Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 166 The True Power of the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword

Deputy Minister Xu was stunned, and then said with some envy: "You are indeed a young warrior, you are full of vigor."

"When I was young, if I had half of your courage and bravery, I would not be only a fifth-level martial artist now, and my combat power is only 40,000."

"40,000? Why is this guy so weak?"

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly. A normal fifth-level martial artist has a blood value of 50,000, and the stronger ones are close to 60,000.

But this is good news after all.

"Come and fight!"

He shouted, "Let me show you a half-step martial arts master-level martial arts, Pure Yang Heavenly Sword!"

"Martial arts master martial arts!"

Deputy Minister Xu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instinctively took a step back, and his blood and qi were brewing in his legs, ready to dodge at any time.

However, Ye Ran just finished shouting with full momentum and turned around and ran.

He stepped on a blue starlight and fully exerted the Yaoguang Seven Star Step to the extreme.


Deputy Minister Xu snorted coldly and chased quickly. His speed was obviously faster and he caught up in an instant.

When he caught up with Ye Ran, he suddenly slapped out with a palm.

Sensing the strong wind coming from behind, Ye Ran's face changed slightly, turned around, and punched out with all his strength.

This punch was the perfect Star Fist, the fourth style of the Star Gathering Heaven Fist.


With a fine and sparkling blue light, the fist that seemed to contain countless stars suddenly collided with the palm that came, and the air made a huge explosion.

Ye Ran's face turned pale, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood on the spot. His body flew horizontally and rolled on the ground several times.

He felt that his whole body was falling apart. He forced himself to raise his blood and staggered to stand up, which was a bit shocking.

As expected of a fifth-level martial artist, even if Deputy Minister Xu was so weak, he couldn't even take a palm.

"What a strong physique, no wonder he can refine the essence and blood of a master-level beast."

Deputy Minister Xu narrowed his eyes slightly. This kid's physique actually gave him the feeling that it was similar to his.

He approached Ye Ran with a smile, "We were fighting to the death just now, why are you running away now?"

"I'm not stupid, why would I run away if I can?"

Ye Ran wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was brave, but that didn't mean he was stubborn and wanted to die.

If there was a chance to run away, he would definitely give priority to running away.

"Okay, Xiao Ye, the people from the Black Seal Tower will be here soon, and I don't want them to see my appearance for the time being."

Deputy Minister Xu smiled and said, "So, lend me your head."

As soon as he finished speaking, he attacked again!

He slapped out with a palm suddenly!

This palm was even more powerful than the previous one, and he used all his strength, and the air made a harsh explosion.

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and it was too late to dodge. Without thinking, black mist surged out of his body.


A huge explosion sounded.

The black cocoon flew backwards.

On the cocoon, it was faintly visible that there were dense cracks, and it was obvious that it could no longer hold on.

"Black Magic Secret Art?!"

Deputy Minister Xu was stunned for a moment, then a bit of greed flashed in his eyes, and he sighed.

"It is worthy of the legendary Black Magic Secret Art. It is really powerful. It can actually block my attack, but..."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and said faintly: "How many times can you block it?"

A huge green palm about four meters long suddenly stretched out, grabbed the black cocoon, and then squeezed it hard!


The black cocoon exploded on the spot, like a big bomb, directly blasting a huge hole in the ground.

The red sand in the sky turned into layers of smoke and dust, spreading around.

Deputy Minister Xu looked over, but his eyes were gloomy. There was actually a black cocoon in the center of the smoke and dust.


Ye Ran coughed heavily, stretched out his hand, dispersed the black cocoons around him, and fell on the open ground.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and condensed another black magic cocoon at the last moment, which was able to resist the aftermath of the explosion, otherwise he would have died.

But the second black cocoon was a bit too much to bear, so he put it away in time.

"Put it away so quickly, it seems that your black cocoon should not be used infinitely, it can't be disposable?"

Deputy Minister Xu said with a smile.

"This old fox."

Ye Ran cursed in his heart, feeling extremely tricky, this old fox was too cunning, and didn't miss any details.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "Deputy Minister Xu, how about I recognize you as my godfather, will you let me go?"

"I regret killing your daughter, now I will compensate you as your son, okay?"

"Oh, this is a good suggestion."

Deputy Minister Xu said with a smile: "But I don't know if you are the kind of adopted son who specializes in killing godfathers?"

Ye Ran's expression froze, and then he remembered that there is also that famous book in this world.

He shook his head and said, "I'm sincere. I can give you a hundred reasons. The first one is..."

"Want to delay recovery?"

Deputy Minister Xu glanced at him with a smile, and suddenly the smile on his face faded. He said solemnly, "How come your injuries are recovering so quickly!"

The skin of this kid that was just cracked is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Ye Ran took a deep breath and felt better. It was not like it was falling apart just now, and it was difficult to move.

He stepped back step by step and continued to delay time.

"Godfather, I am an alien body. My alien body is called Nirvana Body. It recovers very quickly."

Deputy Minister Xu was speechless. This kid was really thick-skinned.

"It's a pity. If you didn't kill my daughter, I would admire your character very much."

"Who said that? I only have that one daughter..."

Deputy Minister Xu murmured. A tiger martial pattern suddenly appeared on his back. The tiger had a single horn on its head. I don't know what kind of beast it is.

At this moment, the tiger roared to the sky.

A deafening tiger roar came.

Ye Ran's face changed, and he looked painful. He felt that his eardrums were about to be torn, and he quickly put his blood and qi against his ears.

At this time, Deputy Minister Xu suddenly punched.

The huge golden fist print penetrated the air, and it was fierce and crushed like a millstone.

Ye Ran immediately spread black mist and covered his body, and the black magic cocoon emerged.


The golden fist print suddenly hit the black magic cocoon.

The black magic cocoon made a cracking sound, and a huge crack appeared.

Without giving Ye Ran time to breathe, Deputy Minister Xu punched again fiercely.

Ye Ran's scalp was numb, and he quickly got rid of the black magic cocoon. At the same time, he shouted while retreating.

"Pure Yang Heavenly Sword!"

He held the sword in his right hand and was about to cut it, but his face changed completely.

Before the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword was used, one-third of his blood and qi were directly drawn out, and even his flesh could not bear it, and his right arm kept bleeding.

"Is this the martial art of a half-step martial master?"

Ye Ran was extremely shocked. He realized that he was not able to make that slash last time by himself.

It was because the fragment of the white jade knife contained a part of the power of the great master of Daoyu during his lifetime. With the help of the remaining power, he was able to make that slash.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as his arm being injured at that time.

Just like now, this slash has not yet been comprehended to the initial stage, he can't use it, his body can't bear it at all.

"No, it's going to be drained!"

Ye Ran gritted his teeth, forcibly cut off the source of blood and qi, and finally made a slash.

And this slash, he only burst out 10% of the power of the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword!


The black magic cocoon exploded, and the red sand was agitated.

Deputy Minister Xu was about to walk over, but suddenly his face changed slightly, and a shining knife light shot straight at him from the red sand.

The knife light was silver-white and the speed was frightening.

Deputy Minister Xu tried his best to dodge, but when he dodged, he found that the knife had already touched his face without him noticing!


The knife light brushed past his face!

It hit the ground heavily, and suddenly a huge crack more than three meters long appeared on the ground.

Deputy Minister Xu was horrified and couldn't help touching his face. Then he saw the huge crack and was immediately horrified.

"More than 30,000 combat power? What martial arts can increase your combat power by 10,000?"

Ye Ran was extremely weak and was really drained. Without thinking, he threw many corpses of strange beasts at Deputy Minister Xu.

Deputy Minister Xu blasted away the corpses of strange beasts.

However, as soon as he blasted the corpses of strange beasts, violent explosions sounded.




Several explosions sounded in succession, and at the same time, the flesh and blood of strange beasts and the red sand on the ground splashed in chaos.

After a moment, Deputy Minister Xu flicked his sleeves to disperse the smoke and dust in front of him.

However, the front was empty, and Ye Ran had disappeared.

"Run? Where can you run to?"

He snorted coldly, and looked at the crack on the ground with lingering fear, and took out a black insect nest.

Qi and blood rushed into the insect nest, and a blood-red strange insect as thick as a hair poked its head out of the insect nest and pointed in a direction with its head.

Deputy Minister Xu put away the insect nest and chased after it with all his strength.

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