
The ground at the bottom of the pool suddenly split into two halves with a loud noise, and a huge crack emerged.

On both sides of the crack were half of the snake body.

The Jade Ice Snake... was cut off.

The black dragon was stunned and stared at the Jade Ice Snake that was cut into two halves.

The knife was very heavy, and it just happened to cut the Jade Ice Snake on the wound on its waist, directly cutting it in half.

As the knife fell, a huge illusory ancient tree appeared in the air.

It was the origin ancient tree.

The origin ancient tree only appears when the master is born or falls.

But this time, it was very unstable, and the phantom flickered.

But it did not affect the many light balls that appeared on it.

The human side and the alien beast side left not long ago, and they were inevitably a little stunned at this time.

"Could it be that someone has broken through the master again, and it is from my alien beast clan?"

A king of alien beasts hesitated.

The human side frowned.

Then, the alien beast side soon found something wrong and was extremely angry, "A beast king is going to die!"

"Damn it, this seems to be the newly promoted cold dragon just now, what's going on, it just broke through and is going to die?"

"What happened, who did it, damn it!"

The human side was also very confused, and asked each other which master had taken action.

Because they could only see the light ball and could not see the specific scene, they naturally did not know where the cold dragon broke through.

So according to common sense, there are very few alien beasts who are unlucky. They were discovered and killed by the human masters nearby just after breaking through the master.

"Wait, there are masters of my beast clan helping the cold dragon, forcibly extending its life, and holding on to a breath!"

Suddenly, a beast king sensed something and said in a deep voice.

"It's good to be saved, but it has also hurt its origin. It is estimated that it will take two or three years to rest before it can fully recover."

"Two or three years is not a long time, it is better than dying."

"That's right..."

Other beast kings breathed a sigh of relief.

The human side frowned, not quite sure why the Grandmaster who took action didn't deal with it completely.

Suddenly someone said: "Could it be that the third-level warrior boy just now, he stole the Dao Yun, and then..."

"Impossible, even if a cold dragon is seriously injured, it is definitely not something that a third-level warrior can hurt."

"Yes, it should be someone else."

At this time, a Grandmaster suddenly thought of something, and shouted anxiously at the beast kings.

"The third-level warrior who just stole the Dao Yun was not me, Li..."


The shadow of the origin ancient tree shattered.

At the same time.

Tianque City, Li Family.

In the deepest courtyard.

An old man was stunned for a moment, then roared angrily, "Damn the origin ancient tree, can't you wait for me to finish?"

The old man was extremely angry, and he had no place to vent his anger. Suddenly he thought of something and his face was gloomy.

Who did Li Yuanzhou, this bastard, offend to put such a big blame on him? No, I have to deal with this bastard!

The other members of the Li family instinctively shrank their necks when they heard the roar.

I don’t know why the Grandmaster is angry.

In the pavilion, a man in his early thirties with a fair face suddenly sneezed heavily.

He looked suspicious.

What’s going on? Why does he feel that someone is thinking about him?

“Yuanzhou, Second Grandfather is looking for you.”

After a while, a middle-aged man came over with an unnatural look.

“Second Grandfather?”

Li Yuanzhou was stunned. Second Grandfather was the Grandmaster who was angry just now.

“Brother, did you make Second Grandfather angry again?”

Li Yuanzhou stood up with a smile, “Second Grandfather loves me the most. When he gets angry, he asks me to coax him.”

“Don’t worry, look at me for a while, and I will make him happy.”


The middle-aged man touched his nose, his expression a little strange.

I don’t know whether Second Grandfather is happy or not, but if nothing unexpected happens, your leg should be broken.

Limu Wasteland.

Deep pool.

Ye Ran took a deep breath and looked at the calm deep pool in front of him. Instead, he felt particularly uneasy.

After he just slashed that knife, he felt that something was wrong. He immediately turned around and ran while the black dragon was in a daze.

"Although the Jade Ice Snake has not yet transformed, with its current body strength, it should not die even if I cut it in half."

Ye Ran thought of this and breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was really afraid that the Jade Ice Snake would die. It was not because he was soft-hearted.

It would be better if all the strange beasts died.

The main concern was that if the Jade Ice Snake died, the black dragon would go crazy and directly interrupt the dragon transformation state, and the surrounding cities would be in disaster.

So it would be best if it didn't die, and his knife would definitely injure it so badly that it couldn't recover in a short time.

"This knife should buy two or three months, right?"

Ye Ran hesitated, a little unconfident.

For a strange beast of this level, he couldn't infer the extent of the injury and the time it would take to recover.

But for now, he could only leave first and then find a way to contact Grandmaster Hengyang.

Thinking of this, he fell silent.

On the ancient tree of origin, he had seen three or four revived human martial masters.

But now, no martial master has come here to deal with the black dragon that is transforming into a dragon.

"Putting hope on others is never as good as relying on yourself!"

Ye Ran murmured. He once again realized the importance of strength and wanted to become stronger urgently.

Without thinking any more, he quickly turned around and left.

At this time, at the bottom of the deep pool.

The black dragon opened its mouth, and in its ferocious mouth, it actually contained half of an ice-blue snake body, which was the upper body of the Jade Ice Snake.

Drops of liquid dripped from the dragon's mouth, dripping on the remains of the Jade Ice Snake, maintaining its vitality.

At the same time, it was also dispelling the silver-white blade light on the remains.

Seeing these silver-white blade lights, the black dragon's eyes flashed with humanized murderous intent and a bit of confusion.

The knife of that damn human boy just now was really too strange.

This blade light was caused by that knife, and it was also the real reason why the Jade Ice Snake almost died.

Ordinary injuries, even if the body is cut off, will not be fatal, but the power contained in the blade is really strange...


A weak female voice came from the dragon's mouth, "It is difficult to transform into a dragon, you must, must not fail at the last moment."

The black dragon heard the words, and its cold eyes softened rarely, and it fell into a deep sleep quietly.


Inside the tree hole.

Ye Ran looked at his right arm, which was covered with blood and cracked skin, and grimaced in pain.

Just now, he didn't react to the pure Yang knife, and instinctively cut out a white blade, and then his arm was almost scrapped.

Even if he is now a fifth-level martial artist, he can't bear it.

"It's worthy of being a knife that cuts towards the martial arts master. This is already, not a master-level martial arts, right?"

Ye Ran sighed a little. The great master of the knife prison was really powerful. He didn't rely on the Dao Yun to comprehend such a knife.

Thinking of the Dao Yun, he felt a little pain in his balls.

In the end, those Dao essences were almost wasted. He only comprehended them for a few seconds.

Although it was only a few seconds, he had already deduced two S-level martial arts, as well as other martial arts such as the Cloud Breath Technique, to perfection.

But the remaining Dao essences naturally disappeared a lot, and the ones that did not disappear were all used to deduce the Pure Yang Heavenly Blade.

But the Pure Yang Heavenly Blade has already stepped half a step into the martial arts of the martial arts master level, so it is naturally not that easy to deduce.

Until now, there is a big gap between the initial entry realm and he can just use it simply.

"Who cares? As long as it is not obtained by the alien beast, it is a big profit."

Ye Ran had a good mentality. Then, his eyes flickered and he looked at the deduction button in the achievement panel.

In fact, it is not that there are no other gains.

For example, this new deduction option: Sword Skills Specialization (Great Accomplishment)...

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