Zhang Yuhe shrugged and looked at the huge crack behind the silver machine.

"What else can it mean? Escape from here?"

"Are you crazy?!"

Ye Ran was shocked. "The ground where this red magma gathers is all magma. If you are not careful, the master may die in it."

"I know, it is a matter of life and death."

Zhang Yuhe said carelessly, and walked a few steps to the crack. At this time, the red flame in the crack was burning fiercely.

It seemed that it would burst out of the crack at any time.

Zhang Yuhe said, "I've studied it. This underground fire has a rest period, and it will be restrained after a period of time."

"The most recent one is in ten days. Then, we can jump directly from here and go underground."


Ye Ran frowned, "I know that this kind of underground fire is usually connected to a volcano. We can get out of the volcano as long as we go underground."

"But even if the flames at the entrance are extinguished, the underground is full of this kind of underground fire. Our physiques can't stand it at all."

"Don't worry."

Dark light flowed in Zhang Yuhe's eyes, and he said confidently, "What do you think my black wheel eye is for?"

"With the black wheel eye, we can avoid most of the underground fire. We just need to go to the area where the underground fire is sparse."

"We are all level five martial artists. Even if we can't stand it for too long, it's still okay for a short time."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, this is okay.

He then asked.

"However, even if we can predict it, we haven't gone down. If

"Or is it to be reborn after being put to death? ”

Zhang Yuhe shrugged, "It's better than staying in this broken place. I have Xiao Cui and the others, so I can stay here."

"But you..."

Ye Ran's heart choked, and he gritted his teeth.

"It's better to survive than to die ten times. Give it a try!"

"Don't worry, it's not that dangerous."

Zhang Yuhe yawned and said, "Follow me closely, I guarantee you a 60% chance of survival. If the secret technique in the black magic knife is defensive, it will be at least 90%. "

Ye Ran nodded.

Then, the two chatted for a while, and Ye Ran left.

At this time, Zhang Yuhe seemed to be much more normal, which made him feel more at ease.

With the hope of escaping, the biggest stone in his heart fell to the ground.

He can escape in ten days, and the master of the Seventy-Seventh Tower will come back in more than ten days, which is enough time.

On the way back, Ye Ran came to Zhou Qing's medical room.

Although his arm has recovered, he still comes here to sit for a while every day and chat with Zhou Qing.

In the medical room.

Zhou Qing had just sent away a wounded person from the Black Seal Tower, and Ye Ran walked in.

She smiled and said, "How is your exotic beast blood refining going?"

"It's almost done."

Ye Ran did not reveal that he knew Zhang Yuhe, nor the secret art of the black magic, but only talked about refining the exotic beast blood.

"Once your blood is refined, you can break through to the martial arts master, right?"

Zhou Qing asked curiously.

Ye Ran nodded.

"You are really talented. "

Zhou Qing sighed, "If my brother had been as strong as you, he wouldn't have..."

A hint of sadness flashed across her eyes.

Then she cheered up and smiled cheerfully, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll show you something good."


She took out a black inner armor from the table.

The inner armor was very mottled, full of knife marks, and looked tattered.

"I used my last points to exchange this inner armor with someone. Don't look at how shabby it is. I heard that it was worn by a master."

"Aren't you going to go hunting with Uncle Yang and the others in a few days? It's safer with this inner armor. "

Zhou Qing carefully warned, "When hunting, be careful of those strange beasts..."

Ye Ran looked at the inner armor, which was actually very ordinary.

Gold Devouring Yangyan didn't react at all, so it was probably an A-level inner armor at most, so Zhou Qing must have been deceived.

But it was inevitable. Zhou Qing only had the strength of a second-level warrior, and he rarely came into contact with combat soldiers. Even if he could barely distinguish the levels, he might not know that ordinary combat soldiers were actually not very useful.

However, he listened to Zhou Qing's instructions and chattering, and his expression softened.

Took the inner armor and smiled, "Thank you, sister. This inner armor is indeed a precious combat soldier. You got a bargain."

Zhou Qing was stunned, and then said proudly, "Of course, my vision can be bad."

After chatting for a while, Ye Ran was ready to leave.

Outside the door, an angry and delicate voice suddenly sounded, "You bunch of trash, my godfather really raised you in vain. "

Ye Ran was startled and was about to go out.

But Zhou Qing stopped him.

Zhou Qing said nervously with a pretty face: "Don't go out, it's Tang Lingfeng, she is the adopted daughter of the tower master, she is not easy to get along with, don't let her cause trouble for you."

Outside the door.

The girl's angry scolding continued.

"What a bunch of trash, I can't even borrow some points from you, where are all your points, you deserve to be so useless."

"When my adopted father comes back, I will ask him to drive all of you useless guys out of the Black Seal Tower!"

"Damn it, damn it, a bunch of annoying trash, I am so angry..."

After a while, the scolding stopped.

Ye Ran walked out of the room and prepared to go back, and saw more than a dozen members of the Black Seal Tower standing outside.

Everyone looked embarrassed, and several of them had footprints on their bodies.

These people sighed continuously and left in a depressed mood.

He frowned and looked into the distance, where he could vaguely see a slender red figure.

The episode ended.

Although Ye Ran didn't like Tang Lingfeng's behavior, these members of the Black Seal Tower were no good and didn't deserve sympathy.

He left and returned to the room.

Two days passed quickly.

In the room.

Ye Ran opened his eyes and exhaled lightly.

Tomorrow is the day to go out hunting, and he is very concerned about this matter.

After all, it can not only detect the surrounding situation, but also kill some strange beasts and create black magic fog.

The previous black magic fog has been consumed completely.

Thinking, Ye Ran walked out of the room.

As soon as he came out of the room, he saw Commander Yang coming over.

The two of them happened to meet.

Commander Yang looked at him and said, "Anyun, tomorrow is the hunting day. I came to remind you."

"This is your first hunting day. Just follow me. Don't worry. I guarantee you can kill many warriors."


Ye Ran nodded, but he knew in his heart that this guy was still worried about him, so he tried to follow him.

At this time, a heavy creaking sound was heard.

Ye Ran was surprised and looked in the direction of the stairs. It seemed to be the sound of a door opening from upstairs.

His heart skipped a beat. Upstairs, it was the heavy Xuanzhongjin Gate. Could it be that the 77th Tower Master had returned?

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Commander Yang shook his head, "It's not the Tower Master, it's Miss Tang Lingfeng."

"In addition to forcibly opening the Xuanzhongjin Gate with force, there is also a special way to open it. Several of the Tower Master's adopted sons and daughters know how to do it."

As he spoke, a person came upstairs.

It was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in red, with a slim figure and a pretty face.

There was a bit of arrogance and pride on her face. When she saw the two people, she immediately raised her eyebrows and shouted fiercely.

"Commander Yang, you bastard, who told you to bring people to this floor?"

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