Whether it is a reporter from the audience or a viewer watching a webcast, or other technology companies, when they see Cheng Yuan ’s mobile phone that can use holographic projection technology, their eyes are red and hot.

Such mobile phones, whether they show them off or dismantle the technology in analysis, make them fascinated!

Holographic projection!

There are too many areas in which this technology can be applied. Whether it is military or civilian, its appearance will definitely change people's living habits!

Cheng Yuan didn't care what the people below thought about, he continued with a smile and said, "The reason why black gold phones consume huge amounts of electricity is that apart from the high energy usage of mobile phone smart assistants, holographic projection technology is also an energy consumption point . "

To be honest, Cheng Yuan had naive thought before, and took out the graphene battery alone, so that the black gold mobile phone also uses the current lithium battery as a power source, but this idea was directly rejected after the experiment.

These two big consumers of electricity are simply not the capacity that lithium batteries can maintain!

Although Cheng Yuan also considered removing the holographic projection from the inside of the phone, he did not do so after careful consideration. Mobile smart assistants and holographic projections complement each other, and the lack of any technology will overwhelm the phone.

Needless to say, the smart assistant is the core of the entire mobile phone, which is equivalent to human thinking. Without it, it will make the operation of the mobile phone more complicated than the current smart phones by several grades!

Here is not only the reason for the change of the system, but also the strangeness and ignorance of people about new things, and the key to voice control!

Without a smart phone assistant, voice control is a joke.

The holographic technology is a selling point of the entire mobile phone. Without this technology, it is undoubtedly difficult for him to take a bite in the cake of the mobile phone market, even if he has a mobile smart assistant!

Because he can't really do bundle sales. After all, people's choices are not the only one now. They can choose other brands of mobile phones before people don't have a clear understanding of black gold mobile phones. The bundle of mobile smart assistant and black gold mobile phone is directly adopted. That would only cost him more in this regard!

Sometimes habits are also a terrible phenomenon!

This is one of the reasons why Cheng Yuan has been afraid to enter the mobile phone industry. Changing habits and cultivating them all take time and opportunities. There are also financial and conditional support!

Only when these conditions are met, he can safely launch the graphene mobile phone!

right now. Just such an opportunity.

An opportunity to present the graphene mobile phone to the world, but there is still some distance from the formal commercial production. At present, what he has to do is to improve the impression of smart phone assistants in the minds of the public through graphene mobile phones. Then use the smart phone assistant to slowly change the user's mobile phone usage habits.

Although the novelty is more attractive, the conditions do not allow Cheng Yuan to do so.

First of all. With the addition of holographic projection technology, Cheng Yuan has to take more protective measures, as mentioned earlier. Although he has the conditions to do that strategy card game, he virtualizes the monster of the card through holographic technology. But at present, holographic technology is definitely a top technology, regardless of whether Cheng Yuan is willing or not. The above people will definitely not agree with Cheng Yuan to use this technology to do entertainment-type things.

The most important thing is that the nanometer light source emitter built into the graphene mobile phone cannot be made by anyone except Cheng Yuan's laboratory!

This is also an obstacle to the commercialization of graphene mobile phones.

That's why he only produced a thousand mobile phones in the laboratory.

At the press conference, Cheng Yuan looked at the small virtual screen in front of him and raised his eyebrows, pretending to be dissatisfied: "No. 1, I'm not used to watching such a small screen, and zoom in."

"Sir, how much do you want to enlarge the screen scale?" No. 1 asked.

"How much can you zoom in?" Cheng Yuan asked back.

"The screen magnification range is one to three times, sir. But I do n’t recommend that you do this. When the surrounding environment is complicated, the big screen not only affects your perception of the surrounding environment, but also affects others, and it ’s privacy Protection is also a disadvantage. "

After hearing the suggestion from No. 1, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I don't think they will refuse to watch the next content with me, and help me zoom in to the largest screen size."

Cheng Yuan's words made everyone smile.

"Okay, sir." No. 1 responded. After it finished speaking, the virtual screen suddenly zoomed in, and a clear window appeared in front of everyone. The content of the window was clean, except for the icon of a crystalline company logo, Nothing.

At this point, the virtual window has been enlarged to 16.5 inches, which is much larger than the 5.5 inches of the original screen.

Such changes naturally surprised reporters below. This holographic projection technology is really amazing! Even the screen size can be adjusted at will. After that, if you want to browse the web or watch movies, what will be even better?

But before they were finished with exclamation, Cheng Yuan spoke again. He was still dissatisfied: "This screen is still too small. I want to feel the personal theater. Can you do anything?"

"Sir, the black gold phone has three additional virtual windows, and you can combine the other three windows to do one job at the same time." Proposed No. 1.

The intelligence level of No. 1 is naturally a heaven and a underground compared to zero, but even so, it is extremely exaggerated in the eyes of everyone! Looking at the conversation between Cheng Yuan and the artificial intelligence in his mobile phone, these reporters couldn't wait to try it in person.

And the thought of going up in person, they couldn't help glancing at the fat reporter who was not far from the front row with the light of his eyes, this guy was still very jealous!

"Help me merge and let me feel the atmosphere of my personal theater."

"Okay, sir."

After speaking on the 1st, I saw three virtual windows appearing above the black gold mobile phone in Cheng Yuan ’s hand. The window was quickly enlarged to the maximum under the control of the 1st, and then perfectly connected with the screen in front of Cheng Yuan. A 33-inch large screen appeared in front of everyone!


There was an exclamation in the audience. They stared at the black gold phone in Cheng Yuan's hand and the huge window in front of him. Situations like this have been imagined in their minds countless times. I thought this technology would take a hundred years. It may appear.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yuan brought it to everyone now.

At this time, they didn't know how to express their emotions. This press conference shocked them too much. Many of them felt a little numb. If someone now talks to him about intelligence, their response is absolutely flat.

From Cheng Yuan, they have seen what advanced artificial intelligence is. Such perfect communication and discrimination ability is almost no different from humans!


I don't know who took the lead and applauded, but for a moment, the entire conference site was drowned by thunderous applause.

Cheng Yuan looked at the reporters who applauded vigorously below, and the smile on his face became brighter.

He pressed his hand and motioned for silence.

"Thank you. Thank you for your applause, but this is just the beginning. We all know that mobile phones have more functions and we use more places. Calling, watching movies, listening to music, reading novels, these functions are the most commonly used, But many people like to read novels while listening to songs, and some people like to read novels while chatting, so frequent screen switching has become a problem for mobile phone users. "

"Now, as long as you hold the black gold mobile phone, you no longer have to worry about this disturbing problem." Cheng Yuan gently placed the black gold mobile phone on the stage, then stood in front of the mobile phone, extended his hands to align The huge screen in front of me.

"Everyone, have you seen this big screen?" Without waiting for the reporters to answer, Cheng Yuan said to himself: "First of all, I need a screen to watch my favorite movie." Cheng Yuan held out a finger and pointed at the big screen. A pull on the upper left corner of the screen, a screen detached from the large screen under the control of Cheng Yuan, was moved to the left of Cheng Yuan, and then this separately pulled screen started to play a science fiction movie [Iron Man].

Seeing this scene, everyone held his breath, and his eyes were full of fanaticism.

"One more time to watch the news." Cheng Yuan reached out and pulled in the upper right corner. A screen came to Cheng Yuan's right, and the network news was automatically presented on the screen.

"The last two." Cheng Yuan spread his hands at the same time, aligning his palms on the screen that was half in front of him, slightly supporting it, and the screen was separated from left to right into two pieces. "One reads novels and one chats."

The two separated screens suddenly showed their due content. On the left is a well-known domestic station, and on the right is the familiar penguin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. At this time, Cheng Yuan has been previously virtualized by four pieces of the same size. Surrounded by windows, different contents are played simultaneously in the window!


In the afternoon, after the press conference, in just a few minutes, the news about the content of Cheng Yuan's press conference spread wildly around Anhe City, centering on the potential of wildfire, and from Anhe City to Ontario to the whole Huaxia, finally rushed to the world!

"The Forerunner of Science and Technology, the Father of Huaxia Artificial Intelligence, Developer of Holographic Projection, Cheng Yuan Explains the Real Holographic Projection Technology for You" —— Science Magazine Weekly

"He will change an era and change the habits of human beings! 》 ——Nature Weekly

"Change, starting with the crystallization of technology"

At this press conference, no media could pick out any problems, nor did any media deliberately discredit Cheng Yuan or the technology crystallization company.

Because this time the press conference not only has media reporters from various countries, but also a live webcast at the same time, anyone who wants to watch can see it! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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