Deputy Tower Master Lin and Commander Yang walked out of the room.

After the two left.

You can also hear the faint sound of conversation.

"My foster father asked me to come back and invite some tower masters and senior masters to go to the Blood Nest."

"Aren't there hundreds of grandmasters in our three headquarters over at the Blood Nest? Isn't this enough?"

"That's not enough. We still need more than twenty grandmasters. Since our third headquarters is closest to the Blood Nest, we give priority to finding people from us."

"Okay, time is running out. I will leave tomorrow. Please help me take care of Lingfeng."

"Yes, deputy tower master, don't worry..."

Ye Ran comforted Zhou Qing and listened to the conversation outside, feeling a little shocked in his heart. Hundreds of grandmasters?

What on earth is going on with this Black Seal Tower?

However, it would be beneficial and harmless for him to have these masters leave, and he would be able to escape more smoothly.

After a while, Commander Yang came back and left with Ye Ran and the others.

The hunt officially begins!

Half an hour later.

Groups of Black Seal Tower members climbed to the top of the cliff along the huge suspension bridge.

As soon as they landed on land, everyone laughed wildly.

"It's killing me. I'm going to kill hundreds of strange beasts this time!"

"The alien beast points are not that many. I want to kill the warrior. The warrior's points are ten times that of the alien beast!"

"Stop talking nonsense, if you move slower, all the heads will be robbed!"

While talking, countless figures rushed out one after another.

Ye Ran looked down and saw a huge pit below. There were many dark towers in the pit, and it was a spectacular sight.

Looking from here, the entire giant pit and the appearance of the palm prints are even more obvious.

He turned around and looked around again. There was a vast white mist all around, and it had a special blocking ability, making it difficult to see people.

I can't tell what's going on outside.

"Sorry about what happened just now."

At this time, Commander Yang beside him explained: "If I don't let Tang Lingfeng vent, she will probably cause trouble for Zhou Qing due to her personality."

Having said this, he shook his head and said: "Actually, the relationship between the tower master and Tang Lingfeng... you should also be able to understand."

"When the tower master gets tired of it, she will be useless. I will help recover Zhou Qing's debt, so you should try not to conflict with her during this period."

"What kind of relationship?"

Ye Ran was startled, then looked strange, "Okay, no problem, what about the deputy tower master?"

"That is the adopted son of the tower owner, Lin Hai. He is highly favored by the tower owner and was named deputy tower owner some time ago."

Commander Yang said with some emotion: "He is also the adopted son of the tower master, but Lin Hai is much better than Tang Lingfeng."

"Lin Hai, why does this name sound familiar..."

Ye Ran's pupils suddenly shrank. He remembered this name. It was the person the master of the fighting arena was looking for.

"What's wrong?" Commander Yang was surprised.


Ye Ran said perfunctorily: "I wanted to ask where to go next?"

"Just follow me."

Commander Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will definitely gain a lot."

After that, he took the lead and set off.

Ye Ran followed him.

Fang Jun and the indifferent young man looked at each other and walked in the other direction.

at the same time.

The second floor of the Black Tower.

When Tang Lingfeng saw everyone leaving, she couldn't help but snorted, "If you don't let me go hunting, I have to go."

"You can earn points by killing people. If you don't let me do such fun things, you are a bunch of stingy people."

She said, walking into Zhou Qing's medical room.

When Zhou Qing saw her, she immediately stood up from her seat nervously, "Miss Lingfeng, I really have no points..."

"It's not about points."

Tang Lingfeng waved her hand, "I'm going hunting. There's no one around now. I order you to protect me."


Zhou Qing was shocked, "Our strength is average, hunting is too dangerous for us."

"Don't worry, it's such fun, what's the danger?"

Tang Lingfeng looked nonchalant and said, "Quickly, stop talking nonsense and come with me."

"I don't feel safe alone. You protect me. When my adoptive father comes back, I will ask him to reward you heavily..."

Two hours later.

In the vast white mist.

Ye Ran turned pale and ran away with all his strength. Commander Yang beside him had disappeared.

He looked back and saw no one was chasing him, so he stopped and let out a long sigh of relief.

But he still had lingering fears, "Damn it, there's actually a quasi-beast king!"

In the past two hours, he and Commander Yang killed many strange beasts, but did not encounter any warriors.

Commander Yang was still a bit embarrassed and felt that he had gone back on his words. Fortunately, he finally saw a team of warriors who were about to go on a killing spree.

Only then did I realize that these people were actually corpses!

Before the two of them could react, a quasi-beast king suddenly appeared and rushed towards them.

In panic, the two of them fled separately.

As for the quasi-beast king, he probably thought that Commander Yang was stronger and tasted better, so he went after Commander Yang.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran couldn't help but shake his head. After the alien beast evolved into a beast king, it was indeed very intelligent, and he actually knew how to fish with corpses.

Fortunately, Commander Yang was there to attract firepower, otherwise he might have died.

At this time, there was a clash of swords from the front.

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly and he walked over quickly.

It was a pair of strange young men and women who were fighting with a member of the Black Seal Tower.

The member of the Black Seal Tower was clearly superior. In just a few moves, the two of them were out of breath and retreating steadily.

At this time, while attacking forward, he teased: "Little sister, your man is so weak, why are you still with him, come and follow me, your brother."

"Follow me back to the Black Seal Tower, I guarantee you will have a good life."

"Damn hooligan!"

The young girl gritted her teeth.

The young man next to her was even more angry: "Asshole, shut up, I'll kill you!"

While speaking, with a bang, the sword in his hand was chopped off by the member of the Black Seal Tower, and he was immediately shocked.


The member of the Black Seal Tower sneered, and was about to take advantage of the situation and kill him with a knife, but suddenly there was footsteps behind him.


He turned around suddenly, saw the person coming, and said in surprise: "Lord Anyun."


Ye Ran nodded lightly, "Just passing by, you continue."

"Hehe, I know that Lord Anyun has good character, unlike other guys who steal other people's prey."

The member of the Black Seal Tower chuckled, turned around and continued to attack the desperate young man and woman.

However, the next moment,

With a puff!

The Black Seal Tower member froze, looking at the long knife that pierced his heart, and turned his head blankly, "You, why... why..."

With a plop, his body fell heavily to the ground, and there was no sound.

All this happened very quickly.

By the time the young man and woman reacted, Ye Ran had killed everyone and collected the bodies smoothly, leaving nothing on the ground.

Seeing that the two were still in a daze.

Ye Ran shook his head and said, "Don't be stunned, this is the territory of the Black Seal Tower, let's leave quickly."

"Black Seal Tower territory?"

The young man and woman were shocked, "Isn't this the misty basin in the East Extreme Wasteland? I heard that there are many spiritual medicines here, so we ventured in."

"No, let's go quickly."

After Ye Ran finished speaking, he turned and left.

However, as soon as he turned around, there was a piercing sound behind him, the sound of flesh and blood being torn.

A long sword suddenly pierced his back.

The young girl held the long sword in her hand, her beautiful face was ferocious, and she shouted to the stunned young man beside her.

"Why are you still standing there? This guy is from the Black Seal Tower. We can get a reward from the Martial Alliance if we kill him!"

"Oh, that's right!"

The young man also reacted hurriedly, and raised the long knife in his hand absentmindedly. Just as he was about to chop it out, he met a pair of dark eyes.

Three seconds later.

Two heads fell to the ground.

Ye Ran looked cold and slowly put away the knife. At this time, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and there was also an angry voice.

"What did you say, Zhou Qing is in trouble?!"

This is the voice of Commander Yang.

"Zhou Qing!"

Ye Ran's pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt a surge of blood rushing to his forehead.

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