Ye Ran was running fast all the way, and soon, his face changed, and he caught up!

The other party was so fast that he was catching up before he could react.

His eyes flickered, and he suddenly stopped.

A few seconds later.

A thin figure came, with a strong aura around him, shaking the whole forest.

It was Jiang Jiudao.

He looked cold and scanned the environment in front of him.

In front of him, except for a few giant trees, the rest was a deep pool.

It was difficult to hide on the tree, so it should be in the deep pool.

"I want to see how you hide!"

Jiang Jiudao strode over, and soon, he saw a bloody piece of clothing floating on the deep pool, and immediately sneered.

Idiot, think you can hide the truth with a bloody piece of clothing?

He suddenly stretched out his hand and was about to slap it.

The deep pool suddenly rippled.

Then a shocking dragon roar sounded.

The dragon's roar was terrifying and full of majesty. The moment it sounded, the strange beasts in the entire dense forest screamed in fear and fled in all directions.

In an instant, the entire dense forest became empty.

Jiang Jiudao's expression was stiff. Dragon... How could there be a beast king-level strange beast here?

He didn't have time to think about it.

The water surface gradually parted, and a human-shaped black dragon covered with scales curled up and rose from the water.

The human-shaped black dragon slowly stretched out its limbs, and its thick dragon tail slapped the water surface, splashing a string of water. At this time, it yawned and said.

"After twenty years, I finally woke up."

"It's a pity that after twenty years of seclusion and hard training, I am still a long way from turning into a human form."

The human-shaped black dragon shook his head, and at the same time, the scales on his arms slowly disappeared, revealing human arms.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Jiudao was horrified.

Transformed into a human!

Grandmaster-level beast kings cannot transform into human form. Only the legendary martial master-level beasts can transform into humans!

His liver and gallbladder trembled violently, and he dared not move.

At this time, the black dragon man murmured in a low voice, "I'm so hungry."

"I just swallowed a human boy who didn't know what was good for me. I'm a little greedy, but unfortunately, that human boy is too tender."

"My favorite food is still those old humans. They taste better when chewed, and the older they are, the more fragrant they are."

"No, too greedy. After I force myself to transform into a human, I will go to the human city and eat them one by one, hehehe!"

Hearing this, Jiang Jiudao's frightened old face was twisted in horror, and his whole body was covered with hair.

Without thinking, his blood and qi burst out with all his strength, rushing straight into the air!

In an instant, he rode away in the dust, and his tail gas could not be seen.

In the deep pool, Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and the strange fire surged out, and all the scales on his body disappeared.

He put on a new set of clothes and a human skin mask, and then ran away.

When his figure passed through the grass, he also grabbed a handful of fresh green grass from the ground.

He was addicted...


Fifteen minutes later.

Ye Ran looked back and confirmed that the thin old man behind him did not chase him, and he was completely relieved.

Of course, this little trick would not fool the other party for long.

He was thinking about which direction to go next.

At this time, a stream of light suddenly rushed over in the sky.

Seeing this, Ye Ran's face changed drastically!

These are the more than 20 masters from the Black Seal Tower this morning!

"Damn, it's really that serious!"

He trembled all over and clenched his teeth. More than 20 masters came to chase him, which was too much of a face-saving thing for him!

But soon, he was stunned.

Those streams of light shot past at a high speed, and they didn't even stop at all, and passed directly over his head.

Ye Ran was stunned. These masters didn't seem to be chasing him, but...


He was a little confused. What could chase more than 20 masters?


At this time, three more streams of light shot out from the sky.

The speed was even more terrifying.

They chased the Black Seal Tower masters.

Ye Ran's heart was shocked. Three people were chasing more than 20 masters. Who were these three people?


At this time, a huge roar sounded.

The more than 20 Black Seal Tower masters were scattered on the spot by a huge palm and were forced to stop.

"Damn it, Yulong, are you really going to force us to a dead end?"

An angry voice sounded.

It was a Black Seal Tower master, who was angry at this time, staring at a handsome middle-aged man in the middle of the three people opposite.

"Hmph, you people from the Black Seal Tower, everyone can kill you!"

A red-faced old man on the left shouted angrily, "Today, we will get rid of the evil for the sake of reputation."

"That's right, since I happened to meet you, I'm afraid I will be uneasy if I don't get rid of you."

Among the three people, an old man in a Tang suit on the right also said.

After the voice fell, the two of them attacked together.


In the sky, two huge palm prints of nearly 300 meters, with a mighty power, slammed down on the more than 20 people.

At the same time, the handsome middle-aged man in the center also attacked, his face was calm, and he punched out.

A huge fist print of nearly 400 meters, with a golden dragon and a goldfish wrapped around it, was crushed out with unparalleled strength!

"Asshole, Yulong, you want to force us to fight to the death, attack together!"

The Black Seal Tower Grandmaster who had just spoken screamed and attacked suddenly.

At the same time, all the Black Seal Tower Grandmasters next to him attacked one after another.

Suddenly, the attacks of nearly thirty masters combined fiercely.

The ground cracked and huge trees fell one after another.

The sky was filled with energy of various colors.


Suddenly, an attack aftermath fell on the ground, and the ground collapsed directly into a large pit several dozen meters long.

Ye Ran was nearby and was almost affected, and his hair suddenly went numb.

Finally understood what it meant that when gods fight, mortals suffer, and he turned around and left without thinking.

I won't watch it anymore, it's too dangerous...

However, just as he took a few steps, a shrill scream rang out in the sky.

A master of the Black Seal Tower was blown up on the spot, and the body parts scattered and fell from the sky.

Ye Ran took a breath and looked at the handsome middle-aged man.

Just now, it was the other party who blasted a master of the Black Seal Tower with one punch!

At this time, the handsome middle-aged man still had a calm face. He fought against more than ten masters of the Black Seal Tower alone, and he still had the upper hand.

"So fierce, is the gap between masters so big?"

Ye Ran looked at the handsome middle-aged man, took a deep breath, and was a little shocked.

The opponent's fighting power is probably that of a grandmaster.

Even among the grandmasters, he is considered a strong one!

"Yulong, you will not die well!"

Another grandmaster of the Black Seal Tower cursed bitterly, and was blown up by a punch. His body disintegrated in mid-air and fell to the ground in pieces.


The grandmaster's body was extremely heavy. After falling from the air, it directly smashed a big hole in the ground, and dust was raised all over the sky.

At the same time, the grandmaster's blood flowed, and this blood was actually independent and did not mix with the soil.

Like drops of pearls, rolling on the ground.

Seeing this strange phenomenon, Ye Ran couldn't help but take a deep breath. The grandmaster realm is indeed an unimaginable realm.

He didn't think about it anymore, turned around and left quickly.

However, this time, he just took a few steps and suddenly turned back.

Looking at the two grandmaster's bodies on the ground, Ye Ran's eyes flickered.

"If the black magic mist is used to devour the grandmaster-level corpse, then the black magic mist that is born should be quite a lot, right?

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