Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 145: Throwing out a brick to stimulate jade

Ningjiang City.

Wumeng branch.

Yuanwu Department, second underground floor.

Interrogation Room No. 7.

The door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man with a round face and a slightly rich figure walked in.

"Hello, Deputy Minister Xu."

The members of the Wu League who were taking a nap in the interrogation room suddenly woke up and greeted them respectfully.


Vice Minister Xu smiled and glanced at the middle-aged man on the torture rack opposite, who was covered in scars and seemed to have fallen into a coma after being tortured and interrogated.

He smiled and said, "How's your question?"

"Minister, this..."

The young member of the Martial Alliance was a little embarrassed, "He is very strict, but if you give me some time, I will definitely be able to ask for important information."

"Well, it's okay. People from the Black Seal Tower are never easy to interrogate."

Vice Minister Xu smiled and said: "Okay, you have worked hard, go and have a rest, leave him to me."

"Yes, Minister."

The young members of the Wumeng League left and closed the special alloy iron door.

The interrogation room suddenly became deserted and quiet.

Vice Minister Xu walked up to the unconscious middle-aged man, handed him a glass of water, and said with a smile: "Zhang Zhenshui?"

The comatose middle-aged man woke up in a daze, took the water and drank it. After he became more awake, he said hoarsely.

"You are Vice Minister Xu of the Yuanwu Department. I have said everything I can. You should also know that ordinary members like me have no way of knowing the important information of the Black Seal Tower."

"And our Black Seal Tower has regulations. Anyone caught by the Martial Alliance who has not committed suicide will be sent to deal with it."

"So it's death anyway, there's no need for me to hide it."

"Yeah, I understand a little bit."

Vice Minister Xu smiled and said, "But this time I'm here not to deal with the Black Seal Tower, but to talk to you."

"Talk to me?"

Zhang Zhenshui was stunned for a moment.

Vice Minister Xu took out a stack of photos and said with a smile: "You are the first one in your team to lurk in Ningjiang City."

"After I came here, I joined our largest company in Ningjiang City. I started as an ordinary employee and in just a few years, I reached the position of vice chairman, a position of high authority."

"If we hadn't captured you, I heard that you would have become the chairman next month. You are really awesome."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenshui smiled bitterly, "It's just good luck, it's nothing."

"Don't be modest. In my opinion, you are a rare talent."

Vice Minister Xu waved his hand and continued: "I came here this time to make a deal with you."


"Yes, a deal that gives you a chance to survive."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenshui's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he said bitterly: "Vice Minister Xu, please stop joking."

"How could you, the Martial Alliance, let go of our people from the Black Seal Tower?"

"you are wrong."

Vice Minister Xu shook his head, "I am not a minister of the Wu League now, but I am making this deal with you as a father."

He took out a photo and said calmly: "Kill this man for me. Before killing him, ask where the body of the vice-captain of the Black Mask team he once killed is."

"Do these and you will live."

Zhang Zhenshui looked at the photo. In the photo, there was a handsome young man with a name written in the lower left corner.

"Ye...Ye Ran?"

He looked hesitant, feeling that this young man looked familiar.

"That's right."

Deputy Minister Xu nodded. Only when he saw the boy in the photo did the usual smile on his face disappear, and a bit of resentment and hatred flashed in his eyes.

It was as if he had taken off his disguise and revealed his true face.

"Deputy Minister Xu, aren't you worried that I won't help you and just run away?"

Zhang Zhenshui asked in a deep voice.

"No, because you want to kill him too."

Vice Minister Xu showed the remaining photos one by one. They all showed different scenes of Zhang Zhenshui drinking with a short-haired man.

"This man is also from your Black Seal Tower. His name is Yang Long. He is your childhood friend. We grew up together and even joined the Black Seal Tower together."

Zhang Zhenshui looked at the photo and was slightly silent.

In one of the photos, he was wearing a suit and ties, drinking with Yang Long in a bar, and that bar was the Black Ju Bar.

"Yang Long was killed by Ye Ran, who is also the target of your mission."

Vice Minister Xu said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenshui's pupils shrank suddenly. No wonder the boy just now looked so familiar.

It turns out to be their last mission target!


He gritted his teeth and said: "How can a young man kill Yang Long? Yang Long is a third-level warrior!"

"Is it difficult for a genius with seven thousand combat power to kill a third-level warrior?"

Vice Minister Xu’s voice was faint.

"Seven thousand?!"

Zhang Zhenshui lost his voice in shock, then gritted his teeth and said: "With such fighting power, I am no match for you!"

"You are indeed no match now, but what if you become a martial artist?"

Deputy Minister Xu smiled and said: "You did well in the Black Seal Tower. The Black Seal Tower actually rewarded you with a rare level of blood essence from alien beasts."

"With this level of alien beast essence and blood, after you break through, your combat power will be at least 14,000. It will be very easy to kill him."

Zhang Zhenshui's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect that the other party's investigation was so clear, and even the essence and blood of the alien beasts were known.

Logically speaking, this is something that only the inside of the Black Seal Tower knows!

He took a deep look at the other party and said: "Deputy Minister Xu, why did you do this? Such a genius, your martial arts alliance..."

"He killed my daughter!"

Vice Minister Xu smiled and said, "Is this reason sufficient?"

"Okay, now that you've got that, you should think about it, but do it as soon as possible, because once he leaves the Limu Wasteland, the opportunity will be rare."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Zhang Zhenshui gritted his teeth, "I promise!"


A moment.

The interrogation room was empty.

The minister's office.

There were many photos on the table, all of which were photos of Deputy Minister Xu and a girl.

The girl was wearing a blue shirt and looked pretty. She was holding Deputy Minister Xu's arm and smiling sweetly.

Deputy Minister Xu looked out the window and could vaguely see a man wearing a baseball cap quickly shuttling on the road and blending into the crowd.

"Zhang Zhenshui is a man who is calm and steady in his work, not impatient or impatient. He is a rare talent. With his help, he should be able to lead out the protector around Ye Ran..."

Deputy Minister Xu murmured to himself.

Only after he returned to Ningjiang City did he learn that Ye Ran had actually walked into the wasteland.

Although he admired him, he also had a murderous intent in his heart. However, for such a genius, Qiming Wuda would most likely send someone to secretly protect him.

So even though he had a strong killing intention, he did not dare to act rashly.

Now, as long as he used Zhang Zhenshui's brick to draw out the jade that protected Ye Ran, he could formulate a plan to kill him.

Of course, if Ye Ran really left alone without anyone to protect him, that would be great!

A murderous intent flashed in Deputy Minister Xu's eyes.

"Then I will personally kill this guy and avenge Wan'er! As for Zhang Zhenshui's brick..."

He looked indifferent.

If there is no jade to be drawn, then this brick is naturally useless, so let's get rid of it.

He stroked it again, the girl in blue with a sweet smile in the photo.

Deputy Minister Xu slowly stood up. It was time to go to the training room to stretch his muscles.

Although he was a fifth-level martial artist, he had not taken action for more than ten years. Now he could only exert about 40,000 combat power.


Leaving the wood wasteland.

Ye Ran suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly, a surge of blood and qi spread all around.

Inside the tree hole, a circle of dust ripples were stirred up.

He broke through.

Level 5 martial artist physique!

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