in the room.

Commander Yang's face was indifferent and expressionless.

Fang Jun and the indifferent young man each held their arms and seemed to be chatting, but in fact they blocked Ye Ran's retreat.

Ye Ran's heart sank and he instinctively looked at Zhou Qing.

An experienced doctor can determine a person's bone age even without instruments and by simply touching the bones, let alone using instruments...


Zhou Qing shook her head, "He's talking nonsense. How can he be seventy-eight years old?"

Hearing this, Commander Yang's eyes turned cold, and a cold murderous aura immediately overflowed.

The conversation between Fang Jun and the indifferent young man gradually disappeared.

The room was extremely quiet.

Ye Ran's face was calm and he looked very indifferent, but his mind was racing with thoughts and he was quickly thinking of countermeasures.

At this time, Zhou Qing curled her lips and said: "You are obviously only forty-eight years old, why are you pretending to be seventy-eight?"

"But it's such a pity. I thought he was a handsome little brother, but I didn't expect him to be an uncle. It's a pity that he has such a handsome face."

Hearing this, several people present were stunned.

"Forty eight?"

Commander Yang said in astonishment: "You are one year older than me?"

He looked at Ye Ran, looking a little confused.

Fang Jun and the indifferent young man were also a little dull. They looked at Ye Ran's slightly childish face, and then at Commander Yang's vicissitudes of middle-aged face.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t match up.

"What do you think?"

Ye Ran reacted quickly and snorted coldly, "I'm one year older than you, you should call me brother."

Commander Yang's mouth twitched, but his expression relaxed and he smiled: "Now that we've seen the injuries, let's go."

"Weren't you just curious why our Black Seal Tower can be built in the wilderness? I will take you to see it now."


Ye Ran shook his head and said, "I just exchanged for the Dipsacus vine. I need a doctor's help to restore my arm faster."

"Divided Vine, you are really willing to bear it."

Commander Yang was a little surprised.

Zhou Qing and Fang Jun were also a little surprised.

The indifferent young man's face was filled with envy, "It takes eight hundred points to do Divide Vine. It seems you have accumulated a lot of points."

"It's okay, not too much, mainly thanks to the points you three gave me."

Ye Ran shook his head.

Hearing this, Commander Yang and the three others' expressions froze.

I cursed in my heart.

This guy really doesn't know how to chat.

"Okay, Zhou Qing, please take a good look at him. Just treat him as one of our own and do your best to treat him."

After Commander Yang finished speaking, he turned and left.

Fang Jun and the indifferent young man also followed him and walked out of the room.

Only Ye Ran and Zhou Qing were left in the room.

Ye Ran looked at Zhou Qing with a gloomy expression. He didn't know why the other party wanted to help him.

"Perhaps she got the wrong bone age?"

This thought arose in his mind, and he really couldn't imagine why the other party would help him when they met by chance.

Zhou Qing reopened the instrument that had just been used to detect his physical condition.

Ye Ran was close, and Zhou Qing was not covering up this time and was fiddling with it openly. He could clearly see one of the data above.

——Bone age: 17 years and nine months.

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly.

Zhou Qing debugged the instrument, and after some adjustments, the bone age on the screen suddenly changed to forty-eight.

Ye Ran was shocked and couldn't help but said: "Are you not from the Black Seal Tower, but a spy from other forces?"

"Little brother, what are you thinking about?"

Zhou Qing said with a smile: "I joined the Black Seal Tower when I was eighteen years old. Furthermore, even if I am a spy for other forces, why should I help you if I am not a relative?"

"and you?"

Ye Ran was even more puzzled.

"Okay, stop guessing, I just think you are so handsome, it would be a pity to die early."

Zhou Qing said, smiling and extending her hand.

"Okay, give me the Dipsacus vine. You can come to my place every day from now on and I'll help you treat your arm."

Ye Ran was silent for a moment, handed the broken vine over, turned and left.

Zhou Qing was the only one left in the room.

Zhou Qing took out a photo from the desk drawer. In the photo, there was a pair of smiling sister and brother.

Both of them are young and look to be around seventeen or eighteen years old.

Her sister looks the same as her, but in the photo, she is obviously much younger and more immature, and her hair is straight.

The younger brother is extremely handsome and looks very much like Ye Ran.

Zhou Qing touched the young man's face, a bit of longing flashed in his eyes.

outside the room.

Yang led the three of them and came out of another room.

Seeing Ye Ran, Commander Yang asked, "How's it going? How long does it take for Zhou Qing to recover?"

"I don't know, but I need to come once a day."

Ye Ran responded absently.

"Don't worry, Zhou Qing's medical skills are very good, and he also has the elixir of Dipsacus vine. It shouldn't take long for him to recover."

Commander Yang said and walked outside, "Okay, come with me, I will take you to see why our Black Seal Tower can be built in the wilderness."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's eyes flashed with curiosity. He stopped thinking about Zhou Qing and followed Commander Yang.

The two took the elevator upstairs.

But this time, the elevator did not stop when it reached the tenth floor, but continued straight up.

The elevator soared all the way, and soon it reached over the ninetieth floor.

Through the glass, you can clearly see the clouds filling the sky outside, which seem to have reached the sky at this time.

Although he already knew in his heart that these black towers were very high, Ye Ran was still a little shocked when he saw this scene.

At the same time, I was a little confused.

Such a huge building would be very conspicuous even in the wilderness, not to mention in the city.

Why is the Black Seal Tower headquarters still so mysterious and no one has ever mentioned it?

"Aren't you curious about why our Black Seal Tower is built in the wilderness, but it looks like it is in the city?"

At this time, Commander Yang smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. Just turn it into something that is not a wilderness."

"Turn it into something that is not a wilderness?"

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding it.

"You will understand if you look down."

Ye Ran looked down, and his pupils shrank slightly. He saw that there was a huge basin under his feet!

The huge Black Seal Towers are located in the basin.

The edge of the basin is covered with fog, but there is not much fog, just attached to the surroundings of the basin.

The walls around the basin are unexpectedly steep.

It is not the kind of wall with a slope, but more like a cliff, upright and smooth, and extremely difficult to climb.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ran's face changed slightly.

He had thought that outside the white fog was a wasteland, and that he could escape by escaping into the white fog.

Unexpectedly, outside the white fog was a cliff.

Fortunately, he did not act impulsively, otherwise, regardless of whether he could climb up, someone standing on a high place could catch him.

"This basin has a special terrain, similar to a city?"

Ye Ran thought for a moment and asked.

"The wasteland is the same, there is nothing special."

Commander Yang said meaningfully: "But this is not a basin, take a closer look, what shape is this."

"Not a basin?"

Ye Ran was stunned and looked down.

At this time, the elevator had stopped and came to the top of the entire black tower.

He looked down and looked at the entire basin.

However, after just a few glances, Ye Ran's face changed drastically, and he lost his voice in horror.

"This is not a basin, it's a palm print?!"

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