"In the martial arts realm, I have the physique of a fifth-level martial artist. I really like it."

Ye Ran clenched his fists, feeling a little excited as he felt the strong power coming from his body.

A fifth-level martial artist's physique will increase his combat power by 3,000.

It means that he now can sweep through martial arts masters and below without using any energy or blood, just physical strength.

After adding these 3,000 combat power, his combat power reaches 17,000. After strengthening the spiritual body, it can reach 19,000.

If he uses martial arts, his combat power will be nearly 20,000!

"If you encounter an ordinary martial artist like Li Xiong again, you can kill him with one move."

Ye Ran shook his head. Now he should be the well-deserved number one warrior in Xia Kingdom.

He has truly achieved invincibility below the level of a martial artist.

Even among the six geniuses in Xia Kingdom's history who surpassed their previous level and defeated martial arts masters, he was certain that they were not as strong as him now.

"Although the strength has improved, it is still far from the goal."

Ye Ran murmured that his goal is to become a Grandmaster. Only by becoming a Grandmaster within half a year can he break through the sky in Dongyuan Province.

And the strong master has a vitality value of over one million, and his combat power is unimaginable.

He is still far behind now.

“There’s a long way to go.”

Ye Ran stopped thinking about it and stood up and walked towards the trading area.

Ten minutes later.

Limu Wasteland Trading Area.

Ye Ran stopped and looked ahead.

In front is a camp surrounded by rows of iron fences.

The fence was stained with rust, and there were bloodstains and bite marks left by strange beasts everywhere. Several warriors at the door scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

In the camp, you can see many simple shops, streets, and a central square.

There were people coming and going inside, and it was very lively.

Ye Ran walked over and took out the pass from before.

The young warrior guarding the door took the leaf he handed over, inspected it, nodded, and made way.

At this time, a burst of urgent shouting sounded.

"There is a shadow wolf attack, everyone be on alert!"

Hearing this, several guarding warriors took out their combat weapons and looked at the opposite side solemnly, where a huge black wolf was walking slowly with greedy eyes.

"Everyone, be careful. This is a level three shadow wolf. Go back and call for help!"

The warrior who just spoke took a deep breath and looked nervous.

Ye Ran glanced around and saw that the trading area was built in the wilderness and was inherently dangerous. It was inevitable that strange beasts would often attack.

He casually waved the Frost Slash and turned around to leave.

A streak of frost-white sword energy shot out, tearing the ground apart, and suddenly struck the shadow wolf.

After a brief silence, the Shadow Wolf split into two halves in the middle and fell to the ground with a thud.

Seeing this, several guarding warriors present were stunned.

Then his face was full of shock.

Is this what the boy just did? Killed a level three alien beast with one move?

within the trading area.

Ye Ran looked at it and walked straight to a shop.

There were seven or eight people in the shop.

The shop owner is a grey-haired old man with a cheerful smile. He is looking at the products with a man and a woman.

"Look, our specially made tent is made of the hide of the black Tibetan bear. It is extremely tough and cannot be broken by ordinary second-level beasts."


The young man curled his lips and said, "Shiyin, let's go, Ningjiang City is weak."

"Even the trading area in the wasteland is average. They sell all these junk goods. Compared with our Hongsha City, they are far behind."

"Okay, Brother Jiang."

The woman held the man's arm and acted coquettishly, and the two flirted and left the store.

"Welcome both of you to come again next time."

The shopkeeper had a good temper. After seeing the two of them off, he looked at Ye Ran and said with a smile, "Little brother, what do you want to buy?"

"Buy some masks, clothes, and tents..."

Ye Ran talked about a lot of things that are necessary for walking in the wasteland.

Then he said: "Just these first, I'll take a look at the rest."

"Okay, I'll get it for you."

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he slowly turned around and left.

Ye Ran continued to scan the other items in the store. At this time, two middle-aged men not far from him whispered.

"The man and woman from Hongsha City just came with Yiyihe, right?"

"It should be that Hongsha City is on the edge of Dongyuan Province. Even if we get the news, it will take several days to arrive. Unlike our Jinhe City, we can arrive in just half a day."

"That's right, but we don't have much advantage. Yunchuan City and Daqing City are also very close to here. After learning the news, they arrived at the same speed as us."

"That's true. I have just seen many warriors from other cities."

While the two were talking, they left the store.

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, what are these people from other cities doing in Limu Wasteland?

There's news, what news?

At this time, the shopkeeper also came out with a bunch of items.

Ye Ran selected four masks with good materials and some other items, and asked after paying.

"Shopkeeper, do you know where martial arts are sold?"

"Martial skills."

The shop owner smiled and said: "Many shops in the trading area sell them. If you want them, I also have a few copies in my shop, but the quality is not very high."

"By the way, what grade do you want to buy?"


There was silence.

The shop owner had a stiff smile on his old face, "Little brother, are you kidding me?"


Ye Ran shook his head. Xuanjing beast corpses were rare and could even be used to build master-level soldiers, worth tens of millions.

So now, he does have the financial resources to purchase S-level martial arts.

Of course, if he didn't want to achieve the achievement of a martial arts master as soon as possible, he wouldn't be willing to spend so much money.

After all, the two S-level martial arts books he has now are enough.


The shopkeeper smiled bitterly, "Of course, my small shop doesn't have it, and I guess other shops don't have it either."

"After all, S-level martial arts, I'm afraid you can't find them in Ningjiang City, let alone places like the trading zone."


Ye Ran sighed. Although he had guessed it in his heart, he still felt a little regretful.

He was turning to leave.

The shopkeeper thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Little brother, if you really want it, you can go to the square to have a look."

"There is a small trade fair in the square this afternoon. Many warriors from other cities will participate. Maybe there will be S-level martial arts."

Ye Ran was startled. "Trade fair?"

"Yes, it is a kind of barter activity."

The shopkeeper explained, "Yesterday, there was a man named Zhou Yihe in Hongsha City who wanted to exchange a treasure in his hand. Today, many people from other cities came."

"I guess they are all preparing to exchange that treasure. After all, there are not many people in the usual trade fairs."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's heart moved slightly.

To attract so many people, the treasure must be extraordinary. Maybe someone really brought S-level martial arts.

After all, although Ningjiang City has a rare S-level martial arts due to its background, there are many in other cities.

However, he was still somewhat curious and asked, "What is that treasure?"

"I don't know. I only heard two words occasionally. It seemed to be called something like 'Tatian'. I don't know anything more."

"Thank you."

Ye Ran nodded, then turned and left.

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