Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 657:

With the urging of Cheng Yuan, Zero Control Intelligent Robot started the work of melting ice. ????

The work of melting ice is not a huge project. After 30 minutes of patient waiting, Cheng Yuan's alien technology equipment is completely presented to him.

At this moment, Cheng Yuan can really see the shape of the huge building in front of him. The shape of the building is a bit strange, just like the four huge English letters ‘h’ are stitched together.

It's just that the side is narrower and the front is much longer! In the middle of the building is a ball-shaped building, and four channels connect from the four corners of the building to the body of the ball.

The building of the alien civilization, the four-corner strip building is 200 meters high, the overall length is 500 meters, and the width is 300 meters!

"This is a civilized building? It looks so ordinary!" Cheng Yuan murmured to himself with some disappointment as he looked at the feedback.

This alien civilization's architecture looks too ordinary, without the imaginative shape and style in the movie.

The sense of drop that occurred for a time naturally made Cheng Yuan feel strange.

Zero ignored Cheng Yuan's muttering. He asked calmly, "Sir, we have eight places like entrances and exits. Do we need to send robots to explore them?"

To zero, even an alien civilization does not necessarily have to be the same as that shown in the movie, because the fantasy buildings in the movie are also modified in accordance with the human aesthetics.

Since it is human's aesthetic vision, no matter how it changes, it will not be able to match the style of alien civilization, so Cheng Yuan's disappointment is also in his calculations.

"Found the entrance?"

This news made Cheng Yuan slightly regain some enthusiasm. Although the appearance of this building is different, but maybe there is magic technology in it?

As guessed before, this building may have equipment for producing rich mineral water sources. This is just the point, and it can be satisfied.

"Come in, let me see, what is the difference between alien civilization and our civilization, and how big is the gap between science and technology!" Cheng Yuan's expression condensed, with some expectations implied in his tone.

How far away is the technology between alien civilization and Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuan also wants to know about it. After all, as far as the earth is concerned, the technology he has mastered is far beyond that of human beings.

This gave him a 'invincible' mentality. If it were not for the crystallization of technology in his mind, it was only his own personality, maybe he didn't know where it was inflated!

Because of the existence of technology crystals, he can clearly realize how small he is in the technology field!

Not to mention anything else, just the crystallization of technology, it is a very magical existence, how it is formed, how it can store so much technology.

How can it be done by ‘watching’ and then analyzing the nature of technology, and then copying the technology! ?

Is it formed naturally? Or is it made by some very advanced civilization?

These deepest secrets that are pressed in Cheng Yuan's heart, even if they are zero, I don't know!

However, for the reason for the formation of technological crystals, Cheng Yuan's speculation is more inclined to the latter, because the monster that got out of the wormhole in the space at the beginning, like him asking for things, gives him the feeling that he is asking Want to crystallize your own technology!

As Cheng Yuan's thoughts fluttered, Zero had controlled the robot to analyze the eight entrances it found.

Although the surface of this alien civilization building has many complicated inscriptions, most of these lines are energy flow orbits.

The interplanetary journey is very dangerous. Numerous small and large meteorites are hidden in the dark universe, just like the reefs encountered by ships.

They are either small and fail to refract stellar light very well, or they cannot refract light themselves. For various reasons, they exist.

How does a spacecraft avoid these meteorites?

This is the reason for the existence of these inscriptions. When interstellar sailing, it is impossible to encounter a meteorite to avoid the spacecraft, nor can it be said that the meteorite was bombed into powder by firing.

Whether it is to avoid or fire to destroy it, it will greatly delay the spacecraft's operation, and it will also make the crew more tired!

After all, no one can guess where these hidden meteorites will appear in the vast universe. Even if it is a familiar route, there will be some meteorites floating from other places.

Therefore, the necessary energy protection devices are indispensable when sailing! These inscriptions are the energy lines of the energy shield. When approaching or touching the meteorite, they will immediately react to form a protective layer to protect the safety of the spacecraft.

You can also make the spacecraft the safest guarantee in the meteorite turbulence!

The way to find the entrance and exit by zero is naturally through the engravings on the surface. Although these engravings are complex, they have the same properties! However, the entrance and exit are different, and the import and export switch will certainly not have the same properties as the energy protection cover.

So, as long as you find differences, you can find the import and export of the building.

This kind of thing is the easiest for zero, so it can be found soon, but how to open it step by step.

After all, different civilizations certainly have many different places, unless the technology of the civilization is similar, otherwise, there will probably not be any results!

The analysis is very slow, especially for alien civilizations, because there is no reference data at all, even if it is zero, it can only be tried step by step.

Of course, there is another way to get in, and that is violent destruction.

But this method is far from trying, and zero does not want such intact things to be destroyed. Naturally, we must strive for perfect cracking.

"Zero, can you scan the internal structure during this time, although we can't get in, but we can see what's in this thing!" Let Cheng Yuan wait patiently for the analysis result. He naturally didn't mind.

But now, the building of alien civilization is in front of him, how could he be indifferent!

Now that your robot can't get in, then scan the internal conditions first, and you can also get a sense of it in advance by scanning!

"Okay, sir." Zero responded.

This alien building doesn't have any anti-detection equipment, so zero easily uses spectral scanning to get the desired result.

Soon, an extremely complicated blue three-dimensional figure appeared in front of Cheng Yuan out of thin air.

The three-dimensional figure in front of Cheng Yuan was only the size of a slap, with a light blue halo. Cheng Yuan looked at it with interest, and then reached out to take over the three-dimensional figure.

Let the three-dimensional graphic float on the palm of your hand, Cheng Yuan left and right, and after carefully looking at it again, throw it gently to make the graphic rise to the top of your head.

He pulled both hands, and at the same time commanded: "Zero, zoom in, the ratio is one hundred to one!" The voice dropped, the stereogram suddenly zoomed in, and the entire laboratory was instantly filled.

Cheng Yuan opened his eyes wide and was very interested in all these blue lines.

The four-corner long building is divided into upper and lower floors by the middle bar. Cheng Yuanxian, on the upper level, there is a huge empty space in the middle. Only the walls are covered with dense 'cocoons' shaped like insect cocoons?

These 'rooms' are like honeycombs, one next to the other, without any space!

Cheng Yuan was very surprised to pull the three-dimensional view and put himself in one of the upper spaces in the four corners. He looked around the 'room' and couldn't help but exclaim: "Zero, this is where they rest, this shape The structure really doesn't waste a bit of space! Maybe we can learn from it in the future! "

At the end, he added, "I just don't know what these 'rooms' look like inside, I really want to see them soon!"

Muttered, Cheng Yuan will realize the transfer to the lower level, the distribution of the lower level is normal, the layers are separated, similar to the building.

However, the layout of the lower floor is completely different. Each floor here is a whole, without any walls separated, and each floor is placed with a lot of strange equipment. The style of the equipment is the same as the entire building itself, but it seems to be a reduced version of.

And these devices are suspended from the building like a tree branch.

"Zero, this is ... a small battleship? Is this a space battleship?" Cheng Yuan guessed, touching his chin.

At this time, Zero also replied with certainty: "According to the shape analysis, more than 89% of these equipment are combat ships."

Cheng Yuan's look was a bit ugly, "That is to say, the ice of Phobos has nothing to do with this space battleship?"

"Maybe." Zero couldn't guarantee it at this time. After all, guessing alone was impossible, and the answer could only be obtained after officially entering this alien building.

Although I can't guarantee it, Zero still analyzes: "Sir, although it is likely to be a battleship ~ ~, but it does not mean that it contains the previously guessed equipment inside. We won't be sure until we get in. "

Cheng Yuan nodded, and comforted himself: "What you said makes sense, after all, even if it is a combat spacecraft, what do you need to supply? Maybe people have their own supply function?"

Thinking of this, he looked much better, and then asked, "How is the analysis, can you open it?"

"Not yet. It doesn't seem to respond to electromagnetic waves. I am going to use mechanical nanoworms to penetrate into the interior and invade all the internal systems." Zero return.

Cheng Yuan shook his lips and said, "It's already like this!"

Just when he was about to say something urgently, the three-dimensional figure wrapped by him suddenly disappeared, Cheng Yuan froze. When he was confused, he heard a crisp footsteps behind him.

Soon, the sound of footsteps came behind him, and Fang Jing's cold voice sounded, "Boss, Mayor Zhao is here, and he brought a person." (To be continued.) 8

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