Ye Ran left the trading area, walked for a while, and stopped when he came to an open space with sandy slopes on all sides and a sunken center.

He looked around at his surroundings. Unknown small red trees with bare trunks stood scattered here and there.

An arm-long red lizard was lying on the tree, staring at him stupidly, as dumb as a lizard.

"This place is pretty good."

He nodded, walked up to the red lizard, and said kindly: "Can you do me a favor?"

The red lizard was stunned for a moment, and as soon as it came to its senses, it opened its mouth and bit fiercely, but was held down by a hand.

"If you don't speak, it seems you are acquiescing, good lizard!"

Ye Ran was a little moved. He exerted force with his palms and shattered the limbs of the red lizard. Then he held up its tail and looked around.

Soon, he found a sand dune, and with a slight movement in his heart, he placed the red lizard on the sand dune.

The red lizard had all its limbs severed and was unable to move. It could only be forced to lie on the ground.

Ye Ran placed an extremely fragile large glass bottle directly in front of him. Inside the glass bottle, a thick black mist could be faintly seen.

It is the black magic fog.

"For the black magic mist to explode, there must be a living creature or corpse to trigger it."

He murmured, opened the mouth of the bottle, and the red lizard was facing the mouth of the bottle. At the same time, he used the gold-devouring sun fire to light the tail of the red lizard.

This bit of gold-devouring Yangyan is very small. It would take about ten minutes to burn through the scales on the tail and burn the flesh and blood.

"Ten minutes, should be about the same."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered, and he followed the same pattern, quickly found seven or eight more red lizards, broke their legs and placed them on various sand dunes.

Although it was a bit cruel and he felt slightly uncomfortable, it was a strange beast after all, so there was no need to show mercy.

And he had to live.

Seven or eight lizards were placed in various sand dunes, covering the entire open space.

Ye Ran wasted no time, took out an oversized glass bottle, stuffed it into the belly of a strange beast corpse, and buried it in the sand slope on the left.

The oversized glass bottle contained a full 150 wisps of his black magic mist.

The power of the explosion is also quite terrifying.

Then, he took out the corpses of other strange beasts, more or less, and put them into glass bottles containing black magic mist.

In the end, it was consumed, almost three hundred wisps of black magic mist.

The rest can only support the Dark Demon Cocoon four times.

"Four times is enough."

Ye Ran took a breath and put away all the corpses of the strange beasts with glass bottles of black magic mist in their bellies.

After finishing this, only five minutes had passed.

He glanced around and saw an old man with a stooped figure and scars on his face walking slowly.

The old man saw him and jokingly said: "Little brother, you haven't created your fake identity yet, don't you want it?"

"I don't want your father anymore, you can keep it for yourself."

Ye Ran said coldly.

"There are only two and a half days left, little brother, don't be anxious..."

The scar-faced old man said, suddenly stunned, and then said with a gloomy face.

"No wonder you are in such a hurry to leave. It turns out that there is something wrong. You are worthy of being the star of Ningjiang, but I look down on you."

He tore off his hood, revealing the face of a shrewd and capable middle-aged man.

"Ningjiang Star, people who like to call me this are usually people from Ningjiang City. So you are sent by Vice Minister Xu?"

Ye Ran glanced around, "Where's Vice Minister Xu?"

"I want to kill you without Deputy Minister Xu taking action?"

Zhang Zhenshui sneered and strode over, "Kill you and I will be free."

"only you?"

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, with a stunned expression.

"Am I not enough?"

Zhang Zhenshui raised his eyebrows, the energy and blood in his body suddenly exploded, and a low thunder sounded in the air.

At the same time, a phantom of a red bird appeared behind him. The phantom of the red bird spread its wings and raised its head to the sky, making a clear sound. It looked domineering.

He put his hands behind his back, his robes drifting in the wind, and said with a faint smile on his face.

"That's enough now. I know you are pretty good, but you are facing a fourth-level martial artist..."


A punch suddenly hit him in the face.

Zhang Zhenshui was blown away on the spot, vomiting blood, and was hit hard on the sand, with fiery red sand splashing everywhere.

He coughed up blood, and at the same time raised his head blankly, looking at the young man walking slowly across from him.

The young man was glowing with golden light, with a black dragon shadow hovering behind him. He looked like a god and a demon, revealing both divinity and demonic nature.

"It turns out that you are the only weakling. I thought someone else was giving me pleasure in vain."

Ye Ran sighed, looking very disappointed.

"Weak...weak chicken?"

Zhang Zhenshui was in a daze. Am I not a martial artist? Why didn't he feel any fear when he saw me and looked down on me?

When a martial artist sees a martial artist, shouldn't he tremble with fear? Why does he say, "I'm a weakling?"

Everyone under a martial artist is a mortal, and the gap between a martial artist and a martial artist is just like a martial artist and an ordinary person. The gap is terrifyingly huge.

But there is such a huge gap, why doesn't this guy care at all, and takes the initiative to attack me, and even hurt me?

I'm obviously a martial artist!

For a moment, Zhang Zhenshui doubted life and felt that his three views had collapsed.

Suddenly, he got up with a ferocious face and said, "You bastard, you are looking for death!"

He burst out with all his energy and blood, and rushed forward suddenly. The phantom of the red bird with martial patterns behind him spread its wings and screamed ferociously.

The next moment.


A slap came so casually that Zhang Zhenshui vomited blood and flew backwards, falling again.

"The little bird behind you is not good."

Ye Ran shook his head, "Like you, a weakling!"

Zhang Zhenshui struggled to get up, his body swaying, and turned his head to look hard, only then did he see the shadow of Wu Wen behind him.

It was actually trembling and curled up.

He didn't dare to look at the boy opposite him, or the ferocious black dragon behind him.

Even if the shadow of the black dragon didn't make any move, even his eyes were indifferent, and he didn't even look at him, it still made his Wu Wen lose its combat effectiveness.

This is a natural rank suppression.


Zhang Zhenshui trembled, and then he saw the boy opposite him, slowly walking over, and punched again with an indifferent expression.

This punch was heavier than the previous one.

He flew out horizontally and fell heavily to the ground, coughing up blood crazily, coughing out lung fragments.

At the same time, his expression was listless, and he couldn't even get up.

At this time, a figure just came and walked in front of him, smiling and looking down.

"Deputy Minister Xu!"

Zhang Zhenshui looked up, as if he had seen a savior, and said in surprise and joy: "Luckily you are here, this Ye Ran..."


A foot suddenly stepped slowly on his chest.

Zhang Zhenshui looked horrified and said in fear: "Deputy Minister Xu, what are you going to do?"

The foot gradually exerted force.

Zhang Zhenshui's face turned pale and he breathed hard, "You can't... kill me. If you kill me... you will die too..."

"Are you trying to say that the Black Seal Tower strongman you notified will kill me?"

Deputy Minister Xu smiled faintly, "I don't know. Have you heard of An Yun, who has a good relationship with the 77th Tower Master of your Black Seal Tower?"

"An Yun?"

Zhang Zhenshui's pupils shrank suddenly, "An Yun, the An Yun who often passes on the internal information of the Dongyuan Province Wumeng to our Tower Master?"

"My name is Xu Yun."

Deputy Minister Xu smiled, "As for the Dongyuan Province Wumeng, although I am in Ningjiang City, my Xu family is still pretty good in Tianque City, so I know a lot about the Dongyuan Province Wumeng."

(There is another chapter, which will be released before 1 o'clock. If it is not released, it is stuck in the review.)

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