In the trading area.

Ye Ran followed the guarding warrior to a store that collected illicit goods. Seeing the things he took out, the store owner was a little surprised.

The guarding warrior's face changed wildly, "Are you really not a wanted criminal?"

"No way, I'm a good person."

Ye Ran said sincerely, and continued to take things out, but he was very cautious and did not take out any of the items related to the bearded man.

Yunchuan City is very close to here, and there was a sixth-level martial artist who came out to look for people before.

So be careful if you can.

Of course, other items, including Zhou Yihe's things, don't need to be so taboo.

One by one, bloody war soldiers, inner armor, ordinary ores, and spiritual medicines were taken out.

In the Limu Wasteland, Ye Ran would encounter hunting teams that robbed and killed warriors every now and then, and he dealt with them all.

So he gained a lot.

Seeing so many things, the store owner who specializes in collecting illicit goods was not calm, and his expression was very unnatural.

The guarding warrior's face turned green, and he said you are not a wanted criminal? !

"I am really not a wanted criminal."

Seeing the expressions of the two, Ye Ran sighed, why is it so difficult to be a good person, he added.

"By the way, only cash is needed, my bank card has been blocked by the Martial Alliance, and it can't be used..."

Hearing this, the shop owner and the guarding warrior both had stiff expressions.


A moment.

Ye Ran walked out of the store and shook his head gently.

The shop owner couldn't take out such a large amount of cash, so he finally exchanged some precious ores.

Ores and other things, even if they are not swallowed by the Gold Devouring Yangyan, it would be good to accumulate them and build a war soldier in the future.

"By the way, where is the shop that repairs war soldiers?"

He looked at the guarding warrior next to him.

"That... over there."

The guarding warrior trembled.

"Okay, take me there."

"I'll tell you the location, go by yourself."


Ye Ran said faintly: "I never rob people alive, I always beat them to death and then search them."

"I'll take you there, take you there!"

The guarding warrior had a sad face, and he rolled and crawled, taking him to a war weapon shop quickly, and then turned around and ran away when he was not paying attention.

Ye Ran didn't care, anyway, he already knew where the place where the identity was forged was.

He walked into the war weapon shop. The owner was a burly old man with two arms that were frighteningly thick.

In the backyard of the shop, the hot flames were blazing, and the sound of hammering iron kept coming.

"Little kid, do you want to buy a war weapon or do something else?"

The burly old man asked, his voice full of energy, in sharp contrast to his white hair.

"Repair the war weapon."

Ye Ran said, and took out a war knife, which was the A-level war knife in the bearded man's hand before, but it had been burned beyond recognition by the gold-eating sun flame.

It was unrecognizable at all.

Pure Yang Heavenly Sword is his strongest martial art at present. Using the arm will cause too much damage to the arm, so he still needs a war weapon.

"A-level war weapon, hiss, what kind of strange fire burned it, and it turned into this?"

The burly old man was shocked and took the war weapon quickly.

"Can it be repaired?" Ye Ran asked.

"Yes, it can be repaired, but it requires some rare ores, and if it is urgent, the price is also very high."

The burly old man checked the war weapon.

Shaked his head and said, "Of course, if you don't need it urgently, it can be cheaper."

"I have the ores, you can repair the war knife as quickly as possible, money is not a problem."

Ye Ran is very confident, "The thing I lack the least is money."

A moment.

Ye Ran walked out of the store with a painful face, "My Lord, why is it so expensive?"

He was extremely painful and left reluctantly.

Although it cost a lot of money, it was indeed very efficient. He could come to pick up the war weapon in half a day.

While there was still some time, Ye Ran came to the place where he could forge his identity.

The shop is in the corner of the trading area, very small, and the storefront is ordinary.

Ye Ran walked over and was about to open the door when a bald man with a fierce look came out in a hurry.

The two almost bumped into each other.

"Damn, you little brat, don't you have eyes?"

The bald man cursed.

"Get out!"

Ye Ran stretched out his hand and casually pushed the bald man, who was struck by lightning and hit the wall next to him.

The bald man was horrified and looked at his back as he walked in. He wanted to say a few harsh words, but thinking of the terrifying power from that hand just now, he left in a huff.

Inside the store.

Ye Ran didn't care too much. He would only return the favor when others respected him. As for encountering such arrogant and arrogant people.

He wouldn't indulge them either. He would beat them when they should.

He glanced at the store and found that it was dark. There was no light on. The store was in the corner and the light was insufficient.

At the moment, he couldn't see anything.

"What do you want?"

A hoarse voice sounded in the darkness, very old, it seems to be an old man.

Ye Ran looked over and saw an old man with scars all over his face, wiping a cup in the corner.

The moment the old man saw him, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"I want to get an identity."

Ye Ran said lightly: "An ordinary identity that can enter the city will do."

"Ahem, okay, but you need to take off the mask on your face, I have to confirm whether you are from the Wumeng first."

The old man coughed and said: "You also know that our business is not open to the public."

"It's good that the Wumeng didn't get the evidence. If they get the evidence, it will be troublesome."


Ye Ran didn't hesitate and took off the human skin mask on his face.

The moment he saw his true face, the scarred old man's eyes flashed with joy, and then he pretended to be relieved and said, "It's OK."

"Fill in the identity requirements you want, and then pay the deposit. Your new identity will be available in three days."


Ye Ran nodded, paid the deposit, turned around and left, and suddenly stopped halfway.

He turned back and asked, "You should have just broken through to the fourth level martial artist, right?"


The old man was stunned.

"Nothing, I feel that your blood and qi are very unstable, as if you just broke through not long ago."

Ye Ran smiled and turned to leave.

The moment he turned around, a cold flashed in his eyes. This guy came to find him specifically!

He noticed the other party's subtle expression just now.

But now, he can't figure out where the other party came from.

Is he from Yunchuan City, the Li family, or Deputy Minister Xu's people...

In short, he can't stay too long!

Get the war weapon in half a day and leave immediately.

Ye Ran made a decision in his heart.

After he left, the old man in the shop lit a candle and took off the mask on his face.

Under the dim candlelight, a calm middle-aged man's face was revealed.

It was Zhang Zhenshui, a member of the Black Seal Tower who was released by Deputy Minister Xu.

"Deputy Minister Xu is indeed shrewd and can infer that Ye Ran will come here in the next two days based on the clues obtained from Limu Wasteland."

Zhang Zhenshui's eyes were dim. It was Deputy Minister Xu who gave him advice, so he used this method to wait and see.

Unexpectedly, it really worked.

Now that Ye Ran has been found, he will be able to complete the task and survive successfully soon.


A hint of sarcasm suddenly flashed in Zhang Zhenshui's eyes.

Deputy Minister Xu, do you think I can't guess that you are secretly following me? After I solve Ye Ran, you will get rid of me?

Unfortunately, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind...

I have secretly informed my captain in the Black Seal Tower, he is a sixth-level martial artist!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhenshui couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the end, he still laughed last!

In the trading area.

In another store, a slightly wealthy middle-aged man was talking to the owner with a smile, and he glanced at Zhang Zhenshui's store from time to time.

He smiled faintly in his heart.

Who is the yellow bird? It's not certain.

Sending a letter to the Black Seal Tower, do you think your letter can be sent out if I don't agree?

You want to laugh last, but you're still a little short...

At the same time.

Ye Ran's right eyelid twitched suddenly, and he instinctively felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and there was an inexplicable sense of panic.

He was silent for a while, and finally sighed.

He was still careless.

This was being targeted by someone, and that person definitely had the strength to crush him, so there would be such a dangerous sign.

But he is not an omnipotent and omniscient god who can predict everything, and it is normal to make mistakes.

As for the current crisis...

"Since I embarked on this road, I have already thought about facing all the troubles and disasters!"

A bit of madness flashed in Ye Ran's eyes.

Since he ignored everyone's dissuasion, gave up the bright future, and walked this dangerous and thorny road, it means that he has never been afraid.

He is still brave and courageous, and he is still the first-level warrior who dares to hunt down the martial artist!


"Come on, let's see who can laugh last!"

(The chapters I owe will be made up slowly.)

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