Ye Ran remained calm, suppressed his blood and walked over.

The burly man looked at everyone and said calmly: "An important person in my Yunchuan City has disappeared. He is carrying our city's treasure."

"So everyone cooperate with us. After the inspection, we will let you go. We won't make things difficult for you."

"Don't worry, we will cooperate with you."

"Go ahead and search."

Everyone responded.

There were seven or eight people in total, and each of them searched very carefully.

It took a full half an hour before it was Ye Ran's turn.

"You are the only one missing."

The two cold middle-aged men looked indifferent.

Ye Ran hesitated and whispered: "Can you not search me, I, I..."

"What's wrong with you?"

A cold middle-aged man frowned.

The other shook his head, "Forget it, he is so young, and Wang Sen is a martial artist, it must have nothing to do with him."

"Don't search, let him go."

"Thank you."

Ye Ran was overjoyed and was about to leave quickly.

"Is it really a teenager?"

At this time, the burly man of the sixth-level martial arts master said indifferently.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of Ye Ran and tore it off casually.

A human skin mask was torn off, revealing Ye Ran's original appearance.


The burly man was slightly startled, looking at Ye Ran's childish face, frowned and said, "Why are you wearing this human skin mask?"

He originally thought that under this mask, there was an adult face, but he didn't expect it was still a teenager.

"The wilderness is too dangerous. I am so handsome. Boys have to protect themselves when they go out."

Ye Ran said timidly, clenching the space ring in his hand.

The burly man's mouth twitched.

The two cold middle-aged men next to him couldn't help laughing.

Other passers-by who had been searched also smiled.

"Take out the things in your hand."

The burly man glanced and found the abnormality in Ye Ran's hand, and said in a cold voice.

"Take it out, we're just checking it, we won't take your things."

"Don't worry, we are all martial artists, we won't covet your things."

The two cold middle-aged men also laughed.

Ye Ran clenched his palms, hesitant, "It's really nothing, can we not search it?"

Seeing this, the two cold middle-aged men gradually looked serious, "What is in your hand?"


Ye Ran hesitated, not knowing what to say, but still refused to let go.


The burly man snorted coldly, stretched out his palm, and forcibly shook Ye Ran's right hand away, and the blood and qi flew over with a space ring.

"I want to see what it is that makes you so guilty!"

He looked indifferent and poured out all the items in the space ring.

Suddenly, there was a pile of messy items on the ground, including cash, tents for survival in the wilderness, soldiers... and a pile of clothes.

But unexpectedly, those clothes were all clothes for young women, from underwear to coats.

Every piece of clothing was very fashionable and beautiful.

The burly man was stunned, staring blankly at the red omen with lace in his hand, and felt a little hot for some reason.

After a period of silence.


The first ones who couldn't help it were the two cold middle-aged men, who couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

The burly man glared at the two of them coldly, and they restrained themselves.

But just as he retracted his gaze, laughter broke out in succession not far away, and those passers-by laughed and fell forward and backward.

The burly man was immediately upset, but something more painful came again.

"Woo, I'm not going to live anymore."

Ye Ran covered his face, snatched the omen, twisted his butt, and ran to hit the tree in a seductive posture.


The burly man couldn't help but swear, and quickly put away everything, threw the space ring to Ye Ran, and said with a dark face.

"Go, go!"

Ye Ran cried and twisted his butt to leave.

The burly man was so annoyed that he didn't even want to look at him anymore. He looked at other passers-by and took out a photo and said.

"Everyone, if you see this person, please contact us in Yunchuan City as soon as possible. There will be a big reward!"

Ye Ran glanced at it and his heart skipped a beat.

The photo showed a short and stout bearded man, the one he had killed before.

The other party's space ring was in his arms now. Fortunately, it was not searched...

After the burly man finished speaking, he hurried back to the tent and never came out again.

On the other side.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ye Ran stopped and vomited.

Damn, I almost got sick of myself.

He was a little speechless, but fortunately, he finally got rid of it, otherwise he would have been searched.

Thanks to these things, he had not thrown them away, so they helped a lot today, otherwise it would be hard to say just now.

He didn't stay any longer and left quickly.


Three days later.

The core area of ​​the wasteland.

Under the huge tree.

Ye Ran took a step forward, his feet were covered with blue starlight, and his body was extremely fast, and he flew more than ten meters away in an instant.

Then, he punched down.

Star-shattering Sun Fist!


A huge black bull beast, without even reacting, had its head exploded, and its body fell heavily.


A sharp eagle cry sounded in the sky.

Ye Ran's face changed slightly, and without saying a word, he grabbed the body of the black bull beast and used the Seven Star Steps to escape.

As soon as he left, a huge black eagle more than ten meters long swooped down from his back foot, grabbing the ground with its claws.

The ground suddenly cracked, and huge cracks appeared.

The black eagle looked around with sharp eyes, and after not finding any figure, it cried angrily and soared into the air.

Not far away, in a tree hole.

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past two days, after entering the inner area of ​​the wasteland, there are more and more powerful beasts, and level 5 beasts are not uncommon.

Like the black eagle just now, it is extremely powerful and cannot be encountered at all. If it encounters, he can't even last a second.

And the Limu Wasteland is just an ordinary wasteland. The remaining eleven wastelands leading to Tianque City are more dangerous than this.

"The road is still long, take your time."

Ye Ran exhaled lightly, without putting too much pressure on himself.

He took out the body of the black bull he had just killed, and the black magic mist on his body surged out and quickly devoured it.

Soon, the black magic mist slowly retracted.

At this time, the black magic mist was extremely large, and it could cover most of his body, no less than the beard at the beginning.

Ye Ran looked at the black mist on his body, pondered for a moment, and took out two black magic seeds.

There was only one golden pattern on the first one.

There were two on the other one.

He tried to sense the golden patterns on the two seeds.

The first seed had no reaction, and on the second seed, a golden pattern suddenly disappeared under the golden light.

Seeing this, Ye Ran was delighted.

His consciousness quickly sank into his mind.

A new message emerged in his mind at this time.

[Serial number sixty-six: Secret Art Black Magic Cocoon. ]

[Secret Art Effect: Concealing Breath, Defense. ]

"Serial number sixty-six?"

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly. The serial number was not low, and this secret art should be good.

He controlled the black magic mist and began to condense the black magic cocoon.

The black magic secret art does not need to be practiced. Once you master the practice method, you can use it directly.

Gradually, the black mist on his body condensed, and finally formed a large black cocoon, wrapping him up.

Not long after, a red-eyed rabbit with three ears jumped into the tree hole.

The rabbit lay on the side, not noticing the existence of the black cocoon, and soon fell into a deep sleep.


The black cocoon broke.

Ye Ran reached out and chopped off the rabbit's head with a knife, with a thoughtful look on his face.

This ability to conceal the breath is not bad, but I don't know how good the defense ability is. However, the black magic mist is a disposable item, and he is reluctant to consume it.

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