What Ye Ran saw were the last two pages.

This is basically a summary.

This instructor at Yujing Martial Arts University is not only extremely talented, he is also a perseverant person who has gone through great pains to collect all kinds of information.

He even risked his life to sneak into the Black Seal Tower in order to learn more about the Dark Master.

With such painstaking efforts, he really uncovered many mysteries of the Dark Master.

Of course, the mysterious power of the Black Demon Grandmaster all relies on the secret black magic that martial masters call evil magic.

So the real research is on the secrets of black magic.

The instructor of Yujing Martial Arts University said that although the origin of the black magic secret technique is unknown, it is definitely not created by the black magic master as rumored.

The source of the dark magic is suspected to be an ancient sheepskin scroll called the Black Devil Secret Scroll.

It is said that there are ninety-nine strange and mysterious techniques recorded in the ancient scrolls.

The higher the serial number, the more powerful the secret skill will be.

The secret technique numbered ninety-nine is called Black Magic Fog, which is the foundation and top priority of all other secret techniques.

The black magic mist is treacherous, has amazing corrosive power, and has enough storage. The damage it does to soldiers is not inferior to the legendary gold-devouring fire-eating Yang Yan.

Therefore, mastering this kind of fog can be said to be invincible with equal combat power.

Moreover, this fog also has the characteristic of delayed explosion, and the power of the explosion is quite huge...

When writing this, Zhang Yuhai, the instructor of Yujing Wuhan University, was still taking a rigorous attitude. He added that the explosive characteristics were just rumors and he had not found any evidence for the time being.

Seeing this, Ye Ran shook his head slightly, and black mist appeared in his palm.

This characteristic is indeed true.

I just didn't expect that the name of this black mist is so simple, it's called Black Demonic Mist.

He continued to read.

Instructor Zhang Yuhai explained that he guessed that the Black Demon Knife was a secret technique in the Black Demon Secret Scroll.

As for the serial number, it is not yet known.

In addition, there may be something wrong with the Black Devil Seed in the Black Devil Knife, which is the rumored Black Devil Treasure.

He also suspected that the Black Demon Grandmaster's purpose of leaving this treasure was not simple, because the actual number of Black Demon knives actually exceeded a thousand.

Moreover, there was not only one Black Demon Seed, but by the time he counted it, three had been found.

Based on the data he collected, he boldly speculated that the total number of black devil seeds should be eight to ten.

And every black devil seed is different.

The three golden patterns on the seeds each contain a secret technique. Except for the first golden pattern, it is the basic black magic mist.

The remaining two golden patterns contain different secret techniques.

There is one with a serial number of ninety-eight, and another with a serial number of sixty-four. They are very different from each other. It all depends on luck.

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, thinking of the black shield that the bearded man used before.

That should be a kind of black magic secret technique.

He took out his own seed and looked at the two shining golden lines on it with a strange expression.

After regaining consciousness a little, he continued to look at the notebook.

The remaining content is not much, it is probably instructor Zhang Yuhai’s inferences about practicing the secret art of black magic, and some emotions.

The inference is that if you want to practice the black magic secret technique, you need to accumulate the black magic mist to a certain level, otherwise you will not be able to sense the golden patterns on the seeds.

The feeling is that this black magic secret technique fortunately has shortcomings. The black magic mist is one-time use and needs to be replenished after consumption.

Otherwise, the Black Demon Grandmaster's strongest record was not the one who killed the Grand Master, but the Martial Master...

Ye Ran's pupils narrowed slightly, and then he let out a breath.

Regardless of anything else, he has now cleared up all his doubts about the dark magic.

The last line of the page said that instructor Zhang Yuhai had researched the characteristics of the Black Demon Knife, which must contain the seeds of the Black Demon.

At the same time, he recalled that there was a black magic knife in the Black Seal Tower, which met the requirements, so he took the risk and returned to the Black Seal Tower.

"Can all this be researched?"

Ye Ran was shocked and really admired them. He had also obtained several black magic knives in the past, but no matter what level they were, they looked exactly the same.

Then his heart skipped a beat. Is there any way to identify this?

His heart was pounding and he quickly turned to the last page, feeling overjoyed.

There really is a way, and it's an easier way to identify.

As long as you use Dragon Song Grass, white lime, green tail orchid... and other mixed liquids, place it on the Black Demon Sword, and the one that shines will shine...

Ye Ran's pupils suddenly shrank and he stared at

Blurred words.

Dark magic...evil magic...unknown...

Ye Ran's heart suffocated. This was the handwriting of instructor Zhang Yuhe, and the notebook was completely over at this point.

It's not finished, it's more like a sudden interruption.

He looked at the two black devil seeds, then looked at the black devil mist in his hand, and pondered for a long time.

Finally shook his head.

Forget it, no matter what the ominousness is, practice first and talk about other things later.

As long as your fist is hard enough and your strength is strong enough, you are not afraid of anything.

He closed the notebook, rested himself, and stood up to leave.

Half an hour later.

Ye Ran looked at the corpses on the ground in front of him and frowned slightly.

It seems that he still underestimated the preciousness of the warrior key and the black devil seed.

Even the martial arts masters had died so many, including several fifth-level martial arts masters, one of whom he had even met not long ago.

He glanced around and sighed in his heart when he saw the tall, thin old man on the ground with his eyes wide open and a sword piercing his abdomen.

The life of a warrior is sometimes so fragile.

"I was lucky enough to pick up a big leak. Most people won't doubt me, but you still have to be careful. These people have gone crazy now..."

Ye Ran looked over the corpses and muttered to himself.

There were too many corpses on the ground. Many of them had their arms chopped off, obviously because they were busy fighting.

They didn't even bother to search them, they just chopped off their arms and took them away, and searched them again when they returned.

At the same time, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

But none of the strange beasts, who always had a keen sense of smell, dared to approach.

The strange beasts were not stupid. The smell of blood was so strong that they would not rush to die if a large-scale killing occurred.

Ye Ran rushed all the way and suddenly saw a large blue tent in front of him. There were two middle-aged men standing in front of the tent.

The two middle-aged men said grimly: "All passers-by, stop and search!"


A young man said angrily: "Is this the road opened by your family?"


A big pit was blown out on the ground.

One of the grim middle-aged men slowly retracted his palm.

Seeing this, the young man was frightened and his face turned pale. He hurriedly said: "Master Wushi, you can search as you like, I will cooperate with you."

Other passers-by also passed by helplessly.

"And that young man, come here too."

A cold middle-aged man looked at Ye Ran who was not far away.

Ye Ran took a quick look and saw two level five martial artists, which was a big deal.

But his physique was not bad now, and with the Yaoguang Seven Star Step, he could leave without caring about the two of them.

"It's a good time to try the Yaoguang Seven Star Step."

He was thinking, and his blood and qi just started to flow, and suddenly his pupils shrank slightly.

Another burly man walked out of the tent.

The man had a cold face, and his blood and qi naturally overflowed. He didn't release it actively, but it still gave people a terrible pressure.

"Level six martial artist?!"

Ye Ran's face changed completely.

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