Ye Ran looked back and saw that the ancient tree behind him had dissipated, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He returned to the place where the tree hole exploded. The black bear was squatting in front of a black pillar in a daze, stupidly, and licked it with his tongue.

Ye Ran's face turned green, and he shouted hurriedly: "Don't lick it!"

However, it was too late.

The black bear had smacked its lips and licked it twice. Seeing him coming aggressively, it immediately shrank its neck.

"Fuck you, can you still use me after licking me?"

Ye Ran cursed, picked up the confused black bear, took its body, and rubbed it hard on the black pillar.

He wiped all the saliva clean before stopping.

Then, he looked at the Demon Pillar in front of him again.

On the Demon Pillar, the previous human-shaped totem had reappeared, still with the strange action of hugging his arms and burying his head deep.

However, this time, the little head on the opponent's tail did not look like him.

Instead, it was the face of an overly pale middle-aged man. The man was extremely handsome, with pointed ears and a straight nose, and looked a little bit like a human.

"Back to normal."

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief, sensing a close connection between the Demon Pillar and himself, which he had never had before.

He stretched out his hand, and the black pillar automatically dissipated into black mist, poured into his palm, and turned into a black pillar mark again.

Although he was particularly curious, this thing was condensed from a full ten thousand strands of black magic mist after all, and he really couldn't bear to try its power.

After all, it was really one less time if you used it once.

After putting away the black magic pillar, Ye Ran continued to absorb the remaining two golden patterns on the seed.

One of them was also a black magic secret technique, but it was not ranked high, only eighty-seven.

It was called the Demon-Breaking Spear, and it was a means of attack.

The other golden pattern was also a piece of the map. Since then, he has obtained three map fragments.

Then, Ye Ran checked the achievement panel, and the achievement points on it increased by three thousand.

In addition, the body of Nirvana reached the terrifying level of twenty!

These twenty levels are his extra recovery power, which means that he now has three times the recovery power of the same realm.

In addition, there is the Fearless Body.

The Fearless Body of Level 16 directly exempts 160% of the pressure. Now he can ignore the pressure of the Grandmaster.

Even the Martial Honor can be exempted from 60% of the pressure.

In short, this is a great harvest.

Of course, there is much more than that.

Ye Ran's eyes were strange, and he clicked the deduction button. Many options appeared on the button.

The first one was the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword.

[Pure Yang Heavenly Sword: Progress (200/1000) million combat power, the current level 5 physique can burst 60,000 combat power, and the level 6 physique can burst 100,000 combat power. ]

This time, the bulk of the Dao Yun was used to upgrade the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword.

The remaining Dao Yun was used to upgrade some other martial arts, the main one being the second-class Grandmaster martial arts, the Nine Yang Divine Monument Palm.

[Nine Yang Divine Monument Palm: Progress (Small Success, 40,000 Combat Power), which can be deduced. 】

Seeing this, Ye Ran took a deep breath.

Finally, there is one more trump card. Although the Pure Yang Heavenly Sword is strong and has a high upper limit, it is still a martial art that kills one thousand enemies and injures eight hundred of its own.

In comparison, this new Grandmaster martial art is better to use, at least it has no side effects.

Then, he continued to look at it, and there was another palm technique specialization (great success) on the panel, which also increased the total combat power by 10%.

To improve the specializations of swordsmanship, fists, and palms, you need to practice a large number of similar martial arts.

However, ordinary people have limited energy and martial arts are difficult to practice, so it is rare to specialize in one direction and achieve something.

It is extremely rare to dare to practice multiple methods.

This time, he was able to comprehend the palm technique specialization mainly because of the Tao Yun, entering the state of enlightenment, and comprehending many palm techniques.

"Others spend a lot of time and energy to practice these martial arts, but I can deduce directly, so I can practice these fists, palms, etc."

Ye Ran pondered in his heart, this is also the main way to improve strength.

However, he had not learned many martial arts, so he would have to pay more attention to them and collect more martial arts in the future.

In this way, when he enters the state of enlightenment again, he can directly improve his specialization and save a lot of achievement points.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran looked at his remaining achievement points, and then looked at the two options of combat awareness and swordsmanship master (great success), and hesitated.

He didn't know which one to improve.

"Forget it, let's improve swordsmanship first."

He made a decision and pressed the deduction button. Suddenly, 2,500 achievement points disappeared.

Soon, the pattern of the swordsmanship master disappeared, and then a seed pattern emerged.

On the surface of the seed, there was also a silver knife.

[Swordsmanship (small success, 50% combat power increase), can consume 3,000 achievement points to deduce the next level. ]

Ye Ran curiously stretched out his hand, and a seed appeared in his palm, and the surface of the seed was full of sword energy.

It gave people an extremely sharp and fierce feeling.

"Is this the true meaning of martial arts that only a master can possess? I heard that many extreme martial artists are stuck at this step and cannot break through to the master level."

He played with it for a while, but didn't feel anything special, so he took the seed back.

Then, he began to think about his current combat power.

70,000 basic combat power, plus a full 130% increase in total combat power, his combat power should now reach...


Ye Ran took a deep breath. The combat power of 160,000 can be increased by more than 10,000 after the beast transformation, plus the 40,000 from the Nine Sun Divine Monument Palm.

His peak combat power has exceeded 210,000!

With a combat power of 210,000, he is not considered weak even among the sixth-level martial artists, and he is still a fourth-level martial artist now.

"When I break through the fifth-level martial artist, my strength will increase dramatically. By then, there is a great possibility that I will directly enter the martial artist heavenly list, or even sweep the heavenly list!"

"Become... the first person under the Grandmaster!"

Ye Ran clenched his fists. This step is almost here, and the premise for doing all this is to get the black dragon blood!

Ordinary beast essence blood, even the black dragon essence blood, is not enough for him now.

For a while, Ye Ran was in a good mood, and even the black bear who was napping next to him was much more pleasing to the eye, and he picked it up.

"Brother is a good person. I promised to return your nest to you. Now that the nest has exploded, I will find you a new nest."

The black bear was dazed and was held by the back of the neck by him, rubbing against the ground all the way. Even though his skin was rough and his flesh was thick.

He felt his buttocks burning.

Fortunately, Ye Ran quickly found a new tree hole, which was much larger than the one the black bear had before.

He nodded with satisfaction and kicked the black bear in.

Then he turned around and waved his hand.

"You're welcome, brother."

The black bear fell into the tree hole with a plop. Seeing that the tree hole was spacious and clean, the bear's face suddenly became happy.

The next moment.

A hissing sound suddenly sounded in the dark of the tree hole.

Then, seven or eight vertical pupils with dim light lit up, and the eyes looked at the black bear dimly, and at the same time, the sound of slowly crawling sounded.

This is a snake nest.

The smile on the black bear's face froze instantly, and then the whole bear's face twisted in fear, and it crawled out.

Ye Ran naturally didn't know these, he hummed a little song and walked happily.

Maybe it was retribution.

Soon, he couldn't hum anymore.

Because he met a person.

Ye Ran stopped in his tracks, and with a stiff expression, he waved to the opposite side, a thin old man who was slowly turning around, and greeted him.


Jiang Jiudao was also a little confused. He looked at Ye Ran not far away and didn't react. Then he laughed grimly.

"Boy, you don't take the road to heaven, but you come to hell. You can run into me?!"

"Fuck, what bad luck!"

Ye Ran cursed in his heart. He didn't expect that he would be safe after walking for half a day.

In the end, he still ran into this old guy!

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