Ye Ran was startled, "A hundred battles and a hundred defeats?"

[One hundred battles and one hundred defeats: Progress (0/100) Defeat one hundred times and receive a reward of 400 achievement points. 】

"This achievement is really strange."

He shook his head and continued to look at the achievements of the wilderness hunter.

[Wasteland Hunter (Advanced): Progress (85/100) Kill one hundred different wasteland beasts and reward 300 achievement points. 】

This achievement has been almost completed, with only fifteen kinds of exotic beasts left.

Ye Ran thought about the achievement of being defeated in a hundred battles, stood up and walked towards Fang Jun's room.


In the middle of the training room, a silver round platform rose slowly and stopped when it reached a height of half a meter.

Ye Ran walked onto the stage.

On the opposite side, Fang Jun also came on stage, scratched his head and said, "Why did you remember to fight me?"

"My hands are itchy, practice your fighting skills."

Ye Ran smiled and said: "But please be gentle later, I can't withstand such a big fist like yours."

He was telling the truth. Without using the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword, his ultimate combat power was only twenty-three thousand, plus his martial arts skills were twenty-six thousand.

And Fang's army has a combat strength of more than 70,000.

"Keep it?"

Fang Jun was puzzled, "I heard from the commander that you have killed a fifth-level martial artist, so your combat power should be quite high, right?"

"Luckily, it was just a sneak attack, and I broke an arm just like that."

Ye Ran waved his hand and said excitedly: "Okay, come on."

"Okay, then you first tell me what your combat power is, and I'll suppress you so I don't hurt you."

Fang Jun said honestly: "You only have one arm left now, and your combat power will probably be halved again."

"It's okay, you can use your 30,000 combat power."

Ye Ran thought, although he wanted to use Fang Jun's help to achieve victory in every battle, it was rare to have a fifth-level martial artist as a sparring partner.

Just put some pressure on and improve your combat ability.

"Then let's begin!"

Fang Jun shouted deeply, his energy and blood exploded, and his whole body was like an iron wall, crashing into him.

On the fighting stage, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded.

Although his steps were heavy, his speed was not slow at all, even quite fast. The speed was completely inconsistent with his huge body.

In an instant, he rushed in front of Ye Ran, jumped up in the air, and punched him hard.

Ye Ran narrowed his eyes, stepped back decisively, avoided the punch, and then struck out with a palm.

Heavy water palm!

In midair, a dark shadow of a hand more than two meters high appeared.

There were waves of water surrounding the palm, the sound of rushing water sounded, and the waves were turbulent.

Fang Jun did not dodge, and without the slightest intention of retreating, he suddenly bumped into him.

With a bang, the black palm phantom exploded.

This scene made Ye Ran's heart beat wildly. This guy was really a reckless man. He hadn't seen this kind of fighting style for a long time.

He was delighted to see Hunter. Even though he felt a little uncomfortable after losing his arm, he still went straight to meet him.

He likes it best if he fights hard!


The next moment.

A huge crash sounded.

Ye Ran flew out and hit the wall hard, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Fang Jun was stunned for a moment, then said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be so weak."


Ye Ran licked the blood on his lips and stood up quickly. Although his expression was sluggish, his fighting spirit was high.

The combat power of 30,000 is indeed fierce. If faced head-on, he wouldn't be able to withstand even one move.

Of course, the main reason is that he broke his arm, which has a great impact on his combat power.

"Come again!"

Ye Ran strode onto the fighting stage, looking particularly excited.

At this time, in his mind, the achievement progress of being defeated in every battle has been reached once.

This achievement is not difficult to achieve as long as you have the right training partner.

Fang Jun was an honest man and scratched his head honestly, "You're injured, aren't you going to rest?"

"It's okay, come again."

Ye Ran shook his head, his eyes were particularly bright, not frustrated, but filled with the desire to fight.

Fang Jun looked at him strangely and said, "I heard that you have always been very cunning. When you cooperate with us, you never take action yourself."

"The tower master also commented that you are as cunning as a fox, greedy for life and afraid of death. You are a complete despicable person. I didn't expect that you also have such a bloody and brave side."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's expression froze.

Then he looked as usual, shrugged and said, "Forget it, since we are all friends, I won't hide it."

"I practice a special martial art, and I can only become stronger by being beaten."

"Can you become stronger by being beaten?"

Fang Jun's eyes widened, seeing such martial arts.

"as big as World, nothing is nonexistent."

Ye Ran said calmly, "When you reach my age and gain knowledge, you will understand."

"All right."

Fang Jun scratched his head and said, "But I just helped you, and now I'm a little tired. I want to take a rest first."

"What's the point of beating people?"

Ye Ran was stunned, and then cursed secretly, I didn't expect you, a thick-browed person, to be such a thief.

He said helplessly: "If you beat me once, I will give you five points."

"Five points at a time?"

Fang Jun said with a smile: "I'm not tired anymore. Let's continue. I will help you master your martial arts skills today!"

Ye Ran was speechless, but he had known for a long time that even though this guy looked honest on the surface, he was also very scheming secretly.

But think about it, there are not many good people in this Black Seal Tower.

Next, the two continued to fight.

After seven consecutive defeats, Ye Ran's body couldn't bear it, so he suspended today's battle and returned to his room to rest.

There is still time. A hundred consecutive defeats can be achieved in just ten days.

The next day.

He went straight to Zhou Qing.

To be honest, he was a little nervous. There is no such thing as a free lunch. There must be a reason why the other party helped him.

"Is this woman not after my body?"

Ye Ran was a little nervous. He walked absent-mindedly to Zhou Qing's room and knocked on the door.

"Little brother, you are finally here."

Zhou Qing smiled and said, "Come in with me. Take off your clothes by the way. Remember to take off all your clothes."


Ye Ran was dumbfounded, and then his eyes were horrified. No way, he really guessed it.

"Damn, I would rather die than surrender!"

Ye Ran gritted his teeth and strode in.

He had already thought about it. The worst case scenario was that he would turn against her, be reported by this woman, and then reveal his identity.

Anyway, the main point was not to sacrifice his appearance!

He walked into the room while thinking.

At this time, Zhou Qing's puzzled voice sounded, "Why are you going to the bedside, to that medicine barrel?"


Ye Ran's expression was stiff. Medicine barrel, there is one, why didn't he see it.

He looked again, and sure enough, he saw a huge medicine barrel in an open small room, with hot steam coming out of the barrel.

Seeing his stiff expression, Zhou Qing laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't peek."

"Go in and take a medicinal bath by yourself, and come out in an hour."

"Isn't my arm injured?"

Ye Ran came back to his senses and asked hesitantly.

"If you want to recover as soon as possible, just listen to me, sister. If I want to hurt you, I wouldn't have helped you yesterday."

Zhou Qing smiled and knocked on his head.

Ye Ran wanted to resist, but he was under the eaves, so he had to know what was good for him. He walked into the small room.

Seeing that he closed the door, and it was closed tightly.

Zhou Qing shook her head, "You are a little brat, and you are afraid of being seen. This is really like Zhou Ming."

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