A tall, thin old man rushed over quickly, and as soon as he landed, he saw a bloody corpse on the ground.

Suddenly his eyes were split open and he wailed: "Yihe!"

He staggered and stumbled to Zhou Yihe's body, his voice was sad, "You shouldn't have separated from me."

"You pride yourself on being clever and resourceful. No one can expect you to leave from here. It is the safest place. But how can you be called safe if you lack strength?"

"I hate it, I hate it!"

The old man roared angrily, and the energy and blood all over his body exploded. The air continued to connect with loud thunder of energy and blood.

In the end, there were a total of seven rings.

Inside the tree hole.

Ye Ran's expression changed, and with seven thunders of Qi and blood, his Qi and blood value exceeded 70,000, not to mention his combat power.

Fortunately, he moved quickly enough and hid, otherwise, he would have been hammered to death by now.

"You bastard just now, stop hiding, I know you didn't run far away!"

The tall and thin old man put away Zhou Yihe's corpse, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were as cold and sharp as an eagle's as he scanned the surroundings.

There was silence, no sound at all.

"You think you can hide it?"

The tall and thin old man said coldly, "If I let you escape today, do you still want this face?"

After that, he punched out.


The hole in a huge tree exploded on the spot, revealing the scene inside.

Inside, two thick black snakes and strange beasts were rubbing each other's ears and temples, making love to each other, preparing to do something cowardly.

Now the door of the house was bombed, and his hair was blown up on the spot. He spat out words of anger and rushed fiercely.

Then they were slapped flat.

The tall, thin old man was indifferent and continued to search everywhere. He was extremely experienced and searched carefully, never missing a single spot.

Soon, he blew up the hole in a nearby tree again, revealing two charred corpses inside.

"Zhou Chuan!"

The tall and thin old man exclaimed, rushed into the tree hole quickly, and then put away the two corpses with an ugly expression.

"Damn you bastard, don't let me find you!"

Angrily, he threw up his sleeves and left, continuing to search carefully for other tree holes.

After he leaves.

The darkness of a tree hole.

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the most dangerous place is the safest.

If the old man checked carefully, he would definitely find him.

But when he saw the two corpses, he was so angry that he neglected it.

The tall and thin old man quickly searched the surrounding area, but still could not find anyone or any breath.

It was as if that person had disappeared out of thin air. He couldn't help but turn pale and wave his sleeves to leave.

Ye Ran remained calm and continued to hide in place. In fact, he could just take the risk and escape quickly.

But the terrain here is empty, and the opponent is already approaching. If he escapes slower, he will still be directly seen even if he hides his aura.

Simply, it would be safer to hide nearby.

I just didn't expect that this old man would be so patient and search carefully, and he was almost not discovered.

Ye Ran did not leave in a hurry and continued to wait.


The tall, thin old man unexpectedly turned back again, glanced around with cold eyes, and then left again.

Then the second time, and the third time.

The third time, he had completely lost his patience and left with a quick glance.

Ye Ran was still very patient, but instead thought about it.

Anyway, you have to practice three S-class martial arts to achieve perfection, so let’s just practice two of them now.

He began to deduce the Seven Star Steps of Fluctuating Light.

This is a footwork martial skill that allows for bursts of speed, but consumes a lot of energy and blood, so it is best used when escaping.

Not long after, the Yaoguang Seven Star Steps were deduced to the Dacheng state.

For the deduction of S-level martial arts, 100 achievements are required to enter the realm for the first time, 200 for minor achievements, and 300 for major achievements.

This time, 600 achievement points are directly consumed.

Ye Ran looked at the achievement panel. There were only 900 achievement points left, which was considered a huge hemorrhage.

But at this time, he no longer hesitated and performed the Star Dou Fist again.

Soon, the Star Dou Fist was also accomplished, and he understood the third move, the Star Dou Sun-Shattering Fist.

"Dacheng's S-level martial arts can increase combat power by 2,000."

Ye Ran thought in his mind, the first entry into the realm would be increased by 500, the minor achievement would be 1,000, and the large achievement would be 2,000.

As for Dzogchen, it should be 3,000 combat power.

Of course, these are ordinary S-level martial arts. I heard that some top-level S-level martial arts can increase combat power by 5,000.

At this point, there are only 600 achievement points left, which is really a huge consumption.

But fortunately, it is just enough to deduce the last S-level martial arts to reach the Dacheng state.

Ye Ran then took out the Wu Zun key and the black devil seeds.

Wu Zun's key was a small black box. He tried to open it but found that it couldn't be opened at all.

After thinking about it, Qi and blood slowly poured in, the black box released light, and then a faint shadow seemed to emerge.

Unfortunately, after the ghost appeared, the black box was still not opened.

"Forget it, just use it if you can. If you don't need it, try to sell it. If it's so popular, you can definitely get a lot of good things in exchange for it."

Ye Ran was not too entangled, Wu Zun was illusory after all, and it was just a key with an unknown purpose.

In comparison, he was more concerned about the black devil seeds.

The two black devil seeds were taken out and compared again. They were still exactly the same without any deviation.

Ye Ran pondered, trying to sense the golden lines on the seeds.

When he first obtained his black devil seed, it was by chance that his spirit came into contact with the golden pattern and was refined.

But after trying many times, neither the bearded man nor his own dark demon seeds responded.

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, put down the two seeds, and searched for the space ring of the bearded man.

After flipping for a while, he suddenly felt something in his heart and took out a tattered notebook.

[Research on the Secret Art of Dark Magic - First-level tutor of Yujing Wuda, Zhang Yulian. ]

"Yujing Wuda!"

Ye Ran's heart was shocked. This is the top-ranked Wuda among the five top Wuda, and it is the well-deserved first martial arts university in Xia Country.

He quickly opened the notebook.

This is more like a personal research record, and I don't know how it fell into the hands of the bearded man.

It begins:

"When I was promoted to the first-level instructor at Yujing Martial Arts University, the Black Demon Grandmaster died, leaving behind thousands of Black Demon Swords and Black Demon Treasures."

"When the Black Demon Treasure was revealed, even several Martial Honored in Yujing City were eager to find the Black Demon Swords."

"Unfortunately, most of the Black Demon Swords are hidden in the Black Seal Tower. Even if the Martial Honored have tremendous fighting power, they have nowhere to use their power."

"I was originally curious about the Black Demon Sword, a weapon whose sword and sheath can actually sense each other. In addition, Martial Honored are flocking to the Black Demon Treasure..."

"Besides, I have completed my old project and want to find a new project to study. Under various factors, the Black Demon Sword is the most suitable."

"I estimate that if this project is completed, I will have a chance to be promoted to the youngest dean of Yujing Martial Arts University..."

The last handwriting is vigorous and flamboyant, and it is obvious that the person who wrote it is very confident and happy.

Ye Ran continued to read.

Next, it is the instructor of Yujing Martial Arts University who devotes all his efforts to studying everything about the Black Demon Grandmaster.

He watched patiently, and time passed slowly.

Finally, Ye Ran's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at a certain place on the notebook and murmured.

"The Secret Scroll of the Dark Devil?"

(There is still one chapter, around one o'clock. If it doesn't come out after the time, it means it's stuck for review. Don't wait.)

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