Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 199 Farewell to the Ancient Origin Tree

"Why can't I be beaten to death?"

Ye Ran lowered his head and looked at the handsome young man in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the scales on his body gradually retracted.

This was the first time he had seen such a strange creature.

Not only can he cast illusions and perceive other people's deepest thoughts and desires, but he can also change his body shape and simulate others.

And this simulation is as if it were a real person.

"I do not understand……"

The handsome young man was confused, "I came to this planet obviously to enjoy it, not to be beaten."

"Why are you beating me? Can't you let me have a good time in this clean world?"

"Time's up, damn it..."

At this time, his face suddenly twitched violently, and then his body melted and turned into a ball of black liquid.

The black liquid gradually dissipated into the air, and a vicious voice sounded.

"You'd better stop practicing demonic arts, otherwise next time I come, I will beat you until you don't even recognize your mother, and make you merge with me obediently!"

"So much talk!"

Ye Ran fiercely stepped on the black liquid and stepped on it as hard as he could.

"Mad, you dare to step on my face... Wait, brother, I was wrong, please be gentle, be gentle."

The black liquid screamed, while gradually decreasing, and soon completely dissipated.

Before dissipating, he finally said a harsh word.

"Asshole, when you come next time, I will definitely bring enough power to make you die badly!"

After that, it completely dissipated in the air.

Ye Ran frowned slightly. The fusion mentioned by this strange creature just now reminded him of Zhang Yuhe.

There was something wrong with Zhang Yuhe, and he was nagging.

"This thing should have arrived through the Demon God Pillar, but although I can't figure out its details, I can still tell that it is not invincible."

Ye Ran thought in his mind that although the other party's methods were indeed a bit weird, they still had weaknesses.

For example, although the opponent's illusion is real, his mental will is strong enough to resist it.

As for other small tricks, such as the bloody handprints, they did no real harm to him. They were mainly used to bluff people.

Of course, it may be because the other party is not strong enough.

In addition, the other party always wants to satisfy his desires.

It seems that only by satisfying his desires can you merge with him, and only after fusion can you truly come.

And it seems that it still has a time to exist, and it will automatically dissipate when the time is up.

Looking at it this way, it's not that dangerous.

But the premise of everything is that his fist is strong enough, otherwise it would be difficult to change someone today.

After all, they were all simulated by the other party, but he was the strongest fourth-level martial artist.

Thinking of this, something strange flashed in Ye Ran's eyes. The appearance of that handsome young man looked familiar for some reason.

It is very similar to the No. 1 Martial Saint of the Xia Kingdom that I often see in textbooks, and the Martial Saint who disappeared from the Zhenwu Division - Longque Martial Saint.

However, Longque Martial Saint is probably in his early thirties and looks much more mature.

He shook his head and thought no more.

As long as the fist is strong, there is no need to pretend to be weird, just hit it.

Come back next time and keep getting beaten.

At this time, a ding sounded in his mind.

[Demon Slayer: Congratulations to the host, for killing the "ancient demon" of the advanced race once and completing the special achievement Demon Slayer, you will be rewarded with three thousand achievement points, a fifteenth-level Nirvana body, and a fifteenth-level fearless body. 】


Ye Ran jumped up suddenly and was shocked.

The Nirvana Body at Level 15, such a cruel reward, isn't it a joke to him?

Then, he was ecstatic.


However, he was just about to check the achievements panel.

Suddenly there was a flower in front of my eyes, and a shadow of a majestic towering ancient tree suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

The shadow of the ancient tree is huge, the crown is dense, and there is a light group on each branch.

At this time, those light groups slowly opened their eyes and looked forward with a daze.

"What happened? Another beast king was born in our alien beast clan?"

"A beast king is born again, and Dao Yun is robbed by our third-level warriors again?"

There was sarcastic laughter.

Then, more and more light groups woke up one after another.

"Original ancient tree!"

Ye Ran was shocked. He didn't expect to see the ancient tree of origin again, so suddenly.

You know, no one around him has broken through to Grandmaster!

Grandmaster falls?

No, when the masters of the Black Seal Tower died, the ancient trees of origin did briefly appear, but they were quickly dispersed by the aftermath of the battle.

Moreover, it’s not the grandmaster he killed, so what’s the matter with appearing next to him?

While he was in a daze, a green branch suddenly stretched out from the huge ancient ancient tree and slowly reached towards it.

Ye Ran was stunned. The branch gently touched his head, like a mother touching her child, with a bit of love and tenderness.

At the same time, he actually felt a strange emotional fluctuation from this branch, as if it was a reward...

No, or rather, gratitude, encouragement, and praise.

It seems to be praising him for doing something good and getting rid of some pests. Now he wants to give back!

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly, and then he saw a milky white liquid flowing from the branch and pouring into the top of his head.

Dao Yun!

Ye Ran was surprised and happy. He had no idea what was going on, but this was a rare opportunity.

He quickly reviewed the various martial arts in his mind.

At the same time, he quickly dug out the space ring of the powerful master he had picked up before, and pulled out a martial skill from it.

The second-class master’s martial arts skill—Nine Yang Divine Monument Palm!

At this time, the state of enlightenment in which everything was ethereal came again.

Ye Ran entered into meditation and did not move.

In midair, the light balls on the ancient origin tree were all a little stunned and stared at him blankly.

Not a master, but a martial artist?

A martial artist could cause the ancient origin tree to emerge and also obtain the essence of Tao?

Although they were extremely curious, they could only see that there was a light ball below and judged that it was a human.

Nothing else could be seen.

This unexpected scene was the first time that many masters on the ancient origin tree had seen it. Soon, more and more light balls revived.

Not long after.

Ye Ran slowly opened his eyes, a little regret flashed in his eyes, and then he saw so many eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Human, what did you do? Why can a mere martial artist lead out the ancient origin tree?"

A huge light ball on the ancient origin tree asked.

Its body was very huge, and it looked like a bear-like beast, burly and majestic.

"None of your business."

Ye Ran rolled his eyes, not afraid at all.

Anyway, these guys can't jump down from here, let alone know his identity, so don't pay attention to him.

"Hey, why does this voice sound familiar?"

Two masters on the human side looked surprised and felt that the voice was particularly familiar.

It seemed that they had just heard it not long ago.

The alien beast that just spoke was furious, "Asshole, you little human dare to contradict this beast?!"

"You also know that you are an alien beast?"

Ye Ran snorted, "You are an alien beast, not a strong one of us humans, why should I respect you?"

"You are so presumptuous, the weak should respect the strong, regardless of their tribe!"

The beast lord was furious.

"Don't bark like a dog."

Ye Ran waved his hand impatiently, "Brother is still busy, let's go, you guys chat slowly."


The beast lord was startled, "How do you know that my body is a giant demon dog?"

After the voice fell, there was a dead silence in the air.

Whether it was the human side or the alien beast side, they were silent.

The next moment.

The human side laughed wildly.

The giant beast master also reacted and said angrily: "Shut up, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Ran also had a strange expression and then curled his lips.

"I, Li Yuanqing, mock you in my real name. If you don't accept it, come to the Li family in Tianque City to find me. I will pull out all your dog teeth then!"

"Damn human, you are looking for death!"

The giant beast master jumped up like thunder, and the huge breath spread out, causing the whole origin ancient tree to tremble suddenly.

Ye Ran felt empty in his heart, and turned around and ran without saying a word.

On the human side, an old man was laughing loudly, but suddenly his expression froze, and he shouted at Ye Ran in frustration.

"Asshole boy, it turned out to be you, come back and explain to me clearly, our Li family didn't..."

The huge origin ancient tree suddenly spread out and disappeared completely.

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