Ye Ran looked at his hands.

He clenched his fists lightly, and a strong force emerged spontaneously.

This is the realm of martial artist!

A brand new realm, below martial artist are all mortals, below grandmaster are all ants, now he has taken an important step towards becoming a strong man.

The next step is the grandmaster realm.

Ye Ran stood up, and after adapting to his body after the surge of blood and qi, a black vortex appeared in his hand, and he began to absorb the corpses of strange beasts.

The corpses of strange beasts were swallowed up by him quickly.

His blood and qi value also surged rapidly, and soon, it climbed to the limit of the fourth-level martial artist!

A full 49999 blood and qi value!

Ye Ran's eyes flashed, and the black dragon martial pattern suddenly appeared behind him. This time, the black dragon phantom looked extremely real, twisting behind him like a living dragon.

He restrained his breath and walked towards the training room.

In the actual combat room.

The fifth-level mechanical puppet fell to the side, and there was a deep fist mark on it. Obviously Fang Jun had just come here to vent.

On the screen, the combat power of 77,000 is very eye-catching.

Ye Ran glanced at it. On weekdays, Fang Jun should have kept a hand. This is his real limit combat power.

He walked over, lifted up the mechanical puppet, restarted it, and then walked while thinking.

After the blood value surged by 48,000, the combat power also increased relatively.

Before, when he did not use the strong spirit body, his combat power was 18,000, and now it has reached 66,000 directly.

After breaking through the martial artist with the black dragon blood, the combat power of the martial pattern increased by a full 4,000, just reaching 70,000.

In addition, after breaking through the martial artist, the blood armor was born, and there would be a 10% increase in combat power.

There are also 30% of the strong spirit body, 10% of the all-round combat consciousness, and 10% of the swordsmanship expertise, so his real combat power now is...


Behind him, the mechanical puppet that had been activated suddenly burst out and rushed over without martial ethics.

In an instant, a cold alloy fist appeared behind Ye Ran.

Ye Ran turned around, and the black dragon behind him roared to the sky. He radiated brilliant golden light and punched out!

He didn't use any martial arts for this punch!

It was just a burst of power!


The mechanical puppet flew backwards, and halfway through the flight, it exploded in midair and turned into a pile of parts.

"One hundred and two thousand..."

Ye Ran whispered softly. Now, he is also the strongest among the fifth-level martial artists.

However, there is still a certain gap from the sixth level.

At the martial artist level, Qi and blood armor will be born, and Qi and blood armor has a certain increase in combat power.

The fourth-level martial artist is 10%, the fifth-level martial artist is 20%, and the sixth-level martial artist is 30%.

So the sixth-level martial artist has at least 130,000 combat power.

However, this gap is not that big. If the 60,000 combat power of the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword is added, a slightly stronger sixth-level martial artist can also kill!

Ye Ran walked out of the training room, and Fang Jun happened to walk out of the room.

He looked up at the upstairs and asked, "Isn't Tang Lingfeng out yet?"

Fang Jun shook his head, "She's not stupid. She knows Commander Yang is angry, so how dare she come out to cause trouble."

Speaking of this, Fang Jun couldn't help shaking his head.

Not only is he angry, I'm afraid Commander Yang even wants to kill Tang Lingfeng, but considering the other party's identity, Commander Yang doesn't dare to do it after all.

Otherwise, how can a mere Xuanzhongjinmen stop a sixth-level martial artist.

"It's better if she doesn't come out. I'll go up."

Ye Ran said.

"You go up?"

Fang Jun was stunned for a moment, then said seriously, "Anyun, I know you and Zhou Qing have been getting along well during this period."

"But this time, I advise you not to be impulsive. Commander Yang can bear it, so what can't you bear?"

"I'm just going up to take a look."

Ye Ran laughed, "Do I look like that kind of impulsive person?"

He walked over.

Seeing this, Fang Jun said indifferently: "In this case, don't blame me for falling out with you."

"Commander Yang said, let me keep an eye on you!"

As he said that, he stretched out his big hand and casually grabbed Ye Ran's shoulder, just like usual.

However, the next moment.

There was a bang.

Fang Jun's palm bounced back suddenly. He was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Have you improved your strength?"

"Then I won't hold back. Don't blame me for hitting hard. You hit back first..."


A low sonic boom sounded.

Fang Jun flew backwards and hit the end of the passage heavily. He staggered to his feet, his face full of horror and disbelief.

How could it be possible? He clearly used all his strength, with a full combat power of more than 70,000!

Yesterday, when An Yun fought with him, he couldn't even hold on to his 30,000 combat power. Now he used all his strength, but he couldn't stop this guy's move!

Thinking of the terrifying power of the palm strike just now, Fang Jun still had some lingering fear, but he still gritted his teeth and said.

"Anyun, don't be impulsive. We all know that you like Zhou Qing, otherwise you wouldn't run down here every day."


Ye Ran shook his head, "Not really, you think too much, but she is really good to me."

"I am a person who repays kindness and revenges when there is hatred, that's all."


He turned back to look at Fang Jun, showing a sunny smile, "I just went up to talk to Tang Fengling, I won't be impulsive, do you think I am that kind of person?"

"Don't worry, I just want to persuade her not to be so arrogant and domineering in the future and be a good person."

As he said, Ye Ran walked straight up the stairs and put his hand on the door.

The heavy and huge door slowly opened.

Seeing this, Fang Jun took a breath.

One hundred thousand combat power!

He also knew that he couldn't stop Ye Ran now, but seeing that the other party's expression was very calm, he shouldn't be impulsive.

At most, if you go up and reprimand Tang Fengling, it won't be a big deal.

"No matter what, please inform the commander first."

Fang Jun no longer thought about it, turned around and left quickly.

Soon, he came to the foot of the tower.

At this time, outside the black tower, Commander Yang was standing next to Lin Hai, whispering something.

Lin Hai's face was gloomy, "My little sister has gone too far. Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation."

"However, don't criticize her too harshly. After all, she is still young and ignorant."

Hearing this, Commander Yang's eyes flashed with sadness.

Sure enough, although Lin Hai treats his subordinates well, they are outsiders after all and are not important.

Seeing Fang Jun arriving, Lin Hai stopped, looked at him and said with a smile: "You want to see us if you have anything?"

"This..." Fang Jun hesitated.

"If you have anything, just say it."

Commander Yang frowned.

Fang Jun told everything that happened, and at the end, he added.

"Don't worry, Commander. I think An Yun's mood is quite stable. He shouldn't be impulsive. He just wants to talk to Miss Fengling."

"Let's talk?"

Commander Yang was surprised, and then he frowned, "It would be nice to talk about it..."


A red figure fell heavily from the tower.

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