Inside the tree hole.

Ye Ran shook his head vigorously, and then he saw that he was in a tree hole, and he came back to his senses immediately.

He was a little shocked.

Damn, what kind of weird illusion was that just now? He was caught by it without paying attention.

And it was extremely realistic, just like the real thing!

He took a deep breath, his face was solemn, and his mind was highly concentrated to prevent being hit again.

At this time, the human-shaped totem on the demon pillar in front of him had raised its head halfway.

At the same time, a faint voice sounded in the air.

"Your desire is not lust."

"But it doesn't matter, everyone has desires, some people's desires are wealth, some people's desires are profound knowledge, and some people's desires are power..."

"Everyone has desires, no one can be an exception, listen to your heart, release your desires, and I will help you complete it."

"Believe me, just like believing in yourself... You and I are originally one, you are me..."

As the voice fell.

On the black pillar, the human-shaped totem raised its head completely, revealing a blank face without any facial features!

At this time, the face slowly looked at Ye Ran, and gradually, eyes and eyebrows began to appear on the face.

However, it was the bridge of the nose and the mouth...

Soon, a face exactly like Ye Ran appeared on the human-shaped totem.

And the Ye Ran on the black pillar smiled strangely, and then he actually walked out of the black pillar!

"Come on, merge with me, I will fulfill your desire and make you become your true self..."

A strange voice came.

At the same time, Ye Ran, who walked down from the black pillar, was also slowly walking towards Ye Ran who was stunned in place, and the two were getting closer and closer.

At this time, Ye Ran suddenly scratched his head, "I don't believe it, you are lying to me!"

"My biggest desire is to become stronger! My requirements are not high. Not to mention the big city, just the strongest in our village, the Martial Saint."

"If you can turn me into a Martial Saint, I will believe you."

The strange voice was stunned, and then cursed inwardly: "Stinky boy, your mental will is quite strong, you can hold on to this."

Its voice has the power to bewitch people, and slowly said: "Okay, let me feel your heart again."

As he spoke, an invisible hand once again rested on Ye Ran's shoulder.

At the same time, a strange voice sounded.

"I sensed that your biggest desire is to constantly break through your own limits and climb to the peak of martial arts."

"That's right, your desire is indeed to desire power... Wait, damn, bastard boy, the Martial Saint is the strongest existence on your planet!"

"Also, are you thinking, when I turn you into a Martial Saint, you will slap me to death?"

The strange voice was furious and completely broke the defense.


Ye Ran took a breath of cold air. Damn it, what the hell is this guy? He can actually read his true thoughts.

His face was uncertain, and he suddenly took a few steps back, avoiding the other Ye Ran who was walking in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"Let's reconcile. I don't want this Demon God Pillar anymore. Let me leave."

As he spoke, he flew around.

Then at this moment, the surroundings were dark, and there was no light to see, let alone the direction.

"What on earth is this guy!"

Ye Ran's heart was heavy. His means were too weird. He couldn't defend himself and couldn't fight at all.

"Reconcile, are you kidding?"

The weird voice said coldly: "Since soft doesn't work, then I have to use hard methods, otherwise my power will run out in a while!"

After that, the voice disappeared completely.

Then Ye Ran walked out of the Demon God Pillar, his eyes suddenly glowed, and then he twisted his neck with a click.

Step by step, he walked towards the gloomy real Ye Ran.

As it walked, it spread its arms and raised its head, as if sensing something.

Soon, a strange smile appeared on its face.

"Your desire is to break the limit and climb to the peak of martial arts, so let me help you accomplish it."

"I perfectly simulated the strongest fourth-level martial artist who has ever appeared on your planet, and you are at the same level as you are now."

"I only need to use one hand to easily defeat you, and you will feel unprecedented frustration, powerlessness, and your own weakness!"

"Then you will want to become stronger, want to have the same talent and strength as this strongest fourth-level martial artist, and you will want to be me!"

"In this way, your desire will be fulfilled, and after satisfying your desire, we can truly become one."

"So... come on!"

Ye Ran, who walked out of the Demon God Pillar, suddenly raised his head and looked at the real Ye Ran who was forced to retreat step by step by it.

A strange smile appeared on his face.

Then its body liquefied and turned into a ball of black liquid. Soon the liquid stood up again and constructed a new boy.

That young man had a delicate appearance, short hair on his forehead, and looked very sunny.

He looked about 18 or 19 years old, slightly older than Ye Ran.

At this time, he walked over step by step, grinning with a weird smile.

"Be afraid, tremble, this is the strongest fourth-level martial artist on your planet!"

"He is only a fourth-level martial artist, but he has a combat power of 120,000. The power you desire to have and the strong man you desire to become is him!"

"Come on, let's become one, what he can have you also..."

"What did you just say?"

Ye Ran was stunned, looking a little confused.

"We become one."

"Not this sentence."

"I spent all my strength to simulate this body with a combat power of 120,000, the strongest fourth-level martial artist on your planet!"

The handsome young man laughed wildly, "Twenty thousand combat power, a number you can't even dream of, come and merge with me..."


A huge explosion sounded.

The huge ancient tree exploded.

The black bear who was taking a nap next to him was startled, jumped up suddenly, and then started to cry without tears.

My nest!

Bad guy!

In the open space on the other side.

The handsome young man fell to the ground, his face flushed from suppressing the pain, and he struggled to beat a ferocious arm covered with pitch-black scales that held its neck.

But no matter how hard it struggled, it was to no avail.

"That's it?"

Behind the arm, a face covered with black scales was revealed. The owner of the face looked down at the handsome young man who was struggling to resist, with a sneer on his face.

"I thought you had a lot of stuff in your mouth, but is this your level?"

"With a combat power of 120,000, you dare to come in front of me, pretend to be a ghost, and scare me?!"

"Aren't you awake?"

Ye Ran lifted the handsome young man up as if he was carrying a child, lifted him high, and then slammed him to the ground.


A big crater exploded in the ground.

The handsome young man spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot. The blood turned out to be pitch black. He was shocked and angry, and roared.

"Impossible. I clearly imitated the strongest fourth-level martial artist on your planet. How could this happen? I don't believe it!"

It struggled hard, but felt that all its strength was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, unable to make a single wave.

It seemed that what was pressing on him was an ancient monster.

"You also know it was once!"

Ye Ran laughed ferociously, "It might be a bit challenging for you to imitate me, now?!"

He punched one after another, violently.

The handsome boy was completely maimed, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his body was stained with blood, and there were scars everywhere.

But his body was very strange. He suffered such a degree of injury and didn't die. He was just beaten and screamed repeatedly.

I beat him for a long time.

Ye Ran was a little tired himself, so he sat down and panted.

The handsome young man was lying on the spot, looking up at the sky, confused, his eyes full of hopelessness.

Why, why is it different from the picture it imagined?

Why, I came here to enjoy the blessings, not to be beaten, how could this happen...

It secretly turned over and crawled outside.

Suddenly, a hand covered with scales grabbed its ankle, and a cold young man's voice sounded.

"Where are you going?"

"Save, save~"

The handsome young man screamed and was pulled back, and the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong blows sounded again.

"Come on, satisfy my desires, young master, and become one with me, come on!"

Ye Ran smiled ferociously and kept pounding his fists down, as if he was punching sandbags.

"Weren't you just so stupid? You were babbling and continuing to scare me. Come on, put your slutty hands on my shoulders again!"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong."

The handsome young man cried bitterly, "Brother, let's reconcile. Please let me go."

"This sentence seems a bit familiar!"

Ye Ran's voice was faint, then he moved his body, clenched his fists, and started a new round of blows.

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