"Star Cloud Breaking Fist!"

Ye Ran looked indifferent, punched out, and a blue fist print covered with thick clouds suddenly rolled across the air.

The huge fist print of nearly two meters was extremely fast, like a blue meteor, flashing through the air.

Instantly, it appeared in front of the bearded man.

The bearded man was so frightened that his soul was about to die, and he chopped down with all his strength, and the blood-colored blade light slashed out.

At the same time, thick black mist appeared on his body, forming a black shield.

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, there was so much black mist on this guy, it covered most of his body.


The blade light was crushed in an instant, and the blue fist print suddenly hit the shield formed by the black mist, and a violent explosion sounded.

The bearded man vomited blood on the spot, and his body flew out backwards.

As soon as he landed, he fled in panic without looking back.

At the same time, his heart was full of horror.

20,000 combat power, damn, where did this kid come from, he actually has such a terrifying combat power.


Ye Ran exclaimed in surprise, he didn't expect that he was actually blocked.

The black mist shield seemed to be a new way to control the black mist. Through its own explosive characteristics, it actually offset the Star Cloud Breaking Fist.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he punched again.

This time, the black mist on the Luosai Hu man was scarce, unable to form a black shield, and was directly blown away by a punch, hitting the Li Mu.

He was covered in blood, staggered to get up, and fell to the ground again, unable to stand up.

Ye Ran walked over and picked up the Wu Zun key and the black magic seed on the ground.

After playing with the two objects, looking at the black magic seed in his hand, he asked curiously: "What method did you use the black shield just now?"

"If you let me go, I... I'll tell you."

The bearded man's face was pale, his voice was weak, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood again.

Ye Ran curled his lips, "Forget it, I'll study it myself."

He exerted force with his palm, directly shattering the bearded man's head. After searching his space ring, black mist surged out of his hand.

This time, the black mist seemed extremely active, and couldn't wait to cover the bearded man's body.

After a moment, it surged back to him.

Ye Ran looked at the dark and thick mist wrapped around his two arms, and his eyes were slightly condensed.

It has grown a lot. It was barely enough to cover one arm before, but now it has grown so much.

It stands to reason that he usually kills martial artists and strange beasts, and the growth is not so much. Is it because he gets more by killing people?


Ye Ran glanced at the bearded corpse on the ground, and his heart moved slightly.

Or, is it because this guy also has black mist?

Although a lot of it was consumed by condensing the black shield, the rest was swallowed by him, which also explains why his black mist suddenly grew so much.

"This thing is getting weirder and weirder."

Ye Ran looked at the black mist in his hand. If it weren't for the fact that this black mist was really useful, he really didn't want to touch it more.

He casually threw out a ball of gold-eating sun flames and devoured the corpse on the ground.

He walked towards Zhou Yihe and prepared to search him.

At this time, Zhou Yihe raised his hand with a trembling voice and said with difficulty: "Please... please let my nephew go."

"Not dead?"

Ye Ran was a little surprised. He walked closer and took a breath.

Zhou Yihe's chest had been blown empty, with white bones and broken internal organs. If it were a normal person, he would have died long ago.

But the other party relied on his perseverance to hang on to his last breath.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, his bloodshot eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly, begging weakly.

"Please, let... let my nephew go."

"Your nephew?"

Ye Ran glanced around and realized that there were two breaths in the nearby tree hole.

He looked at Zhou Yihe's miserable condition, was silent for a while, and nodded slightly.

After getting the answer, Zhou Yihe's eyes dimmed, his head tilted, and he died completely.

Ye Ran sighed softly. This man is worthy of respect.

He stood up and did not use the black mist to devour the corpse. He just searched for his space ring and walked towards the tree hole.


He chopped the entrance of the tree hole with a knife and said in a low voice: "You are safe, go east."

After that, he turned and left.

In the tree hole, two terrified cries sounded.

"Don't kill me, just kill my uncle. The treasure of the Black Demon Master is on him, not with me. Don't kill me."

"Woo woo, it has nothing to do with me, it's none of my business..."

Ye Ran stopped and turned to walk into the tree hole.

In the tree hole, two young people, a man and a woman, curled up in the corner, trembling constantly.

"Kill your uncle, not you."

Ye Ran narrowed his eyes, "If your uncle knew what you said, he would not be at peace."

"Please don't kill me, I was just talking, I didn't really want to rob you, don't do it..."

The young man burst into tears and kowtowed frantically for mercy.

The other woman also cried loudly, "It has nothing to do with me, I just encouraged it a few words, who knew that Zhou Chuan, this bastard, actually said he wanted to rob you directly."

Ye Ran was stunned after hearing this.

Then he shook his head gently, "I said Zhou Yihe looked cautious, not the kind of person who would act rashly."

"Even if he really wanted to get the Wu Zun key back, why would he fight for his life? It turned out that he was forced to do it and fell into the hands of your nephew."

Hearing his voice, the young man realized that it seemed that the person who came was not the bearded man.

But soon, he saw the blood on Ye Ran's body and the long knife in the bearded man's hand, and fear appeared on his face.

Ye Ran walked over slowly.

Seeing him approaching with a knife, the young man couldn't bear it and locked the woman's throat with a ferocious face.

"Don't come over here, I'll kill her if you come over again!"

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows.

The young girl cried and cursed, "Woo, Zhou Chuan, you bastard, are you confused? Why did you catch me?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll burn paper for you when I survive."

Zhou Chuan stared at Ye Ran fiercely and locked the young girl's throat, "Get out of here quickly, I'll leave her for you to enjoy when I escape."

Ye Ran smiled and actually took a step back.

Seeing this, Zhou Chuan's eyes flashed fiercely, "Get out of here quickly, how far..."


A snow-white knife aura flashed suddenly.

A head fell to the ground.

Blood splashed on the young girl's face. She was stunned for a moment, then rolled and crawled over like crazy.

"Thank you, thank you..."

"Thank you for what?"

Ye Ran was curious, "I saved you because I wanted to kill you myself, why are you thanking me?"

The young girl's eyes widened, and she looked up suddenly, and saw a palm slapping down.

"In the next life, don't be so mean and instigate others."

Ye Ran's face was calm, and a palm fell down, and with a bang, another body fell to the ground.

He threw out two balls of gold-eating sun flames, burned the body, and turned to leave.


Ye Ran glanced at Zhou Yihe's body on the ground and shook his head slightly.

This Zhou Yihe is really unlucky.

Originally, it was nothing to meet the bearded man by chance, but who would have thought that his own nephew would talk nonsense and say that he wanted to rob the other party.

This directly angered the bearded man, and they fought.

Unexpectedly, the nephew who was mean didn't die in the end, but he died first, and the nephew he wanted to protect was also a ruthless person.

He glanced at it and prepared to bury Zhou Yihe in the ground.

No matter what, this man deserves some respect for his perseverance.


At this time, an old man's angry roar came from a distance.

The air exploded, like thunder.

Ye Ran's face changed. This voice came from the old man who was a fifth-level martial artist next to Zhou Yihe!

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