The Fierce Dragon Beast Lord was confused with anger.

In anger, he stretched out a hand and suddenly slapped Ye Ran to death.

This is of course a useless effort.

However, this move still attracted the attention of the human side.

Grandmaster Wuji couldn't hold it in any longer on the spot, and kept laughing wildly, "Lord Split Beast, do you think this grandmaster is not happy enough and are you looking for fun for me?"

Grand Master Hengyang looked at the human-shaped light group formed by Ye Ran in confusion. He felt that the voice was very familiar. He had heard it somewhere before.

But he didn't think much about it and said with a smile: "Lord Fierce Dragon Beast, there is no need to become angry in shame."

"It's nothing. It's just a young man who is a third-level warrior among us humans. He has robbed you of a beast king's biggest opportunity. This is not a big deal."

"At most, it will be published in the Global Daily tomorrow, and everyone will know about it. It will be used as a conversation piece for us humans after dinner, and we can laugh at it from time to time..."

"You two juniors, it's your turn to mock me!"

Fierce Dragon Beast Lord gritted his teeth, completely lost his grace, and said in a stern tone, "Speech is not a skill!"

"It really doesn't count. The younger generation we value has not been robbed of Dao Yun and lost his first-class bloodline magical power."

A young grandmaster said hey: "We have become mentally balanced."

As he spoke, he also imitated the appearance of Lord Lielong Wu just now, with a stern look on his face and a faint smile.

"Why should you leave in such a hurry? Our clan has a new genius beast king who has survived the triple Thunder Lake Tribulation. This is considered a happy event. It is better to stay and see more."

"After all, this genius beast king is about to be snatched away by a third-level warrior from you humans. If you stay and watch for a while, you can have more fun."


As soon as these words came out, many human masters present held their stomachs and fell forward with laughter.

The laughter was deafening.

Even a stable old master like Grand Master Hengyang couldn't hold himself tight. He laughed until he coughed, and he coughed heavily while laughing.

"Okay, Qingyuan, please stop saying a few words. Lielong Wuzun holds a grudge the most, so be careful of it targeting you."

Grand Master Hengyang smiled and told the young master to stop talking.

The young grandmaster chuckled, as if he had heard of the reputation of Lielong Martial Lord, and did not dare to really anger him anymore.

But this time, it can be called a critical hit.

He directly stunned Lielong Wuzun, his body trembled, his face was ferocious, he looked up to the sky and let out an angry dragon roar.

The expressions of the other beast kings around him all changed, they did not dare to get into trouble and remained silent.

And the other side.

Ye Ran looked anxious. The thunderous wine glass in front of him was completely illusory and was about to dissipate.

The Tao Yun inside also shook and seemed very unstable.

At the same time below.

That green ice snake had such a tenacious vitality that it was not dead even after being so seriously injured.

At this time, although the snake's body was covered with scars, the small bump on the top of its head had successfully transformed into an horn.

Three bloody holes were also broken under the body, and three bloody claws grew out.

There are also pieces of scales that are peeling off automatically. The body is slowly growing, and it has obviously completely turned into a dragon!

As long as he recovers from his injuries and swallows a lot of energy and blood, he can truly transform into a master-level cold dragon!

At this time, the Bihan Ice Snake, dragging its broken body, rushed towards Ye Ran crazily.

"Damn humans, give me back my Tao Yun!"

Next to him, the black dragon also slowly raised his head.

Although he was in the stage of transforming into a dragon and could not take action, he looked at Ye Ran with cold eyes, as if he had recognized him.

Seeing this, Ye Ran no longer hesitated and sneered: "The matter has come to this, I won't hide it anymore."

"Today, I, Li Yuanqing, robbed Dao Yun under my real name!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the various beasts on the original ancient tree and said disdainfully: "I'm not afraid to tell you."

"I am from the Li family in Tianque City, and my brother Li Yuanzhou is ranked seventy-eight in the martial arts rankings!"

"You guys are a bunch of stinking fish and rotten shrimps. My brother will beat you up casually. If you don't accept it, come to my Li's house and have a fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Ran suddenly drank Daoyun in one gulp!

There was dead silence.

Everyone on the Origin Ancient Tree was stunned.

And the Tao Yun disappeared, and the original ancient tree also gradually dispersed, but before disappearing.

The Fierce Dragon Beast Lord suddenly sneered.

"Tianque Li family, okay, I will remember it!"

The low angry voices of other beast kings also sounded, "Tianbang martial artist Li Yuanzhou, Li family, hum!"

On the human side, one of the smiling Grandmasters suddenly changed his face and roared angrily.

"Slander, this is naked slander, it has nothing to do with our Li family..."

The original ancient tree disappeared completely, and his voice stopped abruptly.

at the same time.


The green ice snake below saw Ye Ran swallowing Dao Yun and let out a shrill scream.

As if he had suffered a major blow, blood suddenly burst out everywhere on his body.

The black dragon finally couldn't hold it back any longer, and its huge body trembled slightly.

For a moment, a terrifying majesty overflowed.

The entire deep pool boiled in an instant, and the surface of the pool was like hot water boiling, with hot water bubbles popping out.

But Ye Ran couldn't feel any of this. He just felt confused.

My mind went blank for a while, and all thoughts seemed to disappear.

This feeling is very strange, a bit similar to epiphany, but it is obviously stronger than epiphany.

It goes beyond the emptiness of the mind, and is more like a kind of enlightenment.

But Ye Ran actually forgot what he wanted to do.

Just froze in place.

At this time, he vaguely heard a voice, an old voice, domineering and confident.

It seemed to be chanting... Pure... Pure Yang... Pure Yang Heavenly Sword!


Something seemed to be broken on his neck.

Ye Ran instinctively reached out and touched it, and touched a broken jade knife, which was a pendant.

The knife turned into liquid and melted into his palm.

At the same time, a hunched back appeared in his mind, it was an old man.

The old man was wearing a coarse linen shirt, holding an ordinary long knife in his hand, standing with his back to him, and spoke slowly.

"Everyone says that my strongest martial arts is the top master martial arts I created, the Wanfa Daoyu, but that's not true."

"I was attacked by the Beast Lord in the wilderness. When I was facing life and death, I entered a state of enlightenment and realized a sword."

"I survived successfully with this sword. This is... the sword I slashed at the Martial Lord!"

"This sword has surpassed the master martial arts and touched a whole new realm."

"This sword is the essence of what I have learned in my life, and I have lived an open and aboveboard life. This sword is called... Pure Yang Heaven Sword!"

Ye Ran suddenly opened his eyes, his expression was dazed, and the time in the outside world had only passed for a short breath.

Below, the Bihan Ice Snake rubbed the black dragon.

In a shrill voice, with sadness and perversity, he said: "Jun, don't fail at the last hurdle!"

The terrifying aura and majesty of the black dragon gradually withdrew, and the entire deep pool slowly became calm.

Then, the Jade Ice Snake looked at Ye Ran and said with hatred: "Human, I will remember you."

"When I recover from my injuries, I will slaughter all the surrounding ten cities!"

Ye Ran was still a little confused, stuck in the state just now, and hadn't recovered when he heard this.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, as if in a stress reaction, he instinctively raised his hand and swung a knife.

Pure Yang Heavenly Sword...

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