Demon Refiner (low level).

Note: Refining the corpses of different levels of alien beasts can increase the qi and blood value by different amounts. When the qi and blood value reaches the upper limit, it will be converted into restoring qi and blood.

For a low-level demon refining master, the upper limit of refining is one million health points and it can no longer take effect.

[Note: This title cannot be upgraded and cannot be deduced. 】

Ye Ran was stunned and didn't know what was going on.

He quickly checked the system panel record and discovered that a special achievement had been completed.

[Humanoid bug: Using a third-level warrior to kill a fifth-level warrior, destroying the balance of the world, it is a bug that is currently walking in the world.

Completing this special achievement will reward you with 3,000 achievement points and an exceptional reward title - Demon Refiner (low-level)]

Seeing this, Ye Ran clenched his fists fiercely.

So cool!

This special achievement should have been activated after Deputy Minister Xu died, but he happened to be seriously injured and passed out at that time, so he could not hear it.

And this achievement is obvious at first sight.

You know, for special achievements, the least important reward is achievement points, which are just incidental.

But now, just for achievement points, three thousand achievement points are awarded. Such a huge sum of money,

One can imagine how powerful this title of Demon Refiner is.

"One million blood points means that as long as I have enough corpses of strange beasts and there are no realm restrictions, I can be promoted to Grandmaster in one go."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered. In this case, he could save too many achievement points.

Moreover, when the qi and blood value reaches the upper limit, it can be restored to qi and blood. I don’t know about this recovery...

He thought for a moment, got up and walked out of the room.

The Black Seal Tower is so big, it should have a combat room to test this title.

Outside the door is a long and narrow passage.

The passage is winding, not a straight line, but a bit like a semicircle, and there are rows of rooms on both sides of the passage.

Ye Ran glanced at his room, which showed No. 94·5.

He looked to the side and saw that there were two other rooms with large doors and the same house numbers as his room.

It seems that these are two auxiliary rooms.

He thought for a while, became curious, and was about to open the door on the left.

Suddenly there was a click.

The door on the right was opened first, and a tall and strong man with terrifying muscles, like an iron tower, walked out.

Ye Ran was startled for a moment. When the man walked out, he vaguely glimpsed what seemed to be a luxurious silver training room inside the door.

The training room was quite huge, dozens of times larger than the room he lived in.

"Dark Cloud?"

The tower-like man smiled and touched his head, and said honestly: "This is the first time I've seen you."

"I didn't expect you to be so young. By the way, I just borrowed your training room..."

"It's okay, you can use it."

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, and he was completely sure that the two rooms with the same house number belonged to his own room.

"Thank you very much. My training room happened to be broken down."

The tower-like man smiled and said: "My name is Fang Jun. I work for Commander Yang. He is the one who brought you back."

"Commander Yang?"

Ye Ran's eyes flickered, thinking of the burly middle-aged man from before.

"Thank you for your training room and treating you to dinner when you have time."

Fang Jun laughed innocently and walked towards another room.

Ye Ran clearly saw that the room he went to was No. 7.


Fang Jun suddenly thought of something, turned around and said with a smile: "There are only two of us on this floor. You have to get my permission to go anywhere."

"Otherwise, I will beat you to death, do you understand?"

He showed a mouth full of white teeth, and his smile was obviously honest, but for no reason, it made Ye Ran feel a bit chilly.

After that, Fang Jun returned to the room.

Ye Ran frowned and cursed in his heart. He knew about the Black Seal Tower, but he still didn't trust himself.

Only then will someone be specially sent to keep an eye on it.

Now, let alone trying to escape from the Black Seal Tower, even leaving here is difficult.

"I don't know what kind of strength this guy has."

He pushed open the door to the practice room and walked in.

The combat room was huge and luxurious. It was much more luxurious than the one he had seen in the Warriors Association in Ningjiang City before.

All kinds of training equipment are top-notch.

There are even martial artist-level mechanical puppets.

After Ye Ran saw it, he took a deep breath and walked quickly over, observing the mechanical puppet in front of him.

He has never seen a martial artist-level mechanical puppet.

The puppet is golden yellow, about the same size as an ordinary person, and its body is streamlined.

——Cangyuan Group·hzk (exclusive for fifth-level martial artists)

There is also a large fist mark on the chest of the golden puppet. At this time, the fist mark is slowly disappearing, and the screen above shows a combat power of 73,000.

Ye Ran's face changed slightly, this belongs to the guy just now!

"Anyone who is staring at me has a combat strength of more than 70,000?"

His heart sank.

Whether it's the martial arts master-level mechanical puppet or these guys with more than 70,000 combat power, they can see that the Black Seal Tower is terrifyingly powerful.

As a warrior, he entered this tiger's den and wanted to escape. It would be extremely difficult for him to reach the sky.

"Forget it, let's test the title first!"

Ye Ran stopped thinking about it, and checked with Qi and Blood to confirm that no one had tampered with him in the training room.

Then he took out a few corpses of level four alien beasts and placed them beside him.

After finishing everything, he looked at the mechanical puppet opposite, took a deep breath, and felt his blood brewing all over his body.

Behind him, the shadow of the black dragon hovered and appeared, and the spirit flame body was also used, emitting a bright golden light from its whole body.

Then, he slashed out with one strike!

Pure Yang Heavenly Sword!

With this sword, he exploded with 10% of his power!


The silver-white blade shot out at a terrifying speed.

The level 5 mechanical puppet on the opposite side was already activated, but it still couldn't react and was hit hard by the blade.


The collision sounded, and a strong wind blew up in the training room, overturning many training equipment.

However, the golden mechanical puppet remained motionless, with only a very shallow white mark on its body.

At the same time, the combat power appeared on the screen.


Ye Ran's face was pale, and he felt that his body was hollowed out. Without saying a word, he grabbed the body of the alien beast on the ground with his palm.

A strange blood-red vortex appeared in his palm.

The vortex quickly devoured the body of the alien beast.

At the same time, a stream of blood and qi suddenly rushed into Ye Ran's body, replenishing his consumed blood and qi.

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