Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 189 Breakthrough to the Martial Master

Ye Ran rushed to the direction where the voice came from.

Soon, he saw Commander Yang, who was in a mess but had no serious injuries and didn't know how to escape.

Judging from the direction Commander Yang was heading, he should be looking for him.

But halfway, he received a message from a member of the Black Seal Tower. Commander Yang could no longer care about him and turned around and left at full speed.

Ye Ran's face was gloomy, and he followed Commander Yang's back and left quickly.


The Seventy-Seventh Tower.

The second floor.

In the infirmary, many Black Seal Tower wounded had been lying on the hospital bed, but today it was Zhou Qing who was lying here.

Ye Ran rushed in and just passed by Commander Yang who rushed out in anger.

Commander Yang was much faster than him and came back earlier than him.

He didn't have time to think about it, and saw Zhou Qing lying on the bed, covered in blood.

His mind was suddenly confused, and he rushed to the bed in a hurry.

"Damn, this bitch, I'm going to kill her!"

On the other side of the bed, the cold young man rushed out of the room with bloodshot eyes.

Seeing this, Fang Jun, who was sighing and frowning, was shocked and said, "Xiao Jian, don't be impulsive."

He rushed out to chase him.

Only Zhou Qing and Ye Ran were left in the room.

Zhou Qing's body was covered in blood and flesh, as if she was scratched by some strange beast. She was unconscious at the moment, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, Ye Ran looked panicked, and his blood and qi were madly infused into Zhou Qing's body, while frantically searching for the Hengyang Ring.

Looking for all the medicines that can recover the injuries, he tried his best to feed them into Zhou Qing's mouth.

But the effect was not obvious.

Zhou Qing's breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Ye Ran was panicked, and the Hengyang Ring was turned upside down by him. Suddenly, he found a jade bottle and immediately took it out in a hurry.

Life Spirit Liquid!

Jiang Yu gave him a treasure that could save his life.

Without thinking, he suddenly opened the bottle cap and wanted to feed it into Zhou Qing's mouth.

But the next moment.

A hand grabbed his wrist.

Zhou Qing opened his eyes weakly and said, "No, I know... my situation, no need... to waste these spiritual medicines."

"Don't worry, this thing will definitely save your life!"

Ye Ran said hurriedly.

However, Zhou Qing held his wrist tightly, and his attitude was very firm. Because of too much force, he aroused the blood and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Zhou Qing's pretty face was pale, "The blood got on your... clothes."

"Don't talk first, this is the life spirit liquid, there is a great hope that it can save you..."

Before Ye Ran finished speaking, Zhou Qing interrupted him.

The girl looked up at the ceiling and said in a daze: "Do you think there is a truly peaceful city in this world?"

"No wasteland, no strange beasts, no war..."

"Yes, there must be!"

Ye Ran grabbed her hand tightly, his eyes red, and said: "If not, I will help you create such a city!"

"Really? In such a city, opening a flower shop and taking in many homeless children should be very happy."

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up, and then gradually dimmed.

"I saw my brother, he came to pick me up..."

Her voice became weaker and weaker, but she still held Ye Ran's wrist tightly, whispering: "Don't be impulsive, you must leave here alive, you must..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and the last bit of vitality dissipated.

Ye Ran sat on the ground in a daze, looking at the life spirit in his hand. In fact, after the blood and qi were injected into Zhou Qing's body, he knew that Zhou Qing would not survive.

But he still wanted to give it a try.

It's a pity that this girl was thinking about him until the end and didn't want him to waste the treasure.

He just sat on the ground silently, with the cold bed and the girl's body in front of him. The whole room was terribly silent.

Not long.

Commander Yang came back. He looked a little old, his fists clenched tightly, and he looked particularly decadent.

Xiao Jian had fainted and was carried back by Fang Jun.

Commander Yang sat silently beside Zhou Qing's body.

"What happened?"

Ye Ran asked calmly, with no expression on his face.

Fang Jun said angrily: "It was Tang Lingfeng. She forced Zhou Qing to go hunting with her. They encountered a martial arts beast."

"Originally, the beast hadn't discovered them yet. Zhou Qing was also comforting Tang Lingfeng, saying that if the two of them left lightly, they would be fine."

"But Tang Lingfeng was too scared. She screamed and pushed Zhou Qing out, and took the opportunity to escape back."

"Tang Lingfeng?"

Ye Ran looked at Commander Yang, "Then did you kill her?"

Commander Yang bowed his head silently.

"The commander can't do anything. Tang Lingfeng knows she's in the wrong, so she hid in the upper fifth floor as soon as she came back, saying that she wouldn't come out unless we apologized to her, and starved herself to death."

Speaking of this, Fang Jun also snorted angrily.

"She also blamed us, saying that if we hadn't taken her and stopped her from hunting, Zhou Qing wouldn't have died."

"She also said that Zhou Qing was too weak, and couldn't delay it, and the strange beast almost caught up..."

Ye Ran still looked at Commander Yang indifferently, "No way?"

"The Xuanzhongjin Gate, if opened violently, only has a combat power of 100,000. Is there nothing a sixth-level martial artist can do?"

"Forget it."

He sighed lightly, "I can actually understand you. Knowing this, you really can't do anything about it,"

After that, he stood up from the ground.

"Where are you going?"

Commander Yang said in a hoarse voice: "If you touch her, even you, the tower master will turn against you."

"Do you think I am such an ignorant person?"

Ye Ran was surprised, "Zhou Qing and I are not relatives. I helped her because she treated my arm."

"Now that the two are clear, let's talk about how I can open the Xuanzhong Golden Gate with my strength."

Commander Yang was silent for a moment and said no more.

Ye Ran turned and left.


The third underground floor.

Cell No. 1.

Zhang Yuhe stood happily peeing in front of the crack in the ground fire, and suddenly said without looking back: "Hey, you're here."

"I remember that the Black Demon Sword will arrive in one or two days, and it will take three or four days for your black dragon essence and blood to arrive. You are early."

"Are you here early?"

Ye Ran sighed: "Can't the black dragon essence and blood be successfully refined?"

"There's not enough time, and there's no point in rushing."

Zhang Yuhe tied his trousers and turned his head at the same time. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Ye Ran, "Are you okay?"


"Why do I feel that your mood is not right?" He looked suspicious.

"Don't worry, I'm fine and can still smile."

Ye Ran smiled.

It's okay not to smile, but this smile made Zhang Yuhe's hair stand on end, "No, there's something wrong with you, my hair is about to explode."

Ye Ran shook his head and asked: "The black dragon essence and blood still need three days. What about using the alien fire training method to refine the alien beast essence and blood?"

"You even know this?"

Zhang Yuhe was startled, then said seriously: "Boy, I don't know what happened."

"But I advise you not to be impulsive. In three days, you can get the essence and blood of alien beasts with no side effects at all, without taking any risks."

"And that black magic sword with the top five sequences is coming soon, isn't it? It is a top five black magic secret technique!"

"Even if you don't say this, we can leave in a week at most. Don't fall short!"

"What's the fastest time for the alien fire refining method?"

Ye Ran continued to ask, his expression very calm.

"Damn it, you kid, can't you understand? You are so talented. If you get out of here alive, I can just recommend a big force to you, and you can rise in one day!"

Zhang Yuhe couldn't help but said angrily: "You will have whatever you want when the time comes. Why do you have to be so impulsive and destroy your future?"


Ye Ran said softly: "Many people said this to me more than a month ago."

"They don't want me to destroy my career and my bright future. They think I just need to endure it and it will be fine."

"But, I can't bear it!"

Ye Ran chuckled and touched his heart again, "My heart is still beating and my blood is not cold yet!"

"So, I can't bear it, and I won't bear it!"

"At that time, many people thought that the girl named Su Qin had something to do with me. Why did I have to help her at all costs?"

"Think I'm stupid, a complete idiot."

Ye Ran said and couldn't help but laugh again.

"I may indeed be a stupid person, but no matter how many times I do it again, my choice will not change!"

"Because I can't forget the scene where Su Yue bit someone's face, the shocking questions he asked me before he died, and the tragic situation of his whole family!"

"In the past, there were always people who asked why they wanted to save Su Qin. I will tell you now, because of justice!"

"Even if she is not my friend, even if she has nothing to do with me, as long as I know, I will definitely take care of it to the end!"

"You can call me a fool, or you can ignore me, but no matter how you scold me, I won't change it!"

When Ye Ran said this, he felt relieved and let out a breath, as if venting all the depression in the past.

He chuckled lightly and said, "I consider myself to be upright, upright, and worthy of my conscience."

"From now on, as long as I am alive, my conscience will not be dark and will not change because of other people's opinions."

"Okay, let's get back to the topic, what is the fastest time for the alien fire refining method?"

Zhang Yuhe was completely stunned. After a long time, he looked complicated and said, "I hope you don't want to..."

He sighed softly, unable to speak.

Three minutes later.

Ye Ran got the answer, turned around and left, went straight back to his room and started refining.

Half an hour later.

In his room, there was suddenly a powerful energy and blood fluctuation.

This is the embodiment of realm breakthrough.

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