Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 176: Hundreds of Battles and Defeats

Ye Ran was so shocked that he almost lost his mind.

He had not seen the whole picture just now, and was paying full attention to the white fog and the cliffs. Only now did he see clearly that this was not a basin at all!

It was a huge palm print!

"That's right."

Commander Yang smiled faintly: "This is indeed a palm print, a palm print that penetrates the wasteland."

"Punch through the wasteland, no wonder you said that this is both a wasteland and not a wasteland!"

Ye Ran was horrified when he heard this.

It was the first time he heard that the wasteland could be penetrated, no wonder the Black Seal Tower could be successfully built here.

As long as there are no rules and restrictions like the wasteland, with the current level of technology, it is not difficult to build these and provide power all year round.

"Is this palm made by Wu Zun?"

Ye Ran looked down, and compared with this huge and boundless palm print, he felt that he was particularly small for a moment.

"Wu Zun... Wu Zun of our Black Seal Tower tried it, but it is still far from this palm."

Commander Yang sighed.

Ye Ran's heart skipped a beat, and he was a little shocked and said, "If even the Martial Lord can't do it, could it be the Martial Saint?"

"But aren't the three Martial Saints of our human race all from the Martial Alliance?"

"I don't know about that." Commander Yang shook his head.

"Wait, you just said that the Martial Lord of your Black Seal Tower, could it be that the one who made this palm strike was not a strong man from your Black Seal Tower?"

Ye Ran asked with a flicker in his eyes.

"No, it was the president of the Silver Moon Association."

Commander Yang said, and kept silent, as if he didn't want to talk more about this issue.

"Silver Moon Association?"

Ye Ran frowned, that crazy organization?

He didn't think about it anymore, and looked at the clouds outside and said, "These are not clouds, they are fog, right?"

"That's right."

Commander Yang looked down and said, "This is actually a dangerous place deep in the wilderness."

"Because the surrounding fog is suitable for hiding, our Black Seal Tower's top leaders decided to build the third headquarters here."

"No wonder."

Ye Ran looked around thoughtfully, and at this time, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the vast white fog.

He was stunned.

Commander Yang said in surprise: "This hunting ended early enough."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge suspension bridge suddenly fell from the cliff.

This suspension bridge was actually vertical, with only one end hanging above, like a traction rope, hanging straight on the cliff.

And one figure after another, grasping the small hole on the suspension bridge, fell down quickly from the top.

Although the martial artist can fly, the palm print is too deep, and some ordinary martial artists can't fly down at all.

Those figures are densely packed, and each of them holds the corpse of a strange beast and the head of a warrior in his hand.

Ye Ran's pupils shrank slightly, "Are these all your people from the Black Seal Tower?"

"Yes, although the top is a wasteland and dangerous place, there are still strange beasts or warriors who come here from time to time."

Commander Yang said lightly: "In order to prevent anyone from discovering our headquarters, all of our staff will go out hunting every once in a while to clean up the surroundings."

At this point, he said with some regret.

"It's a pity that I can't participate in the hunt this time because you haven't woken up yet, otherwise I can get a lot of points."

"Killing people counts as points?"

Ye Ran glanced at the heads of warriors in the hands of the Black Seal Tower members, and his voice was a little cold.

"Of course, why, do you sympathize with those guys?"

Commander Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.


Ye Ran sneered, "I just lack points."

"Haha, don't worry, I will take you to the hunt next time, and you will definitely get a big harvest!"

Commander Yang laughed.

Ye Ran didn't respond, looking at the black mass of Black Seal Tower members hanging all over the giant suspension bridge, his heart sank.

No wonder it felt so deserted before, it turned out that everyone had gone out.

With so many people, it's almost as difficult as climbing to the sky to escape.

And besides the cliffs all around, he only has one month left.

It can be said that he has no advantage in time, place and people.

Ye Ran's heart is heavy.

This time, he may really be facing a desperate situation!

At this time, seven or eight streams of light shot through the sky, and the speed of those streams of light was terrifying.

In an instant, they fell into a huge black tower.

"Several tower masters are back. It seems that the hunt is over. Let's go back."

Commander Yang said, and took the lead to turn around and leave.

"Tower master, a master?"

Ye Ran felt a little headache, pressed his eyebrows, sighed in his heart, and turned around and left.

Sure enough, he was short-sighted before.

This is the real look of the Black Seal Tower headquarters, full of crises and powerful people!


Ninety-fourth floor.

In room 5.

Ye Ran slowly opened his eyes and exhaled lightly, as if the tower master of the seventy-seventh tower had told him in advance.

So he still lived on the ninety-fourth floor, and Fang Jun was on the same floor.

After all, he was not from the Black Seal Tower, and Commander Yang was still worried about him, so he sent Fang Jun to keep an eye on him.

Thinking of the power of the Black Seal Tower, Ye Ran felt a little breathless.

However, his character is the kind that will never give up no matter how desperate the situation is, so his mentality is still okay now.

He did not give up directly.

He thought about the way to escape, and found that there was really no way out.

Ye Ran simply stopped thinking about it, took out the Moro Finger, and started to deduce.

The Moro Finger was quickly deduced to the Great Success.

After consuming 600 achievement points, there were still 3,000 left, which was a huge sum of money.

After the Moro Finger was fully developed, Ye Ran heard a ding in his mind.

He looked at the achievement panel.

[Martial Arts Master: Progress (3/3), three S-level and above martial arts have been cultivated to full development, and now 250 achievement points and a martial arts upgrade opportunity are awarded. ]

After the achievement was completed, Ye Ran took a deep breath and quickly looked at the martial arts upgrade opportunity at the bottom of the achievement panel.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to try to see if he could upgrade the Pure Yang Heavenly Blade.

However, this is a half-step martial arts master level martial arts after all, and it is likely to be difficult.

In fact, it is best to upgrade the Hengyang True Body.

After all, because of the strange fire, the Hengyang True Body has no pressure to use.

If it can be upgraded to the martial arts master level, it will be a real power increase.

Of course, if he wants to really burst out all the power, he still has to wait until his strength is improved.

But this Pure Yang Heavenly Blade is a bit unreasonable.

Although it can be used, every time, it will cost his life, and it is not something he can use now.

"Forget it, give it a try, the bicycle will become a motorcycle!"

Ye Ran gritted his teeth. Since the situation was hopeless, he might as well burn his boats and fight.

He pressed the upgrade opportunity.

Suddenly, the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword on the deduction button flashed, and all the previous data disappeared. At the same time, a countdown appeared in the corner.

——Two days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. He could actually upgrade.

Although he had to wait for three days, it didn't matter anymore.

After a long while, he calmed down and looked at the achievement panel. The achievement was updated again.

After the martial arts master was completed, a new achievement was refreshed.

——A hundred battles and a hundred defeats.

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