There was silence in the dark passage.

Ye Ran walked for two or three minutes before he saw a spacious hole in front of him.

Number 1 is written above the entrance of the cave.

"no way?"

He was a little surprised and walked in with a little curiosity.

The cave is very large and crude. It really looks like a cave, with uneven rocks everywhere.

Ye Ran glanced around and saw that the cave was deserted and empty, except in the middle.

There was a huge silver machine that made a buzzing sound.

This silver machine is boxy in shape, four to five meters tall, and looks like a huge refrigerator.

The upper part of the machine is transparent, and many glass tubes can be seen inside.

Inside the tube, there was surging purple blood.

"Alien blood?"

His heart moved slightly and he walked over.

Outside the silver box, there is a thick and long wire leading to a corner.

"Is there still electricity here?"

Ye Ran was a little surprised. It seemed that the Black Seal Tower treated these prisoners well.

However, when he looked towards that corner, he heard, "Holy shit."

In the corner, a dozen purple stones with thunderous flashes were piled up. Wires were inserted into the stones, and crackling electricity surged out.

"What kind of black technology is this?"

He was a little confused.

"Thunder Stone is a strange stone that may be born in the place where the thunder tribulation has struck after the master has passed through it."

A lazy voice sounded.

From another small cave, a man in ragged clothes and unkempt hair came out yawning.

"Teacher Zhang?"

Ye Ran was a little surprised when he looked at the savage-like man in front of him.

This seems a bit inconsistent with the Yu Jingwu Grand Master he imagined, but being imprisoned must be very painful.

"Xiao Cui, Xiao Lian, you go back first, I'm going to be busy."

Zhang Yuhe stretched his body.

After hearing this, two slim young women walked out of the cave he had just come out from.

The two of them blew a kiss to him, "See you tomorrow, honey."

After speaking, she twisted her slender waist and left.

"Okay, see you two babies."

Zhang Yuhe grinned, showing a mouth full of big yellow teeth.

Ye Ran looked at this scene dumbfounded.

He glanced at the cave just now and saw that there was a luxurious pink bed in the cave. The bed was very messy and there were a few pieces of underwear thrown around.

Apparently there had just been a big fight.

In front of the big bed, there is a rather large dining table, which is filled with all kinds of big fish and meat that have been eaten.

Ye Ran: "???"

This is a prison, how can you still live a good life?

He was completely stunned.

Before arriving, he had some regrets and sighs. After all, he was a tutor at Yujing Martial Arts University and was very knowledgeable.

Being locked up in this dark underground prison must be very painful.

but now?

For a moment, Ye Ran felt that all his regrets were fed to the dogs.

The heart feels cold and the heart feels cold.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Zhang Yuhe took out a toothpick from his trouser pocket, picked up the fish meat in his mouth, and said lazily at the same time.

"Pretty face, don't think about attacking Xiao Cui and Xiao Lian, these two beauties are mine."

"Taking advantage of your sister!"

Ye Ran cursed in his heart, but still said calmly: "I am not a pretty boy, I am seventy-eight this year!"

"Tch, little brat!"

Zhang Yuhe sneered, turned around and walked towards the silver machine. After some operations, he placed a black broken pot under the machine.

Zi yo yo~

A stream of purple alien blood flowed from the machine into the black pot.

From a distance, it looks like a machine peeing.

Ye Ran frowned, feeling that this guy seemed to see through his age.

He looked at the purple alien blood, and his heart moved slightly. There were strong energy fluctuations. These seemed to be the essence and blood of alien beasts.

However, the energy fluctuations are too strong and a bit violent, making it difficult to use directly.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Yuhe took the black pot and walked to a huge underground crack behind the machine.

Within the cracks, streams of blazing red flames were constantly rolling.

"Red liquid fire?"

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"Hey, I'm not old, but I have a lot of experience. I also know this kind of strange fire."

Zhang Yuhe turned to look at Ye Ran, stuck the black pot in the gap of the crack, and at the same time threw a stone into the crack.

I don't know what he threw in it.

But the ground fire suddenly surged, spurting out from the cracks and burning the black pot.

As the ground fire surged out, the temperature in the entire cave increased, and the walls of the cave were illuminated red by the firelight.

Ye Ran didn't respond.

It's not that he's knowledgeable, it's mainly because of Heng Yang's true form. He has checked a lot of information about strange fires.

I have some understanding of this kind of red liquid earth fire.

Although the grade of this kind of ground fire is not too high, it usually gathers underground in large numbers, and sometimes falls into the ground accidentally.

Even the grandmaster may not be able to bear it and cannot come out.

"I am forty-eight years old this year. You are only in your early thirties. I am older than you."

He looked at Zhang Yuhe and said calmly.

"Okay, stop pretending, there's no one else here."

Zhang Yuhe rolled his eyes, "I'm not that big, but I act like an adult."

As he spoke, he took off his clothes and walked towards Ye Ran.

When Ye Ran saw this, his hair stood on end and he said in horror.

"I'm a man, what are you going to do!"

His energy and blood exploded, and the sword appeared in his hand, as if facing a powerful enemy, with the intention of slashing if he disagreed.


Zhang Yuhe cursed, "Where the hell are you thinking? I'm just hot."

While he was talking, he had already taken off all his clothes, leaving only his shorts on him, looking very free and easy.

"Are you really Zhang Yuhe?"

Ye Ran couldn't help but ask. It was difficult to associate the man in shorts in front of him with the great master Yu Jingwu who could study the black magic secrets so profoundly.

"Call Teacher Zhang!"

Zhang Yuhe looked unkind and took out a small notebook from his pants.

He flipped through the pages and said, "Your name is An Yun, right? You are so young, and who is the illegitimate son of the tower master?"

In the small book, there are densely written names of people.

The handwriting of those names was exactly the same as the handwriting on the notebook Ye Ran got before.

"Are you really Zhang Yuhe?"

Seeing this, Ye Ran couldn't help but ask again. Although the evidence was sufficient, he still didn't believe it.

"Nonsense, Dark Cloud, the 458th time..."

Zhang Yuhe concentrated on recording something in his small notebook.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Ran was a little surprised.

"Keep track of the times. When the blood essence and qi and blood powder are refined ten thousand times in total, that old immortal guy will let me go."

"Ten thousand times?"

Ye Ran was shocked, "Then it won't last the next life?"

"You brat, don't curse me. Do you want to refine blood essence or not?"

Zhang Yuhe rolled his eyes and handed over the small book, "Take your fingerprints."

"You are so rigorous."

Ye Ran shook his head, pressed his fingerprints, and took out the black dragon blood.

He was very cautious and took out only about a third of the amount that could be refined.

"This alien blood..."

Zhang Yuhe's pupils shrank suddenly and he said in shock.

"Hei Jiao Xue, you are a warrior, and you want to use the master-level blood essence to break through the martial arts, aren't you crazy?"

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