li family."

"But if I can directly reach the master within half a year, why should I rely on the power of others?"

"Then, I will be the trend!"

Ye Ran's eyes showed determination and set a goal.

However, if you want to improve your strength quickly, you need a lot of achievement points, and you must complete each achievement as soon as possible.

Especially this one is not moral.

Ye Ran had a headache. Until now, he has not encountered a suitable target for sneak attack.

He was thinking.

In front of him, there was a faint shouting and cursing.

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, and he walked over quickly.

A moment.

A mine appeared in front of him, and two groups of people stood in front of the mine.

One group was some scattered warriors, about 20 to 30 people.

The other group was a dozen young men wearing the same clothes, and they looked like a team of warriors.

There was a lot of noise on both sides, and they were about to fight if they disagreed.

Ye Ran walked towards the scattered warriors, looked around, and saw an old man with a young man.

He walked over and asked, "Old man, I heard that there is a wasteland trading area nearby. Where is it?"

His personal information was blocked, and he could not go to the city to buy supplies for walking in the wasteland.

But fortunately, there are some powerful people in the wasteland who have built personal trading areas.

In the trading area, you can take a temporary rest, adjust your state, and trade materials with each other.

Ye Ran heard that there was a trading area nearby, but he had only been to the wasteland once after all, and he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

"Oh, the Limu trading area, it's over there."

The old man was blind in one eye, but his expression was very kind. He smiled and pointed to the direction for Ye Ran, "Walk five or six kilometers there, and you'll almost be there."

"By the way, little brother, is this your first time to the trading area?"

Ye Ran nodded.

"Then you should not have a pass. You can only enter the trading area with a pass."

The one-eyed old man smiled and said, "Well, I have extra ones here. I'll give you one. After you go in, remember to buy a few more passes."

"You have to use up one pass to enter the trading area once."

"How can I be so embarrassed."

Ye Ran said, "I'll compensate you."

"It's okay. Everyone will encounter difficulties when they go out."

The one-eyed old man smiled and handed over a leaf. There was even a number on the leaf, which was very strange.


An anxious and pleasant voice sounded beside him.

The young man beside the old man hurriedly said: "This pass is only 5,000, and now the mine is occupied by the Huangfeng team."

"We can't mine, and the income is even less. He has hands and feet, why should we give it to him for free."

Hearing this, Ye Ran was a little stunned.

Looking at the young man, he found that the other party was actually a girl, who looked about the same age as him.

She had short hair, a fair and delicate face, bright eyes, and was biting her silver teeth and staring at him fiercely.

It looked like a little tiger showing off its power, ready to take the pass from him at any time.

Ye Ran was a little surprised, as he had only seen the back just now.

Because the girl was thin, had short hair, and her clothes were gray, he thought she was a young boy.

However, he didn't intend to take advantage of her, and was just about to speak.

The one-eyed old man said seriously: "Xiaoyue, don't be like this. It's difficult to go out."

"Today we helped others, tomorrow, maybe others will help us too. Only by helping each other in the wilderness can we survive longer."

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, and nodded sincerely: "Old man, that makes sense."

"Hmph, flatterer!"

The girl knew that the pass would not be returned, and glared at Ye Ran angrily.

At this time, a yellow-haired man in his thirties walked out of the mine.

The yellow-haired man wore big silver earrings and strange clothes. He looked at everyone and grinned.

"This mine is occupied by my Huangfeng team."

"You bunch of trash, if you don't accept it, you can try to break in and see if my fist is hard enough!"

Beside him, other members of the Huangfeng team also laughed triumphantly.

"That's right, you are a bunch of scum, get out of here, we have taken over this mine."

"Thank you for discovering this mine. Without you, we don't know how long we would have to search for it, hahaha."

"Quick, quick, get out of here, whoever doesn't get out will be punished!"

Hearing this, the scattered warriors all looked unhappy.

But no one dared to offend the yellow-haired man, so they could only suppress their anger.

The one-eyed old man also sighed, and the girl Xiaoyue next to him stomped her feet hard, almost crying in anxiety.

"What should I do? If I can't enter the mine, my grandfather's medicine money this month will not be enough."

Ye Ran was stunned when he heard this.

After a glance, he roughly understood the cause and effect.

So he looked at the one-eyed old man and smiled, "Old man, you just said it well. When you go out, help others, and others will help you."

"So now, I'll help you."


The one-eyed old man and the other turned their heads subconsciously, but they didn't hear clearly what he said.

Xiaoyue was stunned and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said, they are very arrogant, and I like them very much."

Ye Ran smiled and looked at the arrogant members of the Huangfeng team, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

It's not that he likes it, but he should like the achievement of not talking about martial ethics...

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