"It's you!"

Zhang Zhenshui was shocked. He had never expected that An Yun, the undercover who was so hidden that only the tower master knew about it, was actually Deputy Minister Xu!

You know, An Yun helped them with the Black Seal Tower and did a lot of things.

"When I give you this great gift, your tower master will not refuse the thing he promised me."

Deputy Minister Xu smiled and glanced at Ye Ran, who was calm not far away.

Although he wanted revenge, it was a good opportunity to give the Black Seal Tower another great gift.

As a top genius valued by Qiming Wuda and Grandmaster Hengyang.

For an organization like the Black Seal Tower that likes to hunt geniuses, it is undoubtedly a great gift.

"Deputy Minister Xu, then you shouldn't kill me. I am also a member of the Black Seal Tower. You..."

Before Zhang Zhenshui finished speaking, there was a sudden click.

The chest collapsed and there was no sound.

Deputy Minister Xu smiled, "Who told you that you are useless? There is no need for useless people to stay in the world."

"Besides, you know my secret. Even if you are from the Black Seal Tower, you may use it to threaten me. I am the most cautious person. I can only let you be a dead man..."

After that, he looked at Ye Ran and said gently: "Xiao Ye, long time no see."

"Where did this villain come from? How dare you secretly follow me? Don't know whether you live or die!"

Ye Ran snorted coldly, but he was relieved in his heart.

Although Deputy Minister Xu is a fifth-level martial artist, he has perfected the Yaoguang Seven Star Steps, plus he is also a fifth-level martial artist. It is no problem for him to escape.

He thought that the one chasing him was a sixth-level martial artist, so it was okay now.

Deputy Minister Xu was stunned. He didn't know what this kid was crazy about, what nonsense he was talking about, and what about me?

But he still smiled and said, "Xiao Ye, there is no point in pretending not to know this little trick."


He said faintly, "I advise you not to try to escape. Although I don't fight much, I have practiced footwork well. The speed of ordinary level 6 martial artists is far inferior to mine."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's expression froze.

Then he cursed in his heart, damn, this bastard is so afraid of death, how can a normal person only practice footwork.

But even if he only practiced footwork, the other party was also a level 5 martial artist, with more than 50,000 blood and qi, and he was far from being his opponent.

Deputy Minister Xu continued to smile and said, "I just looked for it, and there is no one around you who is secretly protecting you, so you... stop pretending!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly kicked Zhang Zhenshui's body out.

Ye Ran's pupils shrank slightly, and he punched out, directly shattering the body, and the body was torn into pieces.

"Look, isn't this revealing the real face?"

Deputy Minister Xu smiled.

Ye Ran touched his face, and the human skin mask could no longer hold up, and was torn off by the burst of blood and qi.

This is inevitable, after all, it is not a high-end product.


He sighed in his heart, but since he couldn't run away, he would just continue with the original plan.

Thinking of this, he looked up indifferently, "Young man, are you looking for death?"

Deputy Minister Xu frowned. This kid seemed to be a little bit wrong today, but he didn't think much about it.

He put away his smile and said coldly, "You know why I'm looking for you, right?"

"Where is my daughter's body?"

"Tell me, I'll give you a quick death and a whole body because you're a genius, otherwise..."

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, "I'll make it difficult for you to die!"

"Your daughter, what are you talking about?"

Ye Ran stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were a bit arrogant and domineering, and he said lightly, "I just took over this body not long ago."

"Before, there was a cold snake that passed the tribulation and became a cold dragon. I defeated it, but also provoked it. I thought it was chasing me, so I was quite cautious."

"I didn't expect it to be a weak chicken, and there was only a fifth-level martial artist!"

Deputy Minister Xu was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Cold dragon, taking over, you really can make up a story!"

"That thunder tribulation was quite a big deal, I thought you knew about it?"

Ye Ran said lightly.

He tried his best to imitate the way the martial masters spoke when they met on the ancient tree of origin.

Although he didn't learn much, he did have the aura of someone who had been in a high position for a long time.

Deputy Minister Xu couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Although it sounds outrageous.

But this kid does look very wrong, and that thunder tribulation...

That day, the core area of ​​the Limu Wasteland was actually a thunder tribulation!

His face changed slightly. Although the thunder tribulation was only in the core area, it was such a big scene that it was impossible for no one to see it.

But he didn't dare to believe it before.

But now...

"No, this kid is lying to me!"

Deputy Minister Xu's eyes turned cold. He was really good at talking and pretending. He was almost fooled.

"Why, you don't believe it?"

Ye Ran said lightly: "I am not afraid to tell you that when I encountered the Beast King, I slashed at the Beast King even if I died!"

When he said this, he recalled the scene in his mind when the Sword Prison Grandmaster taught him the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword.

Suddenly, his voice also carried a bit of the pride and vicissitudes of the Sword Prison Grandmaster.

Hearing this, Deputy Minister Xu's face changed slightly, and he actually felt that this kid seemed to be stating a fact, not nonsense!

Ye Ran continued: "Later, although the original body died, the remaining soul was hidden in the sword, and by chance, it was obtained by a young man."

Then, he said indifferently: "You have a grudge against the owner of this body."

"It should have been investigated that the original owner of this body was just an ordinary boy two or three months ago, right?"

"I have never thought about it carefully, what is it that can make him soar to such a level within two or three months?"

Vice Minister Xu's pupils shrank suddenly, "Is it possible?"

"Except for my guidance, there is no other person in this world who can be so capable!"

Ye Ran is extremely conceited.

Then Leng Ao said: "If it weren't for me, how could he, an ordinary young man, be a third-level warrior and kill a martial artist easily?"

"A third-level warrior can refine the essence and blood of a master-level black dragon? It can't be his fault, right?"

As he spoke, Ye Ran activated his martial pattern, and suddenly behind him, the shadow of the black dragon martial pattern looked up to the sky and roared.

Seeing this, Vice Minister Xu looked horrified.

"You are still a third-level warrior. I thought you were a martial artist. How is this possible?"

He couldn't help but take a breath. Originally, he thought that the opponent easily defeated Zhang Zhenshui and had broken through the martial arts master.

I didn't feel it carefully, but now I realized that he was really a martial artist!

There is nothing good to say about a martial artist defeating a martial artist.

But warriors are different...

Thinking of this, he was extremely shocked. Isn't this guy really the legendary warrior who seizes the body?

Otherwise it would be too difficult to explain.

Although it is rare to seize a body, it is not impossible, but it is said that it is difficult to succeed.

"I am bright and magnanimous, and I tried my best to teach that boy, but that boy was greedy for my treasure. In desperation, I took him away."

Ye Ran sighed, looking very sorry.

Then he turned his head and looked at Deputy Minister Xu indifferently, "By the way, I remember who you are."

"This kid killed a girl in blue before in the wilderness. Are you the girl's father?"


Vice Minister Xu's face froze when he looked at him with an intrusive gaze, and he instinctively took two steps back.

"Wu... Lord Wu, this matter..."

"That's it!"

Ye Ran sighed lightly, "That boy is my half-disciple after all. I feel a little guilty about this."

"Right now, I don't care about your offense. I'm just giving you a small punishment..."

After saying that, he counted down silently in his mind.

Three, two, one!

"Here comes the knife!"

Ye Ran yelled, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the ground suddenly!

And just as the countdown ended, the time reached ten minutes, and the gold-devouring sun flames burned the flesh and blood of the red lizards' tails.

It was said that its limbs were severely disabled and it was unable to crawl, but after all, its flesh and blood were burned, and the red lizard felt pain. It suddenly slapped its tail on the ground and scampered forward.

This time, he jumped directly into the glass bottle and came into contact with the black magic mist.

Of the eight red lizards, only one was lucky enough to run aside.

But there are seven left, all of them in contact with the black magic mist.

Then, the moment Ye Ran's voice sounded, seven huge explosions sounded.

Boom boom boom...

These seven explosions came suddenly and without warning, and they exploded at the same time as Ye Ran's sword strike.

And because the explosion sites are scattered in various places, it can be seen from a distance from above.

It was like there was no place in the entire open space that was not exploding.

Red sand splashed all over the sky.

It's not necessarily true that this scene is going to cause a lot of damage, but it is, and it looks particularly bluffing.

Vice Minister Xu was agitated at that time and his face turned pale.

There is no fluctuation of Qi and blood!

Just with the sound of the sword, the whole earth exploded. Isn't this the sword intention that only the legendary master can master?


He was trembling, completely losing his calmness where everything was calculated and under control.

Don't blame him, after all, whoever saw it, reached out and grabbed the ground, and the whole ground exploded.

If you haven't used any energy and blood yet, everyone will panic.

"Don't worry, since I am a minor punishment, I won't..."

Ye Ran held it with one hand, but actually there was nothing, but looking at the shape of his hand, it seemed like he was holding a long knife.

Seeing this scene, Deputy Minister Xu was even more horrified. He almost knelt down and said quickly: "Senior, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"never mind."

Seeing this, Ye Ran seemed a little uninterested and let go.

However, Vice Minister Xu had not yet breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Ran pointed out a finger. This finger happened to be the sandy slope where the corpse of the largest alien beast was hidden.

Although this finger contains not much Qi and blood.

But after smashing the glass bottle of black magic mist in the belly of the alien beast's corpse, there was another even more terrifying loud noise.

The entire sand slope collapsed.

Seeing this, Vice Minister Xu was completely stunned. The finger he just pointed clearly contained negligible energy and blood.

How can you blast a sandy slope like this?

True meaning, this is definitely the power of true meaning, this is really Martial Lord!

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