In the small room.

Ye Ran checked and found that this seemed to be a room for medicinal bath.

In the center of the room was the wooden barrel.

In addition to the wooden barrel, there were several spare empty barrels placed aside.

He looked at the wooden barrel and saw that it was full of green medicinal liquid, and there were some broken vines floating on the top.

It was the broken vine, and he was relieved.


The water splashed, and Ye Ran jumped into the wooden barrel, and his blood circulated throughout his body, and he began to slowly absorb the medicinal liquid.

An hour later.

He got up, and the medicinal liquid in the wooden barrel had become dark and lost its light.

After walking out of the room, Zhou Qing was holding a book and reading it boredly.

When he saw him come out, he smiled and said, "Come here, I'll give you a massage."


Ye Ran looked at Zhou Qing's fair face, and secretly groaned in his heart, wondering if this massage was serious or not.

However, no matter how this woman seduced and threatened him today, he, Ye Ran, would never obey!

He walked over absentmindedly.

"Are you sleepy? Why are you walking towards the bed again? That's the bed for checking injuries. If you want to sleep, I'll find you a quiet room."

At this time, Zhou Qing's puzzled voice sounded.

Ye Ran came back to his senses and said embarrassedly: "Uh, I got lost."

"Such a small room, how can you get lost? You must be kidding."

Zhou Qing rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'll massage your wound for you, and you can go back and rest as soon as possible."

"Massage the wound."

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief, walked over, and sat upright on the bench, like a primary school student.

Zhou Qing saw this scene, touched his head, and said with a smile: "So good!"

Ye Ran was speechless, but he didn't care about such a small matter.

Zhou Qing stretched out her white and slender hand and gently massaged Ye Ran's broken arm, while the blood and qi also flowed into the broken arm.

It's called massage, but it's actually a special way to dredge the blood and qi.

After just a moment, Ye Ran felt a slight itch coming from the broken arm, as if the flesh and blood were slightly moving.

He was delighted and sat there more obediently.

Two hours passed in a flash.

Zhou Qing withdrew her hand, looking a little tired. It was obvious that the special method of blood circulation just now had consumed a lot of her energy.

Ye Ran was stunned when he saw this scene.

He didn't know why this girl was so dedicated to helping him.

At this time, Zhou Qing yawned twice, "Wait, I'll stimulate your arm again."

She took out a small piece of broken vine and two red grasses, shook them into powder, and applied them to Ye Ran's arm.

At the same time, she said softly: "Bear with it, it will hurt a little."

"Don't worry, I'm a tough guy!"

Ye Ran was very confident, but as soon as he finished speaking, his face changed and he gasped in pain.

"Hiss~ Why does it hurt so much!"

His face was pale and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. If it weren't for his strong willpower, he would have jumped up from the spot.

Even so, he still gritted his teeth and deeply felt the pain of scraping bones to heal wounds.

Needless to say, his willpower and endurance are great.

This reaction shows that the pain is indeed extraordinary.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing said in a panic: "Does it hurt a lot? But the combination of these two spiritual medicines can reduce the recovery time. If you are in great pain, don't use it."

"No, as long as you can recover as soon as possible."

Ye Ran panted slightly and reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his head.

"How about I find you a piece of candy?"

Zhou Qing hesitated.

"Eat candy?" Ye Ran was stunned.

"Sorry, I think of my brother. When he was a child, if the medicine he took was bitter, I would give him a piece of candy."

Zhou Qing smiled.

"Your brother?"

"Well, if he was still alive, he should be a few years older than you now, and he might be taller than you."

Zhou Qing said softly, with a hint of sadness and nostalgia in his eyes.

Ye Ran was startled, and seeing that the other party was not in a good mood, he was embarrassed to ask more.

A few minutes later, all the powder was absorbed.

Ye Ran looked at his broken arm, which had grown new flesh and blood, and was delighted.

At this rate, it will definitely heal within half a month.

"Thank you."

He looked at Zhou Qing and thanked him sincerely.

"Hehe, so good and polite." Zhou Qing smiled and touched his head again.

Ye Ran didn't care and got up to leave.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, is there a pharmacist in the tower?"

"Pharmacist? You want to refine Qi and Blood Powder?"

Zhou Qing was surprised.


Ye Ran nodded. What he wanted to refine was actually the Black Dragon Essence Blood, not the Qi and Blood Powder, but it was not easy to say it clearly.

"As for the pharmacist, there are some on the negative third floor. You just need to pay a certain amount of points."

Zhou Qing thought for a while and said, "Let me recommend someone to you. He used to be a mentor at Yujing Wuda and a senior pharmacist."

"He went undercover in our 77th Tower and wanted to steal treasures. After being discovered by the tower master, he was abandoned and locked up on the negative third floor."

"If you ask him to refine it, you don't have to spend points. Other pharmacists are very shady and their level is not as good as his."

"The mentor of Yujing Wuda?"

Ye Ran was stunned. He was still caught stealing treasures. Why does this person's experience sound a little familiar?

"What's the name of that mentor?"

"I don't know."

Zhou Qing shook her head, "I haven't refined it with him either, but I can make an appointment for you. It's easier than making an appointment yourself."

"You still need to make an appointment?" Ye Ran was stunned.

"After all, it's free, so there are many people refining it."

Zhou Qing explained: "You may have to wait until next year. As a doctor, I can join the queue."

"Thank you very much." Ye Ran said gratefully.

"Thank you is not enough. Call my sister to come and listen."

Zhou Qing joked.

Ye Ran was a little hesitant and confused. Although he was indeed grateful, it was still a little difficult to speak.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore, go back and have a good rest."

Zhou Qing smiled and touched his head again, "Be more energetic next time, don't just think about finding a bed to sleep as soon as you come."

Ye Ran left with an unnatural expression.

After returning to his room, Ye Ran fought with Fang Jun again, but without exception, he did not exceed three moves.

Fang Jun was happy earning points.

He also accomplished the achievement, but everyone got what they needed.

Next, Ye Ran would go to Zhou Qing's place every day for medicinal baths, arm massages, etc.

After returning, he fought with Fang Jun.

Three days passed so quickly.

During this period, he didn't see Commander Yang again. He seemed to have something to do and went out.

On the second floor, he saw many members of the Black Seal Tower coming and going, both men and women, all busy.

The entire Black Seal Tower is well organized and in strict order.

In the training room.

Ye Ran stretched out his hand tremblingly, exhaled slightly, and weakly pressed the button next to him.

Next to it, the silver round platform slowly retracted to the ground.

"You were very good today. You managed to hold on for three moves."

Fang Jun nodded in appreciation and said: "We have fought so many times, this is the first time for you to support me with three moves."

"If you are not a fourth-level martial artist but a fifth-level martial artist, you should have a good chance of forcing me to use my full strength."

Hearing this, Ye Ran wiped the blood from his mouth and shook his head in his heart.

"Don't talk about a fifth-level martial artist. Once I break through to a fourth-level martial artist, I will be able to beat you, even if you try your best."

He has great confidence in himself.

But naturally they won't say this.

"Seventy-three thousand five hundred, the combat power has increased again, not bad."

Fang Jun glanced at the combat power data he had just printed on the mechanical puppet and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he patted Ye Ran on the shoulder and said, "An Yun, practice hard."

"If you don't work hard, I guess you won't be able to hold on for three more moves."

After saying that, he turned around and left happily.

I get free points every day, and my combat power is also improving. I have been really lucky recently.

Ye Ran was also about to leave and go back to rest, when a ding sounded in his mind.

It's the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword, and the upgrade is complete.

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