Ye Ran's pale blood color also returned to normal in an instant.

It really works!

Another data panel appeared in his mind.

[Demon Refiner (Low Level) Remaining Qi and Blood that can be refined... 999,000. ]

Looking at the injury that has recovered, Ye Ran hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and his Qi and blood suddenly burst out.

He slashed with all his strength again!

This slash was even more powerful than before, and he used 30% of the power of the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword!


A dull thud came, and a knife mark appeared on the mechanical puppet, and the data on the screen skyrocketed.

But Ye Ran could no longer care about these. When he slashed with this knife, he was in the same situation as last time.

The Qi and blood were exhausted, and the whole person's flesh and blood disappeared in an instant, turning into a mummy, unable to stand steadily.

Last time, after he slashed with this knife, he didn't hold on for long before he was seriously injured and fainted.

But this time, the strange vortex in his palm devoured the corpses of the strange beasts crazily.

Qi and blood were quickly replenished.

Several corpses of strange beasts were devoured in an instant.

Ye Ran exhaled lightly, and his flesh and blood were all restored. His body was normal, but he felt a little dizzy.

He pressed his eyebrows hard and took a while to recover.

It was almost as he expected.

He couldn't use the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword now, mainly because the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword consumed too much Qi and blood, and his current realm could not support it.

But as long as there is enough Qi and blood to support it, like now, the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword can be used without hesitation.

Those heavy costs can also be exempted.

"30% of the power is my limit. If it explodes again, it will definitely be crushed on the spot, unless it breaks through the realm..."

Ye Ran thought and looked at the mechanical puppet opposite.

The combat power of 53,000 on it was extremely dazzling.

With this level of combat power, he can easily kill Deputy Minister Xu if he meets him again.

After all, he could only slash out one sword before, but now as long as he can hold on, he can slash out infinitely!

Basically, he can stabilize his combat power at 50,000!

Ye Ran looked at the title of Demon Refiner again.

[Demon Refiner (Low Level) Remaining Qi and Blood Refining... 996,000. ]

Seeing this, he sighed a little.

Thanks to Deputy Minister Xu's weakness, if he had been replaced by a normal Level 5 martial artist, he would have been killed that day, how could he have fought back.

It is even more impossible to complete a special achievement, get this title, and then increase his strength.

With the title, Ye Ran felt more confident.

His face was thoughtful.

Although the Black Seal Tower is powerful, the tower master is at the Grandmaster level, but the tower master of the 77th Tower where he is now just left.

Theoretically, the strongest person is the Level 6 martial artist.

After he breaks through the martial artist, both the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword and the basic combat power will undergo qualitative changes.

At that time, if he wants to break out, there may be a chance.

So now, three things need to be completed as soon as possible.

The first thing was to find someone to refine the blood of the black dragon and break through the realm of martial artist.

The second thing was to find a way to get more corpses of strange beasts.

Whether it was the title of demon refiner or the black magic mist, the corpses of strange beasts were very needed.

In the last battle, he had already used up the black magic mist, and this thing was very useful, so he had to prepare more.

As for the third thing, it was to find the blood of the real dragon, revive the blood and fire of all beasts, and practice the dragon flame body.

After doing these, I believe that with his combat power at that time, there is a great chance that he can escape from the Black Seal Tower.

"One month, we must hurry."

Ye Ran felt urgent in his heart. If he didn't escape, he would definitely die when the tower master came back.

But now, he should find a way to recover his arm injury first, and observe the Black Seal Tower at the same time to see if there is a chance to sneak out.

After he walked out of the practice room, he saw the room on the left.

After thinking about it, he pushed the door and walked in.

This room was also very large. In comparison, the rest room was ridiculously shabby.

The room was very quiet, and it seemed that no one had been here for a long time. There was a lot of dust on the ground.

In addition, the whole room is roughly divided into five or six areas.

In some areas, there are many bookshelves filled with books. Ye Ran walked over and opened them to take a look.

"Thirty-six Strategies of Assassination"

"Must-Handed Manual for Assassins"

"How to Become an Emotionless Killer?"

His mouth twitched, and he looked at other areas.

In other areas, there are some entertainment products such as chess and cards, video game consoles, etc.

In one area, there are even several bionic robots.

Ye Ran looked at those bionic robots with revealing clothes and sexy outfits, and was a little dumbfounded.

What is this?

Soon, he reacted and his heart moved slightly.

The room in the middle is a rest room, the right is a training room, and the left is a relaxing entertainment room.

From this point of view, the headquarters of the Black Seal Tower should not be in the city, or even far away from the city.

It is most likely in the wilderness.

"If it is in the wilderness, my chances of escaping are greater."

Ye Ran thought and left the room.

He walked around the narrow passage outside. The other rooms were the same, one rest room and two auxiliary rooms.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a window, so he couldn't see the situation outside and judge which wasteland he was in.

The passage was semicircular, or a complete circle, a bit like a floor of a tower.

Just as Fang Jun said before, there were only two of them living on this floor.

Ye Ran walked around and finally found a staircase.

The stairs connected the upper and lower floors.

He didn't think much, walked up the stairs, and soon reached the end.

A door of gold and silver appeared in front of him.

The door was not locked, but it looked a bit heavy, so Ye Ran pushed it hard.

The door did not move at all.

He continued to increase his strength and pushed a little bit, but there was still no response.

This time, Ye Ran was a little uneasy.

Damn, he couldn't push it with his current strength, what kind of broken door is this?

He took a deep breath, and his blood was about to burst out, ready to exert his full strength.

Behind him, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't try, the top five floors are where the tower owner lives. The door is made of rare Xuanzhong gold. It can't be opened without 100,000 combat power."

A man like an iron tower said lightly.

It was Fang Jun before.

Ye Ran was shocked.

100,000 combat power is really a bit outrageous, even for him, he has never heard of it.

At this time, Fang Jun looked at him and said in a cold voice.

"Didn't I tell you before that you can't go anywhere without my permission?!"

(Chapter 4 will be published later. It's a bit hard to be published before 1 o'clock.)

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