Ye Ran leaves.


Vice Minister Xu was frightened and groveled, watching him leave.

Half an hour later.

Ye Ran stopped, looked back, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one was following him.

Because he didn't know who was targeting him, he didn't know it in his mind, so he could only use the safest method, bluffing.

With this move, no matter whether it is a fifth-level martial artist or a sixth-level martial artist, it can be frightened.

"It won't be easy for him to find me if he goes deep into the wasteland, but to be on the safe side, he still has to disguise himself."

Ye Ran was thinking in his mind, considering what to do next.

He would definitely not be able to defeat him in a fight. A fifth-level martial artist with a vitality value of over 50,000 would have an even more terrifying fighting power.

Even if there is black magic mist, five hundred wisps of black magic mist are too few, and there is a high probability that it will not be killed. Doubling it again will not be enough.


At this time, the gold-devouring Yangyan suddenly burst out from his body, looking extremely anxious.

Ye Ran was slightly startled, what happened to Gold Devouring Yangyan?

Just now, he seemed very anxious and wanted to show up, but he was dealing with Deputy Minister Xu at that time and didn't care.

"what happened?"

Ye Ran asked. After devouring many warriors and ores, Gold Devouring Yangyan already had a certain amount of spirituality and could understand some simple words.

The gold-devouring Yang Yan transformed into a small golden snake and tried its best to wrap around his right arm.

"You mean, there's something wrong with my arm?"

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, looked at his arm, and tried to circulate his energy and blood, but found nothing.

The gold-eating Yang Yan burned, and suddenly his arm turned into a golden fire arm, with a small black and red insect vaguely visible in the arm.

The black and red insect was as thick as a hair and as long as a thumb, and it got into his arm without knowing when.

"Damn it!"

Ye Ran was shocked and angry.

Gold-devouring Yangyan lowered his snake head, languid and looking a little depressed.

"I'm not talking about you."

Ye Ran took a deep breath and calmed down.

Needless to say, the attack power of Gold-Eating Yangyan against metal objects such as the scales and armor of alien beasts is almost the same as that of ordinary alien fire against the flesh and blood of alien beasts.

And the black and red monster insect in his arm has no scales at all, and its flesh and blood has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

As a result, even if Gold Devouring Yang Yan discovered it immediately, he would be helpless.

That's why I kept reminding him.

After appeasing the Gold-devouring Yangyan and putting it away, Ye Ran stared at his right arm with gloomy eyes.

Judging from the time of Gold-Eating Yangyan's reminder, the time when the black and red monster worm got into his arm was probably the time when he deceived Deputy Minister Xu.

So nine times out of ten, it has something to do with Vice Minister Xu.

Of course, it is also possible that it was the middle-aged man from the Black Seal Tower who did it first, but that guy was too weak and couldn't even sustain one of his moves, so he probably didn't have the ability.

But if it was Deputy Minister Xu, how could it happen that I had never had any contact with him...

Ye Ran's pupils suddenly shrank, "That corpse, Mader, the old fox, tampered with that corpse!"

Deputy Minister Xu once kicked the middle-aged man's corpse, and he smashed it to pieces with a punch.

I thought Vice Minister Xu was just venting his anger, so I didn't pay attention. Unexpectedly, he actually resorted to tricks to plot against him.

"A fifth-level martial artist still uses these little tricks to deal with a warrior. This old fox is really cunning and cautious!"

Ye Ran cursed secretly and quickly sealed his arm with Qi and blood. Not sure if it was useful, he set out to escape with all his strength.

He has nothing to do with this strange insect now, he can only leave first.

At this time, a strong wind sounded behind him, and at the same time, it was also accompanied by a faint voice.

"Senior Wu Zun, why are you running?"

Ye Ran froze for a moment and turned around to see that Deputy Minister Xu was extremely fast and was chasing him in an instant.

Then, he landed ten meters in front of him and looked over with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for half an hour, Senior Martial Lord. Did you miss me?"

"What do you think?"

Ye Ran sighed lightly, looked at his right arm, and asked, "Can this strange insect track people?"

"That's right, the blood-threaded black worm is a strange beast specially used for tracking. Many big families keep it."

Vice Minister Xu said with a smile: "I borrowed this from the Li family. I didn't expect to use it so quickly."

"As for being so cautious, you are a fifth-level martial artist..."

Ye Ran didn't know what to say.

"I can't help it. I'm just cautious. If I want to kill you, I won't give you any chance."

Vice Minister Xu said slowly.

"What, you want to kill me, don't you want to live anymore?" Ye Ran's eyes widened.

"Okay, Xiaoye, it's time to stop pretending."

Vice Minister Xu was smiling, and with a casual throw, a pile of broken corpses of strange animals and glass bottle fragments appeared on the ground.

He shook his head slightly, "I'm still thinking, since Senior Wu Zun feels guilty towards me because someone else killed my daughter, it shows that he is a good person."

"But such a good person, when he learned that I was doing something for the Black Seal Tower, why didn't he arrest me? How could he feel so guilty that he wouldn't be so soft-hearted?"

Speaking of this, Vice Minister Xu felt a little emotional.

"Although I have some doubts, your move really fooled me."

"If I hadn't discovered that a powerful martial artist couldn't even get rid of small things like blood-threaded black insects, I really wouldn't have dared to pursue him."

As he spoke, he took out a small black nest and said with a smile: "There is also a female worm in this, and the one in your arm is the male worm."

"Do males and females sense each other? No wonder." Ye Ran shook his head.

"Your bottle should contain the legendary black magic mist, right?"

Deputy Minister Xu looked at the broken glass bottles, a strange color flashed in his eyes, "The only thing that can cause a violent explosion without relying on blood and qi is the legendary black magic fog."

"I have investigated you and know that you have obtained several black magic knives. I didn't expect you to be so lucky and really get the legendary black magic secret technique."

"It's this broken bug again, and he knows about the black magic fog. He is really worthy of being an old man."

Ye Ran looked at his right arm and sighed: "It seems that I am still a little naive."

After receiving praise, Deputy Minister Xu showed a rare real smile on his face.

He smiled and said, "It's just experience. I've lived a few decades longer than you, so I'm not living in vain."


Ye Ran nodded seriously, "I've taken note of today's lesson and benefited a lot from it."

"This lesson? Why, do you think you can still live?"

Deputy Minister Xu was shocked, "Don't you know that after learning that you are only a level 3 warrior and can defeat a martial artist, my desire to kill you has become ten times stronger?"

"You can't kill me with your mouth."

Ye Ran said lightly, "Since it has come to this, don't talk nonsense. Let's take a chance and see who laughs last."

"Aren't you afraid?"

Deputy Minister Xu was surprised, "I am a level 5 martial artist, and you are only a level 3 warrior, a full two levels apart."

"There are many people I can't beat, but there are no people I dare not beat."

Ye Ran's eyes were sharp, and his blood and qi burst out suddenly. Behind him, the shadow of the black dragon was circling fiercely.

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