in the room.

It has been three days since we left the third underground floor.

Ye Ran still felt a little creepy every time he thought about what Zhang Yuhe said at that time and his weird expression.

This also led to the fact that although he was interested in the secrets of black magic, he really didn't dare to talk to that guy anymore.

"However, this guy has been locked up here for so many years and can still live so well. He must have two brushes."

Ye Ran thought in his mind.

No matter what, he still had to go see Zhang Yuhe again.

There was no way, he had to find a way to leave.

The only hope right now is Zhang Yuhe.

"But before that, find the black magic knife first."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered, he was very interested and looking forward to the black magic secret technique that ranked among the top five.

Four days later.

Training room.


Ye Ran fell back, staggered, hit the wall hard, and his whole body bounced forward.

He coughed and stood there for a while before recovering.

Next, look at the achievements panel.

[One Hundred Battles and One Hundred Defeats: Progress (78/100) Defeat one hundred times and receive a reward of 400 achievement points. 】


Ye Ran nodded slightly in his heart, quite satisfied with the progress.

Opposite me, Fang Jun's face was full of shock, "Ten moves, your combat power of more than 20,000, can actually support my ten moves of 30,000 combat power?"

"The arms have recovered and the body is coordinated, so there is naturally more room for performance."

Ye Ran seemed very calm and looked at his new right arm.

It is as white as jade and has a crystal feel, like the skin of a newborn, very bright.

"That's outrageous. There's a combat power gap of several thousand."

Fang Jun said with a serious expression: "If we have the same fighting strength, I will definitely not be your opponent, and I won't be able to last long."

As he said that, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately you are very weak, otherwise I would really have no confidence."

Ye Ran rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Thinking in mind.

In another seven or eight days, the black dragon essence and blood will be refined, and he will be able to truly break through the martial arts master and achieve a qualitative improvement.

"There is also news about the Black Demon Knife. You can find time to go see Zhang Yuhe."

He left the training room while thinking.


Ye Ran came to the exchange area on the first floor. There were people in front of dozens of exchange counters, hurriedly exchanging money.

There were even people waiting in line.

He was a little surprised to see that although there were many people in the Black Seal Tower, there was enough time on weekdays, so they wouldn't all be crowded together to exchange, right?

While he was thinking about it, a few more young members passed by and were startled when they saw this scene.

One of the young people was surprised: "With so many people consuming points, it's not like the little witch is coming back, right?"

"Nonsense, it must be!"

Another companion said, and quickly walked to an exchange table and started queuing.

Several others also shook their heads and sighed, and walked towards the exchange desk, "This little witch has just been away for a few days and now she's back."

"Little witch?"

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, and he wanted to find someone to ask.

But in front of him, someone happened to leave, and the exchange desk became vacant, so he immediately stepped forward.

Clicking on the exchange desk is a familiar operation as usual.

"Xiao Zhi, help me check the Black Magic Knife in Tower 7 of the First Headquarters."

Ye Ransheng asked.

There are indeed many black magic knives. The original rumor was that there were a thousand, but now it seems that they are almost over 10,000.

This is why the people inside the Black Seal Tower are not very interested in the Black Demon Sword.

Because there are so many black magic knives, finding one with a master's inheritance is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack, and no one has that many free points.

Of course, the main reason is that most people don't know that there are black devil seeds in the black magic knife.

On the screen of the redemption desk, light flickered, and more than thirty black magic knives soon appeared, ranging from B-level to S-level.

Ye Ran looked around and found that he had checked the inventory of black magic knives in many other towers these days, but he had not yet checked the first seven towers.

If the black magic knife Zhang Yuhe mentioned had not been exchanged, it must be in the first few towers.

The black magic knives swept across quickly.

Ye Ran suddenly focused his eyes, looked at one of them, and then clicked to enlarge.

Suddenly, a rather worn-out black magic knife appeared on the screen. There were still various cuts on the blade.

Obviously this sword has gone through many hard battles.

Ye Ran looked at it carefully, not missing a single spot. Not long after, he saw a tiny gray crescent mark, and he was immediately overjoyed.

found it!

This is what Zhang Yuhe said, the black magic knife that possesses the top five black magic secrets!

It was because of this knife that Zhang Yuhe was caught by the tower owner of the Seventy-Seven Tower. Fortunately, he was stealing treasure from the treasure house.

There are so many treasures, so the owner of the Seventy-seventh Pagoda doesn't know what treasures Zhang Yuhe wants to steal.

The treasuries of the Black Seal Tower are all interconnected. This Black Demon Sword may have been exchanged for it by someone from the No. 7 Tower.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran felt excited and looked at the price.

Although this is an S-class soldier, the damage is too serious, and the price is not high, only two hundred points.

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief. He still had more than 300 points left, which was just enough.

He stopped thinking about it and quickly clicked the exchange button.

"Do you want to spend thirty points and use Black Rabbit Express? It will be delivered within five to seven days."

Xiaozhi's mechanical voice sounded.


Ye Ran was a little speechless, but thirty points were not much, and saving time was naturally beneficial.

He spent another thirty points, bought a special courier, and then left.

When he left, he could still hear the discussions of many members of the Black Seal Tower around him.

They were all talking about the little witch.

Ye Ran also heard some of it. The little witch seemed to be the adopted daughter of the 77th Tower Master, but it sounded that her reputation was not very good.

A moment.

Underground negative three floors.

Ye Ran greeted the guarding iron-faced man and went in.

Perhaps because he was more honest the first two times he saw him, the iron-faced man just nodded slightly this time and didn't say much.

However, Ye Ran's eyes still flashed a little strange.

A few days ago, he heard Zhang Yuhe say that this was a quasi-grandmaster, and he was frightening.

A quasi-grandmaster guarding the prison cell also showed that the Black Seal Tower had a strong foundation.

Prison No. 1.

Ye Ran walked in. Zhang Yuhe was not doing anything lewd, but standing in front of the silver machine, studying something.

He walked over and looked at it for a while. He didn't quite understand it, so he waited there.

After a while, Zhang Yuhe stopped what he was doing, stretched his waist and said, "Why haven't you come these days?"


Ye Ran said casually, and then said, "I found the black magic knife you mentioned."


Zhang Yuhe was overjoyed, "Great, with the top five black magic secrets and my black wheel eyes, we can definitely get through the underground fire!"

"Get through the underground fire, what do you mean?"

Ye Ran's heart skipped a beat, and some bad thoughts arose.

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