Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 394:

"Ah! Don't think about it, it's just explained above, let's take care of it." Mugu is equally sorry, but when he thinks of the solemn explanation above, he just thinks about it in his mind.

As for putting it into action, he doesn't have the courage.

The two did not go to the office building to find Cheng Yuan, but went directly to the nursing home, where they saw Professor Wang Changqi who was responsible for receiving them.

"Two, it's quite early!" Wang Changqi smiled at the two.

Meng Kuo didn't dare to put on a big show, and quickly smiled and said, "Let Academician Wang wait for a long time. After all, this time it is related to the promotion of the recovery liquid. Can we not be nervous?"

"Hehe." Wang Changqi's eyes smiled, and he said: "You should also understand the effect of the recovery fluid. What is blind and nervous, even without Hawking, it can make it sell well worldwide!"

Meng Kuo and Feng Qing both agreed with Wang Changqi's words, but they agreed with Gui Ao. They still had inexplicable excitement and tension in their hearts, which had something to do with whether they didn't know the situation and had nothing to do with the atmosphere.

In this regard, Wang Changqi shook his head helplessly, and then said to the two: "You come to rest first, there are still ten minutes before Hawking arrives, no rush!"

"Okay." The two were also welcome. Someone would say hello to them anyway. They didn't have to pretend to wait at the door. After all, there are no outsiders here. They don't need to do this at all.

Besides, even if they weren't greeted at the door, no one would say anything. After all, Hawking's reputation was so great that he was only a patient here.


Twelve minutes later, Cheng Yuan dressed the office building casually, got into his car under the protection of two robotic guards and Chen Yu, and then headed for the company door.

He didn't wear too much attention. Although Fang Jing had always wanted him to be more formal, he was rejected by Cheng Yuan. He couldn't stand the suit and shoes on a hot day, and it was simply a crime.

He doesn't need to ‘abuse’ himself just to see someone. And in his opinion, Hawking would not mind his dress.

After getting on the car, Cheng Yuan glanced at the tension of driving and asked with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Zhang Li immediately replied: "Very good!" But after speaking, he didn't seem to feel enough to express his situation at this time, and added: "Very good, unprecedented!"

Looking at the tension and energy, Cheng Yuan smiled slyly: "What about the amount of food?"

When mentioning the amount of food, tension collapsed and bitterly: "Boss, now my physical fitness has gone up, but my meal volume has also increased linearly. The current meal volume is almost eight times the previous one. Anyway, I still don't feel full."

Speaking of the amount of food, tension seems to be caught in some strange memories, slightly lost.

Cheng Yuan looked at the tension in his eyes, but didn't ask much. Everyone has his own privacy and secrets. Cheng Yuan doesn't need to interfere too much.

And judging by the look of tension, this place that changed his mood may still be the country, and Cheng Yuan is even harder to talk about this topic.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yuan said, "You have recently eaten more compressed energy biscuits. After a while, I will help you get some energy fluid as a supplement for your consumption. After all, your physical fitness is strong, and your physical consumption will naturally follow. increase."

Hearing that Cheng Yuan would solve this problem, Zhang Li looked back from his memories, and his face looked a lot better. After all, the problem of soaring meals was one of the problems that bothered him the most these days.

Of course, the destruction of furniture by a missed hand is another problem. Xiangcheng past

"Thank you boss." Zhang Li glanced at Cheng Yuan behind the car gratefully.

Cheng Yuan shrugged, jokingly: "No, after all, you want to protect me, you go wrong, who can I protect!"

Cheng Yuan's words left Zhang a bit speechless. He glanced at the two security robots like Taishan beside Cheng Yuan and said nothing.

Suddenly, he moved, then looked at Cheng Yuan and stopped talking.

"What do you want to say? Don't show a rough look here." Cheng Yuan smiled impatiently when he looked at the tension.

Zhang Li was speechless and embarrassed, "I have one thing to do and it may take a lot of time."

"Does it matter?" Cheng Yuan asked.

Zhang Li was silent for a moment, pursing his lips, and Shen said: "It's important! If I can't do this, I won't be at ease in my life!"

Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed and he took a deep look at Zhang Li: "Okay, after seeing Hawking today, you can go and complete your own business."

"Well!" A low tone answered.

"Remember, when I come back alive, I don't want someone to tell me that I need to change a driver a few days later." Cheng Yuan took a deep breath and said lightly.

"I will come back alive!" Tension looked firm.

The car slowly came to the sanitarium. At this time outside the sanitarium was listening to three silver gray Mercedes-Benz. Around the three cars, a group of people gathered there.

In addition to Hawking himself, Cheng Yuan, Wang Changqi and others, as well as some journalists with short guns.

In the middle of the crowd, the foreign man sitting in a wheelchair, paralyzed on the chair, was Hawking himself, and beside him was also a middle-aged foreign man who seemed to be Hawking's assistant.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's car coming, a young man in the crowd hurried over and said respectfully to Cheng Yuan: "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Hawking is here, and he wants to meet you."

When the youth came to Cheng Yuan, Hawking, who was in a wheelchair, also controlled his wheelchair and came over to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan's eyes immediately hit the celebrity with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng, I'm glad to meet you." The slightly stiff electronic synthesizer sounded, and Hawking looked at Cheng Yuan with a smile. He has always paid attention to this notorious Chinese summer talent.

"I'm also glad to meet you, Mr. Hawking." Cheng Yuan stared directly at Hawking, with the same smile on his face. He didn't bend over, and didn't use any special respect or flattering tone to court Hawking. dialogue.

In his attitude, there is only equality.

This appearance of Cheng Yuan made Huo Jin's eyes lighten up a little. Every time he came to Huaxia, those people in the scientific circles of China touted him with various respectful and praise words, which made him dull.

Now that he has his status, he doesn't need these toasts at all. Instead of listening to these unrealistic words, he might as well come to a professional who can talk about universe theory with him.

"Do you know, you are an amazing person, a new inventor after Anderson!" Hawking looked brightly, and looked at Cheng Yuan with unabashed admiration.

After hearing Hawking's evaluation, Cheng Yuan's eyes brightened and a smile appeared on his face. "You're right, I have always thought so! Compared with theoretical research, I prefer to use my knowledge to create inventions!" Fenghua

Cheng Yuan put ‘Awesome Inventor’ on his face without any awkwardness, so that everyone around Wang Changqi pulled his skin slightly.

Cheng Yuan is too straightforward, can't he be gentle?

This is the idea in the minds of all the Chinese people present. They have been instilled with the concept of modesty. If they get praise from others, they will be modestly modest.

But Cheng Yuan doesn't care about this. He knows his situation very well, a great inventor. This title is very appropriate for him! Because he couldn't hesitate to do theoretical research, which might make him higher achievements, but these achievements were not his pursuit.

Maybe Einstein and Newton are great, but Cheng Yuan prefers Edison and can turn his knowledge into wealth. This is the one who is really successful.

Because in doing so, he not only benefits himself, but also his family and future generations.

This may be like the liberal arts and the sciences, but one is pursuing spiritual richness and one is pursuing material richness. Both have to be said.

It must be that the former is higher. After all, it is a 'state', but the latter is full of 'copper smell' in those eyes, so naturally it is lower.

In fact, the latter is not lower than the former.

After all, the development of science and technology is to change life and change the future.

Of course, from the root, without the theoretical foundation of the former, there is no material development of the latter, and it is precisely because of this that the former is higher than the latter.

"You are frank, Mr. Cheng." Hawking looked at Cheng Yuan with a smile in his eyes.

Cheng Yuan grinned: "The fact is that all my knowledge is for invention. I don't think there is anything wrong with your evaluation. Of course I have to accept it!"

"You really are different." Hawking praised.

However, the conversation between the two people made some people around him mistaken. With Hawking's status in academia today, he rarely praises a person like this.

Or not at all, even if there are only some encouraging polite words, Cheng Yuan is the first such person to be praised by Hawking.

The follow-up reporters listened to the conversation between the two of them ~ ~ with eyes shining one by one, they even thought about the news headlines for tomorrow!

Meet two geniuses!

Praised by Hawking as a great inventor! -Cheng Yuan.

Praise by the greatest physicist.

Anyway, all they could think of in their heads was the same as when they searched their stomachs. These reporters were all excited and far more excited than the journey.

It seems that Hawking praised Cheng Yuan not them, but them.

"So, Mr. Cheng, when are we going to start?" Hawking stared at Cheng Yuan with a burning look, with a touch of expectation and a touch of excitement in his look.

Paralyzed in a wheelchair for decades, the condition has been tormenting him, and now with hope of healing, how could he not respond! After finishing the conversation, he went straight to the subject.

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly: "We have already prepared for you, please come with me." (~ ^ ~)

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