Ye Ran went to various shops and began to buy the bodies of strange beasts. He was not stingy and almost spent all his money and resources.

In the end, all that was left on his body was the corpse of the black crystal beast, the blood essence and blood of the black dragon that he got last time, and more than a hundred black dragon scales.

Inside the last store.

Ye Ran took the corpse of the alien beast that was handed over, glanced at the essence and blood of the alien beast on the shelf, and asked thoughtfully.

"Shopkeeper, can you refine the essence and blood of alien beasts?"

"No, to refine this thing, you need a professional pharmacist and special equipment."

The shop owner shook his head, "Special instruments are easy to talk about, but my small shop can't afford a pharmacist."


Ye Ran nodded slightly, not too surprised. After all, the trading area was very different from the city.

Not many things.

Of course, even in the city, it would be difficult for him to find a pharmacist who could refine the black dragon essence and blood, the blood of such a master-level alien beast.

Otherwise, Grand Master Hengyang would not have helped personally last time, because he knew that it was difficult to find a senior pharmacist.

"If you are interested in pharmacists, I will give you a book."

The shopkeeper thought for a while and smiled: "This is a potion book I got by chance before. Since you bought so many goods, I give it to you for free."


Ye Ran took a book and turned to leave.

There were still about two hours before the sword was repaired, so he found a hotel where he could rest.

The small hotel is dilapidated and shabby. It is simply built with colored steel plates and looks very crude.

As soon as Ye Ran entered the room, he heard the sound of violent breathing and physical fighting coming from the next room, and he couldn't help but feel a little sick.

The sound insulation is so bad.

But there is nothing that can be done. A warrior is full of energy, and often the best way to rest is to vent his desires.

He threw away his distracting thoughts and took out the pharmacist's book and read it.

It turned out to be compiled by Yujing Wuhan University. It is very professional and contains detailed introductions about pharmacists.

The pharmacist's main business is actually refining qi and blood powder, and his side business is the essence and blood of alien beasts.

Ye Ran glanced at it for a few times, showing little interest, and was about to put it away. At this time, his eyes suddenly focused and he looked in one place.

[Zhang Yuhe: Warriors rely on the essence and blood of alien animals to break the physical limits and increase the upper limit of Qi and blood. This is the current mainstream practice.

However, when the wasteland first came in the early days, there was no essence and blood of alien beasts. How did the first batch of warriors break through? 】

Seeing this, Ye Ran's heart moved and he was a little stunned. He didn't expect to see this instructor Zhang Yuhe again.

This instructor is the one who studied the black devil seeds before.

However, this book was compiled by the entire Yujing Martial Arts University, and many instructors participated. It is not surprising that there are other teachers.

He continued to read.

[Zhang Yuhe: This issue is rarely mentioned now. Out of curiosity, I investigated it specifically.

It was discovered that the earliest batch of human warriors also used the blood of alien beasts to break through, but it was not the refined blood of alien beasts, but the blood of alien beasts. 】

Seeing this, Ye Ran's heart skipped a beat. The energy contained in the blood of alien beasts is very violent. If it is absorbed by force, it will easily explode!

Sure enough, Zhang Yuhe continued to write.

[Using the blood of alien beasts to break through, the chance of explosion is 99%, but I found that in the early stages of warriors breaking through, the mortality rate is not that high.

After collecting information, I discovered that early warriors had a special method of refining the blood of alien beasts, which was to use alien fire to refine it.

After refining the alien fire and absorbing the blood of alien beasts, the death rate can be reduced to 90%, with a full 9% success rate and a 1% chance of becoming a beast.

But if you transform into a beast, don't worry, there is a 1% chance, unless you are a child of destiny.

In the end, I was very emotional and lamented the sacrifices of our ancestors. If they had not stepped forward one after another and braved such a low survival rate to break through, it would be difficult for us humans to withstand the early wilderness invasion...]

at last

Ye Ran shook his head, feeling helpless.

I thought there was some good solution, but I didn't expect it to be mediocre. With a 10% survival rate, who would dare to bet on it.

But he thought about it and wrote down the method of refining the strange fire.

Although it is unlikely to be used, it will have no impact if you write it down.

Then, he began to take out the corpses of the strange beasts.

Black mist covered it.

The corpses of strange beasts were quickly devoured, containing some unknown essence.

The black fog gradually became more and more...


Three hours later, all the corpses of the alien beasts had been devoured, and the black mist on Ye Ran's body reached an unprecedented peak.


He stood up, and the black mist swept across his body, wrapping around his entire body and spreading to all directions.

"The black mist wraps around the whole body, there are about a hundred strands."

Ye Ran's eyes flashed. He now had 150 strands of black mist all over his body, which could be used almost three times.

After thinking for a moment, he took out two black devil seeds.

Then he took a deep breath, and with some expectation, the black mist covered the black devil seeds.

Soon, the last golden lines on the two black devil seeds disappeared.

At the same time, two illusory lights and shadows appeared in mid-air.

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment. The two lights and shadows were like two pieces of a nine-square puzzle.

Only when nine are gathered together can a complete pattern be formed.

The light and shadow record the mountains, rivers and other terrain, and it seems that the final pattern formed will be a map.


He was a little confused. Aren't these last two golden patterns a new secret technique of black magic?

At this time, the light and shadow flickered, and a line of writing appeared.

——The Secret Scroll of Darkness.

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, that dark magic volume that records all the dark magic secrets?

At this moment, light and shadow suddenly crashed into his mind.

He didn't panic, his eyes flickered, he didn't expect such a thing to exist.

However, a total of nine map fragments is too nonsense, and it takes only the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to collect them all.

Ye Ran shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He looked at the achievement panel and the deduction button on it.

Deduction - Chunyang Heavenly Sword (Basic proficiency 20%.)

"Two thousand achievement points should be able to push the proficiency level to 100% and reach the first entry level, right?"

He hesitated a little, but gritted his teeth and deduced it.

This is a half-step Wu Zun martial skill, which is a lot fiercer. It is currently the fastest way to improve his combat power.

In a moment, two thousand achievement points were consumed.

Ye Ran took a breath when he saw that he had only reached 60% proficiency. Damn it, two thousand achievement points can't even deduce the first entry into the realm?

"It is indeed a half-step martial arts master level."

He was a little helpless, and at the same time there was a hint of expectation. He didn't know how much power this martial skill could unleash.

After the golden patterns of the two black devil seeds disappeared, they still didn't disappear. They seemed to be composed of black devil mist and could be absorbed.

After Ye Ran absorbed the seeds, the black mist all over his body skyrocketed, tripling in size and growing to five hundred wisps of black magic mist.

He was overjoyed.

After sensing the time, the soldier is almost repaired.

Ye Ran got up, went to the war weapon shop, got the repaired A-level sword, and left the trading area.

At the same time, Zhang Zhenshui also followed him and left.

Finally, there is Vice Minister Xu.

The three of them left one after another, following each other's lead, like a mantis stalking a cicada with an oriole behind.

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