Ye Ran continued to look at his personal information on the achievement panel.

Achievement points 4250, an astonishing number.

He thought for a moment, clicked the deduction button, and prepared to improve his strength.

On the deduction button, the first option is combat awareness.

Combat Awareness (Almighty level one, 10% increase in combat power, can be improved by spending 700 achievement points.)

Ye Ran started to deduce without thinking.

Soon, the combat awareness was raised to Almighty Level 2, and the required achievement points became 900.

He followed up by spending achievement points again to improve.

Combat Awareness (Almighty Level 3, 30% combat power increase, can be improved by consuming 1,100 achievement points.)

At this point, there are 2650 achievement points left.

Ye Ran thought for a while, and stopped deducing the combat consciousness, but looked at the combat consciousness.

Swordsmanship Specialization (Great achievement, 10% increase in combat power, can be improved by spending one thousand achievement points.)

One thousand achievement points are consumed.

Shake the knife skill and the knife pattern becomes deeper.

At the same time, the information behind has also changed drastically.

Master of Swordsmanship (small success, 20% increase in combat power, can be deduced by spending 1,500 achievement points.)

Ye Ran looked at the remaining achievement points and hesitated.

It cost one thousand five hundred!

He really wanted to see what the next level of swordsmanship would be like.

Master of Swordsmanship (Dacheng, 30% increase in combat power, can be improved by spending 2,500 achievement points.)

[Note, the next level is Dao Yi (the true meaning of martial arts.)]

Ye Ran's heart skipped a beat, the true meaning that only a master can possess?

He looked at only 150 achievement points left, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's not that I don't have achievement points."

"It's just that I want to keep a low profile, otherwise the martial artist has true meaning and won't scare everyone if I say it?"

Then, reluctantly, he looked from the sword skills option to other options.

The rest is physical.

In terms of physical fitness, the Nirvana body is at level five, the fearless body is at level one, and the powerful spiritual body is at level three.

It's a pity that the rare physique of Qiang Yuanlingshen cannot be upgraded, otherwise he would definitely give priority to improvement.

After the upgrade was completed, Ye Ran sensed his current combat power and gently clenched his fists, feeling a sense of terrifying power that far exceeded before.

Almighty Level 3 Combat Awareness, Master of Swordsmanship (Dacheng), and Qiangyuan Spirit Body each increase by 30%.

Plus the 10% that comes with the blood armor...

A full 100% increase in combat power!

Ye Ran took a deep breath, stood up and walked towards the training room.

140,000 combat power!

He has reached the threshold of a sixth-level martial artist, and taking into account the increase in combat power after transforming into a beast, and the trump card of the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword, he can now kill a sixth-level martial artist with a combat strength of 200,000!

"A combat power of three hundred thousand is a peak martial artist, a combat power of four hundred thousand is an ultimate martial artist, a combat power of five hundred thousand is a quasi-grandmaster..."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered as he walked. It is said that an extreme martial artist can be on the martial arts list!

At this time, a voice sounded.

"Dark Cloud!"

Commander Yang came over and threw a narrow wooden box over one meter long.

"This is?"

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows, took the wooden box, opened it, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Inside, there was actually a black magic knife!

The Black Demon Knife was covered with staggered scars and looked seriously injured.

This is the black magic knife he bought.

"A grandmaster from the Seventy-Nine Tower also purchased items from Treasure House No. 7. You are lucky. This black magic sword was delivered together with that grandmaster's treasure, so it was delivered a few days in advance."

Commander Yang explained, and as he spoke, he threw a space ring over.

"This is Zhou Qing's body. If you want it, I can give it to you, but I hope you can bury her in a good place."


Ye Ran took it solemnly, with a soft look in his eyes.

"I will bury her in a city where there are no strange beasts and there will be eternal peace, surrounded by flowers."

"A city like that doesn't exist."

Commander Yang shook his head indifferently.

"It will exist in the future." Ye Ran said calmly.

"If there really was such a city, I wouldn't have taken this road, but..."

Commander Yang paused, turned and left, "I hope it will happen in the future."

Ye Ran returned to the room with the black magic knife.

After returning to the room.

He did not hesitate, Devouring Gold Yang Yan, quickly devouring and refining the black magic knife, and soon there was only one black seed left on the spot.

On the seed, three golden lines are dazzling.

Among them, the golden pattern in the center is extremely thick and radiant.

Compared with the other two golden patterns, the light is almost ten times stronger.

Ye Ran took a deep breath, feeling a little excited, and slowly placed his palm on the golden pattern.

Suddenly, a message appeared in his mind.

[The third sequence: Demon God Pillar requires ten thousand wisps of black magic mist to practice. 】

"Ten thousand rays?"

Ye Ran was shocked, then shook his head and said: "With so much black magic mist, I guess there must be several corpses of the master, right?"

He felt a little resentful and put away the black devil seed.

The next day.

Under the Seventy-Seven Tower.

Thirty or forty people were already standing, and apart from the Seventy-Seven Tower, there were also many people waiting under the other black towers.

Ye Ran glanced around, his face a little solemn. There were at least two to three hundred people, all above martial arts masters and the elites of each tower.

Lin Hai came over, glanced at Commander Yang and others and said, "Dark Cloud will be left to you. You are responsible for keeping an eye on him."


Commander Yang and others nodded respectfully.

Lin Hai turned around and walked to a thin old man with gray hair. He bent down slightly and whispered something.

After listening, the thin old man glanced at Ye Ran lightly, "I know, you go."

"Yes, Jiang Lao."

After Lin Hai finished speaking, he glanced at the crowd again, counted the number of people, and looked in one direction.

It was the top of a black tower.

At this time, more than 20 streams of light suddenly shot up to the sky on the top of the tower, and in an instant they swept out of the huge pit and rushed into the vast white fog.


Ye Ran was shocked, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that these grandmasters would not wait for them specifically.

Seeing the grandmasters set off, Lin Hai waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Immediately, everyone in front of the tower followed him and left.

At the same time, many members of the Black Seal Tower who were waiting in front of other towers also left.

Ye Ran followed Commander Yang, Fang Jun and others and squeezed in the center of the crowd.

Commander Yang remained calm and whispered in his ear: "The short old man next to Lin Hai just now is surnamed Jiang, and he is a quasi-grandmaster."

"Lin Hai asked him to keep an eye on you, so don't act rashly."

Ye Ran heard this and looked to the front. In addition to Lin Hai, there were two old men in the front.

One of them was the thin old man.

At this time, as if he noticed his gaze, the thin old man turned around suddenly, and his eyes shot like lightning.

Ye Ran's body shook, as if struck by lightning, and he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. He is worthy of being a quasi-grandmaster!

Fortunately, the thin old man just glanced at him lightly and turned back.

"I advise you not to be impulsive. Before entering the blood nest, you will have a chance to escape, but if you are anxious now, you will definitely die!"

Commander Yang raised his head, his eyes were clearly looking straight ahead, his eyes were not looking sideways, but his voice came into Ye Ran's mind.

Ye Ran's eyes flashed a little strange.

He didn't say anything, and calmly followed the large army all the way to the deeper part of the East Extreme Wasteland.

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