Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 858:

Mr. Cheng Yuan, regardless of the impact of his words, said after the announcement, "At the same time, we will start the first Mars immigration program! Any questions you can ask next."

As soon as the reporters who were already impatient got into this, they started to ask questions? After taking a moment, they quickly got up and raised their arms, hoping to be hit by the first spot.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at the reporter below so well, his mouth slightly raised. Then a male reporter in the front row was ordered.

"Mr. Cheng, I'm a reporter for Dong Poster. May I have any specific indicators for Mars immigration?" In the first point, the reporter almost blurted out. He originally wanted to ask questions about the portal, but Cheng Yuan made a big move in the end.

移民 Martian immigration!

话题 This topic instantly dispelled the questions he had been preparing for. His questions also made other colleagues look at Cheng Yuan with anticipation, one by one raising the microphone.

Wu Chengyuan was not surprised by the press conference's raising this issue. After all, since the announcement of the Martian immigration, he knew that this topic would become the focus of this conference and more eye-catching than the portal.

However, although this question will not surprise him, he must think about it when answering it. After all, before the immigration plan, the state must be involved.

After thinking about it, he said: "We have done a lot of preparatory work on the Mars immigration program. But you should understand that Mars is a planet yet to be developed and there is nothing there, so the first immigrants passed It might be hard. "

"However, although it will be more difficult, but it is also an opportunity. If you can grasp the opportunity of this immigration, then you can achieve extraordinary results."

In fact, even if Cheng Yuan didn't mention this, anyone with a bit of brains knows that the person who drinks the first soup is always the most slick. If you can seize the opportunity, you may also take advantage of the wind to make your net worth billions!

This is like the time when the Internet was booming. There were countless people who became rich through the Internet in that era. The most famous is Shuangma.

And now everyone is standing in a brand new air outlet! A stronger outlet than the Internet!

It's just that the air outlet is not good.

"Of course, Martian immigration also needs to cooperate with national policies, so our technology crystallization company cannot be comprehensive. Our company's own plan is to make its members the first group of immigrants.

But whether or not to immigrate is not my decision, but whether you agree, what we provide is just an opportunity! "

After saying this, the members who were invited to the bottom of the page showed a stern look, and many people were even more excited. Especially the Middle Eastern member wearing a white gown.

He excitedly said something to his friend in his native language. Although others didn't understand it, the other person's excited appearance could easily guess this plan.

也就是说 "That is to say, the first immigrants will be members of your company?" The reporter asked.

Cheng Yuan said with a smile: "Yes, although it may sound unfair to many people, our plan is the most secure way. After all, members of our company are very rich. If they go to Mars, they can give themselves Prepare sufficient supplies. This is exactly what ordinary people cannot do. "

Wu Chengyuan explained the reasons and reasons for the company to do so. Such an answer also relieved viewers who watched TV and webcasts.

Although Cheng Yuan's answer has frustrated many people, it is an indisputable fact!

Not everyone has the capital to support their immigration. After all, before Mars was not transformed, it was just on Earth that immigration between nations was not something that ordinary families could afford, let alone immigration between planets?

Looking at the people in a thoughtful manner, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and ordered the next person.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng, can you talk about how Mars was transformed by you? I am very curious how Mars has become like Earth, this is like a miracle!"

I was spotted by a foreign journalist, but this reporter spoke a straight-spoken Mandarin, and the accent was very standard enough to make many Chinese people ashamed!

After all, people in many places speak Mandarin with a local accent.

当然 "Of course!" There is nothing to say about this matter. For Cheng Yuan, now is to show everything he can show.

"Although I can describe your problem verbally, but compared to verbal, I want to let you better understand the changes in it through a video." Cheng Yuan said hello after saying nothing.

Nuo, who was standing in the background, was surprised. He didn't expect Cheng Yuan to call him suddenly. However, he did not object, and stepped forward from the background to Cheng Yuan.

"Everyone, he is Zero. My intelligent assistant is also the first intelligent life born in the world. This time, let Zero show you all the changes of Mars!" Cheng Yuan patted Zero's shoulder and gave the stage to zero.

Zero is standing on the stage without being timid. As an intelligent life, he will not show shy posture on such occasions.

程 Cheng Yuan stepped into the background, reopened a holographic screen with zero wave, and then started to play the entire Mars transformation process that was originally recorded.

And not only the video, Zero will follow the video step by step to explain the entire Mars transformation plan.

Cheng Chengyuan gave a gleeful glance at the zero talked with the video, and then greeted Guo Xiaolian: "Xiao Lian, accompany me to see Hua Lao, wait to arrange Hua Lao to the stage."

"Okay." Guo Xiaolian retracted her gaze from her body, and pulled out Cheng Yuan's arm and walked towards the old car.

When the two came to Hualao's car, Hualao had already come out of the car. At the sight of Cheng Yuan, his steps accelerated a bit: "Hua Lao, how come out, it may take a dozen minutes to zero."

Old Hua shook her hand with a smile, and the wrinkles on her forehead were a few more. But he smiled happily: "It's about to develop Mars soon, even sitting in my heart is anxious!"

"And, I'm also curious how you transformed Mars into what it is now." Speaking of this, Hua Lao looked at Cheng Yuan with a stunned look.

"Hehe." Cheng Yuan scratched his head awkwardly, like Mars's transformation, and he could hide it before he succeeded. After all, if an accident occurs during the transformation of Mars, the entire solar system and even the Earth will be affected.

一旦 Once such a thing is announced, it is bound to cause debate. If another expert or professor says something exaggerated ~ ~, he will not change it yet?

"It wasn't that everyone was busy dealing with intelligent machines at the time, and this kind of thing didn't have to be fanatical." Cheng Yuan said nonchalantly without blinking.

Although old Hua Hua didn't understand technology, such obvious behaviors as Cheng Yuan who opened his eyes and spoke nonsense were judged immediately.

However, he didn't care about it, and gently said, "This kind of thing is to be done by a professional like you. Even if someone doesn't understand it, it is a blind command."

In just one sentence, this matter was revealed, and Hua Lao turned to ask another question: "Xiao Cheng, can you tell me the truth, what is the cost of this immigration and how can it have a large number of immigration capabilities? Your Martian city How many people can it accommodate? "

Cheng Chengyuan glanced at Hua Lao, groaned a little, and replied, "You don't have to worry about the quantity. You can also see the volume of the space portal. It is also very easy to transport a spaceship."

Speaking of this, Cheng Yuan hesitated for a moment. He knew the meaning of Hualao in his heart, but that city was not suitable for occupants. Even if it could, he could only house a small part.

He had to remind him, "Hua Lao, if you want to make a large-scale immigration, I don't think you need to be too anxious. Mars has nothing now, it's empty everywhere except the city I built. And my city is also Industrial cities, no ordinary homes! "

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