Two hours later.

In the depths of the East Extreme Wasteland, many members of the Black Seal Tower moved forward one after another, and each team opened up a distance.

The speeds of the martial artists were also different.

At this time, they were in a hurry, and few people waited for others. In addition, there were often harassment from strange beasts, and dealing with the strange beasts would also delay time.

Therefore, each team was separated from each other.

Ye Ran glanced at it, although he did not expect that there would be so many members of the Black Seal Tower going to the blood nest together.

But at the moment, it did not affect it.

Now, there were only a few people including Commander Yang around him, and the only one who threatened him was Commander Yang.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran frowned slightly.

The thin old man who was a quasi-grandmaster had already left with other quasi-grandmasters and had long been out of his sight.

He didn't know where he went.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out whether what Commander Yang said before was true or false.


At this time, in the woods ahead, a golden tiger with wings roared and rushed out suddenly.

The double-winged golden tiger was extremely fast. The moment it rushed out, it bit to death a member of the nearest Black Seal Tower, dragged his body and rushed back to the woods.

All this happened very quickly. A golden shadow flashed, and a member was killed.

Seeing this, several people near the Black Seal Tower member were furious.

One of the middle-aged men was furious, "Asshole, come, follow me to kill this evil beast!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already led the way into the woods, and other members who heard the voice also rushed in one after another.

Soon, more than a dozen members nearby all rushed into the woods.

Suddenly, only Commander Yang and seven or eight others were left at the original place.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ran's eyes lit up. Now is the time to escape!

The people of other teams were hundreds of meters away from them. There was no quasi-grandmaster at this distance.

Relying on the speed after the beast transformation, he could definitely escape.

The only one who could catch up was Commander Yang beside him, but he was not afraid of Commander Yang catching up!

Just as Ye Ran was about to leave, Commander Yang's subtle voice came quickly.

"I advise you not to act rashly, Jiang Jiudao is still nearby."

Ye Ran frowned. Jiang Jiudao was the name of the thin quasi-grandmaster.

Commander Yang's expression remained unchanged, his eyes looking forward, and he continued to transmit: "I know you are not An Yun."

"If you are really An Yun, as long as you have the confidence to avoid being punished by the tower master after killing Tang Lingfeng, you don't have to rush to take action."

"After the tower master comes back, you can do whatever you want to Tang Lingfeng, and you can wait for Lin Hai to leave before taking action."

"But you are so anxious, which means you are worried that Lin Hai will leave, and if you kill Tang Lingfeng again, you will be detained by other strong men in the tower."

"Even if those strong men can't take action against you directly, they will monitor you and prevent you from leaving until the tower master comes back."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's heart sank.

Yes, this is exactly what he is worried about. It's not that he can't wait for a few days.

But Lin Hai will leave the next day. Once Lin Hai leaves, he will definitely not be able to move freely after killing Tang Lingfeng.

At that time, being detained in the room and waiting for the return of the 77th Tower Master will still be a dead end.

When Lin Hai is here, out of fear of offending him, Lin Hai will not restrict his movements.

This is why he can move freely in the tower after killing Tang Lingfeng, and even go to see Zhang Yuhe.

Lin Hai, the deputy tower master, has acquiesced, and other strong men in the tower dare not interfere and meddle in other people's affairs.

So he wants to kill Tang Lingfeng, but he has to leave himself a way out. This is the only way.

Of course, if he doesn't kill Tang Lingfeng, he can still escape safely with Zhang Yuhe according to the original plan.

But Tang Lingfeng, he must kill it!

Commander Yang looked ahead, and a faint voice came, "Lin Hai is a suspicious person, and your ability to pretend is really amazing."

"But even though he is suspicious, he is also very cautious. Since he arranged Jiang Jiudao to keep an eye on you, there will be no mistakes."

Ye Ran didn't say anything, but he didn't think about escaping anymore, but carefully observed the surroundings.

After his combat awareness was upgraded to the third level of all-powerful, his perception was much sharper than before.

At this time, after a careful inspection, he found that there was a thin figure following him not far behind him, and his heart was immediately shocked.

That quasi-grandmaster is still there!


Behind him, a thin old man exclaimed in surprise, "What an amazing perception ability."

He grinned, but it's okay to be obedient. If you dare to act rashly, don't blame this grandmaster for twisting your head off.

Next, they ran all the way.

Everything was fine.

The quasi-grandmaster also hung tightly behind Ye Ran, not leaving for a moment.

About half an hour later.

Commander Yang suddenly transmitted a message: "You have a chance to escape ahead, but whether you can seize it depends on yourself."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's heart moved.

Subconsciously looking ahead, he saw that the sky ahead was actually blood red, and the blood red formed a strange pattern.

And the ground was full of holes, stained with blood of various colors, and the remains of beasts or humans were everywhere.

At the same time, the bloody smell was particularly strong, and it was obvious that a war had just taken place not long ago.

"The blood nest is coming soon, everyone cheer up!"

A middle-aged man shouted in a deep voice, and his identity was also a commander.

At this time, a large number of insects and beasts suddenly emerged from the ground, some large and some small, densely packed, and terrifyingly numerous.

These insects and beasts, a black mass, rushed towards the people in the air.

This scene made everyone's scalp numb.

"Rush over!"

The middle-aged commander who just spoke waved his hand and took the lead in rushing over. Dozens of people present also followed suit.

Ye Ran was also in the crowd. He slashed out with his sword and cut off a big red bug in front of him, causing thick blood to splash everywhere.

And he just killed this one.

Then, several more insect beasts rushed towards him.

His brows furrowed as he looked at them, wondering where so many strange beasts came from.

These insect-like beasts are overwhelming, and there are many more, rushing up from below.

Because although everyone present in the Black Seal Tower was not weak in strength, it was still extremely difficult for them to rush through.

Even the quasi-grandmaster at the end is no exception.

Several bugs with particularly powerful auras stared at him and rushed towards him.

When Ye Ran caught a glimpse of this scene, his heart suddenly moved.


Without even thinking about it, the strange fire no longer suppressed the animal transformation of his legs, and black scales suddenly appeared on his legs, and at the same time his energy and blood exploded.

Stepping on the Seven Stars of Fluctuating Light, he turned into a blue stream of light and suddenly swept to the left.

This scene happened suddenly.

Many members of the Black Seal Tower were shocked when they noticed it, but they couldn't protect themselves and couldn't care about him.

Commander Yang shouted violently, "Dark Cloud, don't even think about escaping, stay with me!"

After the voice fell, he also exploded with all his strength and hurriedly chased after him.

On the other side, the thin old man snorted coldly. He had already noticed that the kid wanted to escape, but if the kid could escape today, he would write his name upside down!


He slashed out with his sword, and an insect beast died in front of him.

the other side.

Ye Ran broke through the encirclement and rushed directly into a dense forest.

Strangely enough, after changing the direction, other areas were normal, without any strange beasts.

As soon as he came in with his front foot, Commander Yang came after him with his rear foot.

Ye Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to look.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Commander Yang suddenly took out a black magic knife and stabbed his chest hard, then quickly made several cuts on his arms, chest and other parts.

He showed no mercy during these several stabs. After injuring himself, a mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot, and his face turned pale.

"You help Zhou Qing get revenge, and I'll repay you this kindness. From now on, we won't owe each other anything. We don't have to hold back next time we meet!"

After saying that, he staggered and turned around to leave.

Ye Ran was silent for a moment, "Thank you very much."

After saying that, he didn't dare to delay and quickly turned around and left.

Commander Yang had just turned around and walked for a moment when he saw a thin figure flying towards him.

The thin old man Jiang Jiudao stopped, and when he saw the injuries on Commander Yang's body, he couldn't help but snorted, "Trash, you can't even catch up with me!"

"Mr. Jiang, Dark Cloud is hiding..."

Commander Yang's voice was weak and he hadn't finished speaking yet.

Jiang Jiudao rolled his sleeves coldly, "Okay, it doesn't matter whether you are a loser or not, I still have to take action myself!"

He stood up suddenly and rushed in one direction.

It was the direction Ye Ran escaped from.

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