Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 393:

After the anti-gravity formula was completed, Cheng Yuan went straight home and spent a warm evening with his family. The next day he returned to the company under the tension of the shuttle.

In the living room on the top floor, Cheng Yuan sat quietly on the sofa, eyes closed slightly.

Fang Jing and Chen Yu did not say a word carefully, for fear of disturbing Cheng Yuan.

The whole living room was exceptionally quiet.

"Sir, here's the other party." Suddenly, zero's voice suddenly sounded.

Cheng Yuan also opened his eyes at the same time, an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.

In Anhe City, a silver-grey Mercedes-Benz car slowly passed the street. The speed of the car was very uniform, regardless of whether the road ahead was smooth or slightly obstructed, and maintained a uniform speed.

In this silver-white Mercedes-Benz, a white man with a paralyzed body and a thin body looked at the receding Linli Building outside the window with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

"Ada, I'm excited." The neutral electronic synth sounded.

"Sir, I'm looking forward to it, too." The assistant on the side heard the voice, and his face also showed a little emotion, but he was even more surprised that the technology crystallization company had such amazing medical technology!

Through the video, they found that the girl in the video had the same illness as Mr. Hawking, and it was worse than Mr. Hawking!

Because Hawking was at least an adult at the time of the onset, and the development of various body functions was at least healthy, and the girl in the video, according to the information, she was only six years old when she became ill!

Because the onset time was too early, she was not only having problems with the muscles of her limbs, but even the internal organs of the body had different degrees of lesions. This was the case, and the other party could cure it.

Around the silver-grey Mercedes, there were also several identical-style cars driving around and surrounding the car. These were the people responsible for protecting Hawking's safety.

After all, Hawking's situation is inherently dangerous. If something goes wrong, it may be lost at any time!

It's awkward. As long as he doesn't get into trouble at Huaxia, everything is easy to say. As for him outside Huaxia ...

Well, that's not what they care about.

But since the other party is in Huaxia, it must be well protected, not to mention the fact that the other party was personally invited to be treated, and this protection is naturally stronger.

When Hawking and his team went to the technology crystallization company, both the Internet and the media fry!


It was because Hawking who came to China to give a physical lecture did not leave Huaxia immediately after the lecture, but went directly from Donghai City to Anhe City!

If that was the case, they would only be surprised, and would only think that Hawking had gone to Cheng Yuan for his behavior, after all, Cheng Yuan's reputation in the world is not small.

The two geniuses who are also crowned with genius want to meet each other, it must be natural.

After all, it is communication at the same level, even if some people think that Cheng Yuan cannot compare with Hawking.

Because whether a person is outstanding is not how big a company he can start or how rich he is, but how much he has contributed to human progress.

Although Cheng Yuan came up with an intelligent robot, this did not make them feel much, because intelligence was not Cheng Yuan's own research.

Similarly, Cheng Yuan's intelligent robots are just ahead of the crowd, and have not proposed a new theory that can lead the scientific community like Hawking. Master Xiuxian on campus

Just like Einstein, he not only proposed the concept of photon and solved the photoelectric effect, but also the theory of relativity, which was enough to make the physical world earthquake.

Only those who have such achievements can be called great, and everything that Cheng Yuan has shown so far can only be described by genius, and there is still a big gap between the concept of greatness.

Of course, Cheng Yuan did not consider this matter. If he wants, he can stand to a height higher than Einstein. He is very confident about this.

Because he has a technological crystal in his mind that no one can match!

Moreover, Cheng Yuan is not very interested in becoming the same person as Einstein. He is more interested in making more money and making his life more desirable.

Perhaps it is the personal living environment and the overall factors of the entire era that have created Cheng Yuan's character, but it is undeniable that Cheng Yuan has capital that surpasses all great men.

Of course, Cheng Yuan's first goal has been achieved, but he still unremittingly and slowly came up with some new technology. There are naturally many reasons for this, but more importantly, as Cheng Yuan knows more He gradually changed his attitude towards knowledge from using it to make money into a craving.

A wealth of knowledge is always irresistible.

However, the media speculation was not allowed, because Hawking's assistant personally stated that this time Mr. Hawking went to Anhe to cure the disease!


These two words are the source of the fryers!

A large group of journalists carrying spears and short guns gathered here at the entrance of the technology crystallization company. Near the door, media vehicles parked at the side of the road.

However, these reporters are still very rational. They did not forget to give way to the main road while parking. After all, you also said that the guard at the door opened one eye and closed one eye.

But once you've blocked the road, you won't ignore these guards. They don't know why these reporters came to the company as if they had chicken blood today.

But they know that if the road is blocked and the boss of his company has no way to go out, then these people themselves will definitely not be able to run away!

"Well, this elder brother, you are stunned today. Are there so many people? Is there any new invention of the technology crystal company?" A paparazzi staff member who has been stationed at the door of the technology crystal for a long time and asked for news. A photographer handed a cigarette and asked charmingly.

The photographer is a fat man, very tall, at least one-nine-meter-height, with plate size, thick eyebrows, and makes people feel a tremor.

The face that should have looked fleshy at this time also gave people a feeling of being full of flesh.

Needless to say, the tall instinct makes a sense of awe.

Although the looks are more fierce, the photographer is a very good-tempered person. He is not angry when he is caught by accident. He smiles and takes over the cigarette from the other person, and he is not polite in his mouth.

When the paparazzi saw it, he quickly took out a lighter to help him.

The photographer nodded with satisfaction, Meimei took a puff of smoke, exhaled the smoke, and explained to the other party: "Your kid is understandable without knowing it, and a celebrity will come to the technology crystallization company right away!"

"Celebrity?" Paparazzi paused and asked quickly: "What celebrity, is it a movie star?"

"The movie star?" The photographer cut a stern, and gave the paparazzi a contemptuous look. "What do you think? I mean celebrities and not stars. Can these two be compared?"

Paparazzi were dumbfounded. In his impression, celebrities and celebrities are already the same concept, no difference! However, the paparazzi was very clever and immediately showed an ear-wagging gesture.

Looking at this respectful look of the paparazzi, the photographer felt a sense of physical and mental relaxation for a while. He said that the photographer was nice, but to put it plainly is to work hard for others to become popular reporters!

The photographers of these big shows or movies are not a level at all!

Who would treat them so respectfully?

"Did you know that Hawking came to the East China Sea for a physical lecture the other day?"

The paparazzi nodded quickly, so he naturally knew the big thing: "Slightly heard, brother, what you want to say is Hawking is coming?"

"Of course, otherwise we would run over with jealous eyes?" The photographer snorted Gao Leng, filled his posture, and then said, "Do you know what Hawking Comes to Crystallization Company this time?"

The paparazzi was already very excited to hear about Hawking's coming. If he sold the news to the newspaper company behind him, it would be a great reward.

Although the big newspapers do not need them, those small newspapers are not as widely distributed as those big newspapers, and they certainly don't know about it.

The news was enough for him to earn a fortune, but he didn't expect that the tall fat man had to reveal something!

Immediately a startled expression appeared on his face, and he looked at the photographer with a very curious look: "Brother, is it not clear that the purpose of Hawking to crystallize the company? Really!"

"Hey!" The fat photographer was loved so much, and couldn't help but smile proudly, "I tell you, Hawking's purpose here this time seems to be a cure!"

The paparazzi was stunned when he heard the news. He looked at the photographer stupidly, as if frightened.

When the photographer saw the paparazzi being scared and stupid, let alone the elation in his heart, as if he became a big man at this moment, a word can scare the other person as if he lost his soul.

The paparazzi was really scared at this time. Although he was just a little man, he knew something about Hawking. After all, his fame was too great to know.

Although he didn't know what the specific disease of Hawking was, he was paralyzed in a wheelchair, and it was certainly not an easily cured condition.

Otherwise, with Hawking's reputation and status, many medical institutions will voluntarily solve this celebrity's physical problems for him ~ ~ But for decades, no one can cure him.

And just now, what did he hear? The photographer said, Hawking came here to heal! Does the technology crystal company have very powerful medical technology?

When he was in a daze, a black Audi sedan slowly drove up from a distance, and then stopped in front of the technology crystal company in the eyes of many reporters.

The person in the car didn't come down, and the other side communicated with the guard at the door for a while and was released. After the Audi car entered the technology crystallization company, reporters talked about it.

Their eyes are very sharp after years of training. The people in the car just now are not the ones they have to wait for.

And while they were watching, there was a bit of emotion in the Audi car: "This celebrity effect is really incredible, this time we must make our product sound!"

"Yeah, it's a pity why you can't wait until that person is cured before propaganda." Feng Qing's voice sounded at the same time, with such a little regret. (~ ^ ~)

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