Ye Ran's face changed drastically.

What the hell, this guy, after he perfected his Cloud Breath Technique, unless he fought with others.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for others to discover his true realm.

He met so many people, even Commander Yang, a sixth-level martial artist, could not see his strength.

How could Zhang Yuhe see it so easily?

"Go away, get out!"

Zhang Yuhe's face turned green, "I will have to refine the essence of a master-level beast for at least a month, and it will consume a lot of energy. I will never do it!"

"One month?"

Ye Ran frowned, "I don't have that much time, can half a month be okay?"

"Damn, don't you understand?"

Zhang Yuhe rolled his eyes wildly, "I won't take this job, you can find anyone else..."

He hasn't finished yet.

Ye Ran has nodded.

"Okay, Teacher Zhang, you have worked hard, half a month is half a month, I will come to you when the time comes."

After speaking, Ye Ran turned and left.

He walked without any delay, very fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yuhe was dumbfounded, "Damn it, are you deaf?"

He cursed inwardly, looked at the black dragon blood in front of him, and snorted coldly: "I wonder which tower master's illegitimate child this is."

"But a mere third-level warrior dared to use the master-level beast blood to break through the martial arts master, which is also a powerful figure."


There was a little strangeness in his eyes.

But to be honest, this kid is a bit interesting, and when he saw him just now, he was hesitant to speak, as if he had something to say to him.

"Next time Xiao Cui and the others come, ask them to check this kid."

Zhang Yuhe murmured to himself, thinking of Xiao Cui and the others, he shook his head and turned slowly.

"Xiao Cui and Xiao Lian, although you two are very moist, I'm sorry, I'm almost ready and I'm leaving."

"It's a pity that you are not sincere to me, otherwise it would be good to take you away..."

In the dark passage.

Ye Ran thought of Zhang Yuhe just now and frowned.

Originally, he heard that this Yujing Wuda instructor was also trapped here, and he had some ideas.

Thinking about whether the two could work together to escape.

But this guy gave people a really unreliable feeling. He thought about it and didn't reveal his identity.

"Forget it, let him refine the blood essence first. If the black dragon blood essence he refined is fine, maybe he can be trusted."

Ye Ran shook his head and left quickly.


Five days later.

Training room.

On the round silver platform, a figure suddenly flew out backwards.

Ye Ran hit the wall heavily and coughed.

On the opposite side, Fang Jun looked at him with some complex and envious eyes, "Five moves, you are stronger."

"You only have more than 20,000 combat power and a broken arm, but you can hold on for five moves under my 30,000 combat power. It seems that you have a strong combat awareness."

"Old people become wise, young man, you are still a little immature. When you reach my age, you can be as strong as me."

Ye Ran said, coughing again, and the dull chest felt much better.

He looked at the achievement panel.

[A hundred battles and a hundred defeats: Progress (37/100) Defeated a hundred times, get a reward of 400 achievement points. 】

"Not bad."

He felt a little regretful. If it weren't for Fang Jun, I don't know what went crazy a few days ago.

Every time I saw him, I ran away in fear, saying that even the mechanical puppets couldn't stand it, let alone me, let me go.

He should have completed half of the hundred battles and a hundred defeats now.

"It's useless to have a strong combat awareness. I'm at full strength, but I have more than 70,000 combat power, you are still far behind!"

Fang Jun was very proud.

Over the past few days, he and Ye Ran have gradually become familiar with each other, and they can barely be considered ordinary friends.

Of course, the premise of being friends is that he doesn't know Ye Ran's true identity.

Ye Ran shrugged and didn't care.

"There will be a hunting in ten days. Will you go?"

Fang Jun thought of something and asked.


Ye Ran's eyes lit up and said decisively.

This is an opportunity to leave. Even if he can't escape directly, he can explore the situation outside and prepare for leaving.

The two chatted for a few more sentences, each found a mechanical puppet, and began to accurately test the combat power.

Fang Jun looked at the puppet screen, the combat power of 74,000, and laughed foolishly.

"I'm awesome, so strong."

As he said that, he put his arm around Ye Ran's shoulders and grinned, "Isn't this combat data gorgeous?"

"You practice well, and when you reach the fifth level of martial arts, you can fight with me and last longer."

Ye Ran said faintly: "Is it possible that when I reach the fifth level of martial arts, I can slap you away with a slap?"

"Dark Cloud!"

Fang Jun said seriously: "After getting along with you these days, I found that you are actually a pretty good person, but there is one shortcoming."


"You like to brag too much, and you brag as if it's true."

Fang Jun strode out of the practice room and reminded: "By the way, don't clear the combat data of that mechanical puppet."

"Let me put my combat data here to motivate you."


Ye Ran shrugged, if it weren't for the fact that he wanted to keep a low profile.

A Pure Yang Heavenly Sword will let you know who is the real boss of this practice room.

He went back to rest for a while and went downstairs.

Second floor.

In Zhou Qing's medical room.

Ye Ran once again went through the steps of taking a medicinal bath and massaging the wound.

"Not bad, you're recovering really fast."

Zhou Qing took back her hand and said with some surprise: "Your physique is really good, you can recover much faster than I thought."

"It is estimated that it will take another three or four days to fully recover."

Ye Ran looked at it and saw that there was only one palm left, and his right arm had not grown, and he was also a little excited.

Then he shook his head and said, "It's all thanks to you. Without you massaging me with Qi and blood every day, I wouldn't have recovered so quickly."

Speaking of this, he said sincerely.

"Thank you. If you need help in the future, I will definitely help you as long as it does not violate my principles."

"You're so sweet. I like your little brother who is sweet and sensible, and knows how to repay kindness. He's so cute."

Zhou Qing pinched Ye Ran's face with a smile.

Then he said: "Little brother, come here, give you something."


Ye Ran was surprised.

Zhou Qing reached out and handed over a medicine bottle with a line of words written on it.

——Eighty-eight-flavored Dihuang Pills.

Ye Ran was confused, what the hell, eighty-eight flavors?

"This is the tonic I made to replenish my energy and spirit."

Zhou Qing said patiently: "With this thing, if you encounter the same situation as last time, you can reduce the coma time by half."

"Half the amount?!"

Ye Ran was shocked, took the medicine bottle, opened it, and found some small crystal pills inside.

There are about ten or so, not too many.

"These are the medicines you have been taking so hard these days? Wait, tonics, those elixirs you redeemed last time..."

Ye Ran's pupils narrowed and he looked at Zhou Qing with a gentle look on his face.

Holding the medicine bottle in his hand tightly, he said slightly complicatedly: "Why are you helping me like this?"

"Because you are cute."

Zhou Qing said with a smile on her face and touched Ye Ran's head again. She seemed to like this action very much.

Ye Ran was silent for a moment, "I want to hear the real reason."

Zhou Qing was startled, then nodded slightly.

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