But contrary to these people's thinking, Huaxia had already obtained the holographic projection technology long ago, and they did not pay much at the time when they got this technology.

Although the rapid development of technology crystallization companies after this has exceeded their expectations, the people at the top of Huaxia value Cheng Yuan's talent more than the money he makes!

Although Cheng Yuan made a lot of money, compared with a country, there is still a huge gap.

As for the idea that they want to "borrow", it is even more whimsical. How valuable is such technology, as long as people who understand some relevant knowledge understand, how can they "borrow" such things out of their heads? This technology is definitely a tight seal!

Today's Huaxia still clearly remembers that European and American countries have imposed technical blockades and material restrictions on them!

Why can they do this?

It's not bullying Huaxia's technical level is not as high as they are, they have the technology, Huaxia does not have it, so they have no fear!

But now that Huaxia has such technology, it will do the same.

I dare to do fifteen when you are in the first day!

As for technology exchange, they never even thought about it. From Cheng Yuan's Z1 large robot, they have mastered many high-performance technologies, and using these technologies to build a more advanced production line for themselves has no problem at all.

What they have to do now is to slowly digest all the technology indirectly obtained from Cheng Yuan and improve themselves!

There are two ends. After a brief collective loss of voice, thunderous applause and loud shouts broke out throughout the conference!

Petty used his superhuman performance to completely conquer all the people present.

After applause, Zero started to introduce the features of the black gold phone.

"The black gold mobile phone uses a new body structure, abandons the traditional key position control, and uses a new voice control. In the future, its internal identification card will be eliminated, and a new network identity registration method will be used to achieve a true one-person-one Mechanism. "

Zero words shook the hearts of the reporters present!

Remove card?

Is it really okay for technology crystallization companies to do this?

You know, but the lifeblood of communication operators, if you want to do so. It's simply declaring war with China Mobile and China Unicom!

Although they are very optimistic about Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company. But this is only in the field of science and technology. In the field of communications, the technology crystallization company is like an ant to the eyes of those communication giants!

The thought of a black gold mobile phone encountering a boycott by these communications companies. Do n’t even think about the consequences!

The phone is good, but if it doesn't work. What's that for? Looking at it?

In this case, except for the real local tyrants, ordinary people will not buy a mobile phone that can only be seen but not used.

Although they do not know why Cheng Yuan did this. But they kept listening.

Zero Natural will not stop his introduction because of the thoughts of reporters. He continued: "Of course. For now, black gold phones have added card slots."

The words of zero made people sigh of relief, and even they themselves did not know why there was such a sense of congratulation.

But no matter what. It is the best choice for a technology crystallization company without directly confronting the two communication giants now!

For zero said no card is used. Although the reporters paid attention, they didn't pay much attention. The audience simply ignored this issue, for them. It doesn't matter if you use a mobile phone with a card or not. The important thing is that the phone is not smart enough, and it is not easy to use it!

This is what they care about.

Cheng Yuan introduced from the beginning that this black gold mobile phone was specially developed to fully utilize the functions of the mobile phone's smart assistant. Then what kind of functions will appear when the mobile smart assistant is installed in this phone?

They were curious, but then they did not introduce the mobile phone assistant, the smart program they most expected, but started to explain the internal configuration of the mobile phone!

For them, the internal configuration of the phone can be said to be blindfolded and ignorant!

Although they also care about the configuration of the mobile phone, they will never go into details about the type of CPU and main board of the mobile phone. They only care whether the mobile phone is smooth when they use it!

As long as the mobile phone system is used smoothly, its internal configuration will not be too bad!

This is an idea of ​​how well an ordinary person is configured for a mobile phone. As for your long talk of a lot of professional terms, they would never understand it!

Therefore, in addition to the live reporters listening carefully, the audience is more about the performance of Zero on the stage.

After all, compared with artificial intelligence imaging, the configuration of mobile phones is higher and lower, they care more about the former.

Soon, Zero explained the internal configuration of the phone for everyone, but when Zero talked about the battery of the phone, it was shocking again!

Graphene battery!

Now that it has only just begun to touch the field of graphene, although graphene materials have been touted, they are all fantasies of scientists and experimental products in some laboratories. These things are either imaginary or unstable or It's just a bunch of data!

Just as now, after talking about graphene batteries, everyone is stunned. Although graphene batteries are available, many top laboratories can make them, but there is still a way to go for commercialization of this gadget Go, but now the technology crystal company has made it! ?

And also made a name called [high-speed energy collection storage] such a roundabout!

Maybe some people don't understand that graphene batteries are just graphene batteries. Why do you want to use such a name?

However, people with flexible minds quickly guessed that when graphene was just discovered, a large number of patents were snatched. If Cheng Yuan did not change his name or cover it up, this is not an obvious reason Work?

Although this method of changing the name is ridiculous, it is also helpless.


These two words were originally intended to protect the developer's own interests, but now they have become a means of profit for major groups!

The word patent has forced many scientists to abandon their efforts!

Perhaps this is the most direct manifestation of both sides of things.

While Cheng Yuan did this, although he would inevitably have to talk to the owner of the patented graphene battery, at least he would not have to directly share his interests with others.

After all, the graphene battery invented by Cheng Yuan, he can use a variety of professional words to talk to each other and fight lawsuits. When the lawsuit is finished, no matter what the result, he should have made a lot of money into his pocket!

The reason why Cheng Yuan dares to do so is that he has absolutely advanced technology!

After all, even if those people sue him with a patent, they will not take the initiative in front of him with complete technology!

Because no matter what patent, when applying, there must be a general technical concept or technical information, otherwise it can be applied in vernacular, then there is no need to maintain this patent law.

So, not many people make jokes about this name.

"Graphene batteries, with fast charging and large capacity, can be charged at full power for a week in ten minutes! Perhaps many people have heard of the name of graphene batteries and know its powerful features, then He must also know that a ten-minute charge only allows a mobile phone to be used for one week. Is this graphene battery a bit misleading? "

There was a smile on Zero's face, saying, "Now, let me show you why this is happening!"

At this time, Cheng Yuan slowly took the stage with a black gold mobile phone.

"The power consumption of a black gold phone is huge. It consumes dozens of times more power than any mobile phone today!" After Cheng Yuan came to power, the first sentence made everyone's expressions condensed. A mobile phone that consumes so much power, where does it consume the most power?

"How many is this tens of times, maybe many people are very confused." Cheng Yuan said, "For example, we now watch a movie for nearly two hours on our mobile phones, which will cause our battery power consumption to be nearly a hundred. Forty to fifty percent! If the phone has been in use for some time, it may cost more! "

"It's 50%. If you watch a movie that consumes 50% of the power, then the black gold mobile phone is about 20 times this value during normal use!"

Glancing at the crowd at the moment, Cheng Yuan continued: "So why? Here it is!"

Cheng Yuan pointed at the screen of the black gold mobile phone: "One, help me turn on the phone."

The voice fell, and the black gold mobile phone screen suddenly lit. At this time, many people found that the entire black mobile phone was the screen!

In other words, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This phone has no distinction between inside and outside!

A little surprised, and then an electronic synthesizer sounded, "No. 1 starts, do you have any instructions?"

At this time, the reporters were not too surprised when they knew the mobile smart assistant before. They held their breath and watched Cheng Yuan's performance quietly.

"Number one, the flat display makes me look a bit tired, let me cast a virtual screen."

"Good sir."

Number one should beep, and I saw a virtual screen with the same size as the black gold phone projected immediately above the black gold phone. Reporters who have seen virtual screens for a long time still can't help but utter a shock! Originally they thought that Cheng Yuan's holographic technology was only used in his own company.

Even so, they were shocked enough, and he did not expect that he had already used this technology on his mobile phone!

After the exclamation, what they have left is excitement and excitement. If they also own a black gold mobile phone, how wonderful would it be? (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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