Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 658:

"They said, is there anything wrong this time?" Cheng Yuan turned his head and saw that there was nothing wrong with Fang Jing's face, so he asked casually.

Perceived Cheng Yuan's gaze, Fang Jing subconsciously thought of her previous behavior, and she did not blame if she did not go far, which made her feel a little relieved.

"No, just to say, I want to talk to you in person." Fang Jing replied.

Cheng Yuan thought for a moment and understood Zhao Jun's visit this time. He smiled: "I know, you can bring them over."

"Well." Fang Jing nodded, then turned away.

And while Yuan Yuan left when Fang Jing left, he commanded to zero: "Zero, you continue, and remember to record everything inside, I will take a closer look later."

Although it was interrupted at a critical moment, the process is not as far as stopping the Phobos robot team. Although it is a bit regretful that you cannot watch it for the first time, but you can see the first-hand recorded images. .

Anyway, I'll be the first one.

Soon, Fang Jing returned with Zhao Jun. There was a stranger beside them. The man looked like he was in his early forties, with a Chinese character face and an upright eyebrow, with a faint smile on his face. Gives a gentle and kind feeling.

At first glance, though, this man looked like he was in his forties, but the white hair mixed between his two hairpins told Cheng Yuan that his actual age was much older than what he showed at this time.

When Cheng Yuan looked at each other, Liu Xianghua was also looking at a long range. For this young man, he was like a thunderbolt!

The technology that he took out of his hand paid high attention to the senior management. Every time there was time on the 1st, he would pay close attention to the movement of the young man.

And this young man in front of him, every action will bring shock to everyone.

This time, he turned silent and turned Mars into another look completely when everyone's eyes were focused on the crisis of intelligent machinery!

After analysis by domestic experts, the technology required to transform Mars into this appearance in just a few months is very high!

They cannot tell how high it is.

Because of things like transforming the planet, although they have fantasized about it, no one person or group can actually make certain actions and speculations.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan was able to transform the planet with his own power, which left them shockingly speechless and could not obtain any useful analysis data!

The purpose of his visit this time was to represent Huaxia executives and discuss with Cheng Yuan about the construction of Mars bases and the subsequent distribution of benefits.

After Liu Xianghua saw Cheng Yuan, the smile on his face even worse, a few small steps first crossed Zhao Jun and came to Cheng Yuan.

"Mr. Cheng, it's been a long time!" Liu Xianghua nodded slightly to Cheng Yuan, with a slight emotion.

This way of greeting, Cheng Yuan can be considered a lot, so he nodded calmly and replied: "Hehe, this gentleman has passed the prize. I don't know how to call you?"

Liu Xianghua smiled apologetically and said apologetically, "Look, I'm so excited to see you, I forgot to introduce myself, Liu Xianghua, I am here, this time I mainly talk to you about Mars."

While talking, he glanced at the quiet room where the water was pouring away.

Cheng Yuan smiled, put his hand down, and said casually: "It doesn't matter, she is not an outsider." Cheng Yuan meant very clearly that Fang Jing was his own and didn't need to conceal.

However, in Liu Xianghua's eyes, this was not the meaning. He took a meaningful look at Fang Jing, and then said with a smile: "Oh! I'm welcome."

He glanced at Zhao Jun, thinking of No. 1's instructions, and then said: "Mr. Cheng, when can we put into construction the Mars base, how much funding and personnel we need, we need you to make a list so that we can prepare in advance. "

Liu Xianghua is very straightforward and sees the mountain. He reminded him on the 1st before coming, that the oral agreement between the two parties had been reached, and it was sufficient to make it clear in the past.

Although No. 1's orders made Liu Xianghua a little scratched, after all, talking about things in Huaxia was not like that.

Huaxia has a Chinese culture of conversation.

But since No. 1 was ordered, he didn't dare to change it by himself. After sitting down, he went straight into the subject.

At this time, Fang Jing came over with water, and she calmly said to Zhao Jun and Liu Xianghua: "Sorry, there is no tea or drink here, so I can only let the two generals go."

Zhao Jun quickly waved his hand. "You're welcome, Secretary Fang, I understand."

Liu Xianghua looked at the boiled water in front of him, and frowned slightly, but seeing Zhao Jun's usual appearance, he immediately laughed: "Mr. Cheng, do you have anything to add?"

He looked very natural, as if there had been no change at that moment. But although he changes fast, he can't hide his eyes from the process.

If you do n’t go far, you do n’t have to say anything. After all, everyone ’s life habits are different. Liu Xianghua may be used to drinking high-end teas, and naturally will have such a subconscious reaction.

And he didn't do anything extraordinary on this issue, and Cheng Yuan wouldn't care about it.

"It's natural to build a base now, but you can only build a base. If you give it away, it won't work now!" Cheng Yuan groaned for a moment, and returned.

Liu Xianghua heard the words and wondered: "What's wrong, what problems are still unsolved on Mars?"

Cheng Yuan didn't hide it, nodded: "The atmosphere on Mars has not improved, and the current air is not suitable for human life, and the solar radiation is also very strong, so ... even the temperature is not suitable."

Cheng Yuan shrugged.

Liu Xianghua's brow frowned, but he didn't worry much. It was just that the air and temperature were not suitable. Even so, it was countless times better than previous Mars.

Thinking of this, he smiled again: "Mr. Cheng, this is not a problem!" After a pause, he continued: "Besides, I believe you will solve these problems, right?"

Looking at Liu Xianghua who was more confident than himself, Cheng Yuan was a little speechless, but he said with certainty: "Of course!"

After getting confirmation from Cheng Yuan, Liu Xianghua smiled happier, and then he smiled and said solemnly: "Mr. Cheng, although people can't go up, but the base can be built, we will build the base first, wait until then The air on Mars improves, and we can go straight up! "

"Material!" Cheng Yuan didn't make nonsense and looked at Liu Xianghua seriously.

Liu Xianghua also had a solemn expression, patted his breast and promised: "What materials are needed and how much, you just say it, we will definitely provide you!"

"As long as you guarantee sufficient materials, I will be fine here. You can go back and report it now, and then ask someone to design a drawing. I will calculate the corresponding material based on the design drawing and then notify you."

Liu Xianghua nodded, and got up and said, "Okay, I'll report the situation to the head, and look forward to seeing you next time!" Then he held out his hand.

Cheng Yuan was also unambiguous. After the two shook hands, Zhao Jun stood up with a smile and invited Cheng Yuan at this time: "Mr. Cheng, since you have already discussed things, do you have any time to have a meal together?"

When Zhao Jun was talking, Liu Xianghua looked aside and looked at Cheng Yuan with the same expectation. If Cheng Yuan agrees, it may not be able to make his relationship with Cheng Yuan further.

After all, many friendships in Huaxia are established at the dinner and wine tables.

Having a good relationship with Cheng Yuan is also a reason for his visit this time, but this reason is his personal reason and does not have much relationship with the upper levels.

He was very clear. At that time, the primary school officer of a computer department in Yangqiaoyuan District was directly appointed as one of the leaders of the intelligent robot army because of the good cooperation foundation and personal relationship established with Cheng Yuan.

And also master Huaxia's intelligent robot manufacturing factory!

Now that the smart machinery crisis has erupted, Yang Qiaoyuan's identity has naturally gone up. People in all military regions have basically sought Yang Qiaoyuan.

Even though Yang Qiaoyuan was just a colonel, it was not a trivial matter!

Therefore, he took a fancy to the Mars plan this time. If he can be appointed by the leader as the person in charge this time, the future gains are definitely not easily imagined by himself!

Thinking of this, Liu Xianghua's eyes suddenly became hot.

However, although he is looking forward to having a meal with Cheng Yuan and deepening the relationship between the two sides, Cheng Yuan does not have this effort now.

He also wanted to send them away early, and then continue to see the situation of the alien civilization building of Phobos! I don't know if Zero has opened the door and the robot team has entered?

Thinking of other things in his heart, Cheng Yuan refused with a smile, "Sorry, I still have some things, even if I eat, and it's less than ten o'clock."

Seeing Cheng Yuan's refusal, Zhao Jun didn't have any other ideas, he said with a smile: "That line, we won't bother you."

And Liu Xianghua seemed very disappointed, but he did not dare to run Cheng Yuan with words, after all, if he could come here, it means that he was not a confused person.

What kind of person Cheng Cheng is and what kind of identity he knows. Definitely not something he can offend. If he offends Cheng Yuan here, he can guarantee that after going back, there will be nothing wrong with his plan for Mars development!

"Since Mr. Cheng is busy ~ ~ we'll go first, goodbye!" Liu Xianghua smiled reluctantly, and then left with Zhao Jun.

After the two left, Cheng Yuan quickly turned around and hurriedly said to Zero: "Zero, how's the situation? Did you go in?"

Cheng Yuan's anxious look surprised Fang Jing who hadn't left yet. She looked at Cheng Yuan's back, thought about it, and stayed.

She was curious, what happened to Cheng Yuan in such a hurry.

Moreover, Cheng Yuan did not signal her to leave, indicating that Cheng Yuan did not hide his meaning. And the conversation between Cheng Yuan and Liu Xianghua, she also heard clearly!

Cheng Yuan unknowingly developed Mars! Although she did not know the details, she understood that it would not be a problem to say that she would not go to Mars later ...

Thinking of this, she was a little lost, but she left the earth! (To be continued.)

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