Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 859:

After listening to Hua Lao, he froze, staring deeply at Cheng Yuan for a long while, and finally sighed: "Since this, then I still come as originally planned. But you can hide deep enough, never I have never seen you mention that Martian city. "

Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, Hua Lao also knew that the current Cheng Yuan was not to be manipulated. Now that the other party can cooperate with himself, it is still Cheng Yuan who has not forgotten his past.

The change of Hua Lao's tone also made Cheng Yuan relieved, and he didn't want to be awkward because of this problem.

But things are mixed, although his city cannot accommodate too many people. But in this way, the old China will not suddenly change the original plan because of the emergence of this city.

Cheng Yuan smiled and said easily: "Hua Lao, I'm so embarrassed to talk about such a trivial matter. Let's go to the backstage and prepare for it. It's your turn now."

Hua Lao did not refuse to speak on stage. The Mars development plan is undoubtedly the top priority at the moment, and he cannot afford to ignore it. If you show up at this conference, you can also allow more people to participate in the development of Mars.

Although it is said that immigrants will definitely be reserved for infrastructure construction for some time before the official start, but the subsequent work also requires a large number of people to ensure.

But Cheng Yuan also said that the cost of transmission is not cheap. It is also difficult for individuals to organize immigrants. After all, immigrants do n’t mean that you are done in the past.

So this lecture is very necessary!

"Take me." After Hua Lao nodded, a group of people followed the bodyguard and the intelligent robot to the back of the stage.

Zheng Jia, who was looking at the zero commentary, did not expect Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian to come to Hua Lao in an instant, and she did not dare to rush to greet him: "Hua Lao, you are here."

Hua Lao bowed to Zheng Jia. At this time, the assistant next to Hua Lao came to Hua Lao and gave a black mobile phone to Hua Lao. He said in a small voice, "Your speech is ready."

After taking a look at the black cell phone, Hua Lao pointed at Zero, who was still on the stage, and asked, "I'm fine here. How long will Zero end?"

Cheng Yuan glanced at Hua Lao's phone, which he couldn't see the brand made him very interested. However, he can also guess that mobile phones like Hualao are definitely not on the market.

At this time, the explanation of Zero is almost the same. The explanation this time is not to introduce how complicated the technical content is, but to briefly explain the whole process on one side, so there is no situation that someone will not understand.

"... Throughout the planet-wide reformer, we changed the atmosphere of Mars and its internal air quality as fast as possible, but because of this, Mars did not give birth to the life of our planet like Earth." With a smile on his face, Speaking to everyone.

"Excuse me, Mr. Zero. Mars will not give birth to life now, will that happen in the future? According to what you just said, the oxygen content of Mars is much higher than that of the earth now, does that mean that Mars After the birth of local life, they also have an advantage in body shape? "

The reporter had brown-framed eyes, a square face with thick eyebrows, slightly dark skin, and a special temperament, which made him look very professional.

The Zero Classics was silent for a while, and then said: "On this issue, it is true to say so. Although Mars is infinitely close to Earth after transformation, its planet mass itself is lower than Earth, so gravity is smaller.

Life growing up on such a planet will indeed be bigger. Although the body size is larger, the physical fitness may be worse than that of the earth. "

The explanation of zero made reporters talk about it, and people watching the live broadcast were also uproar.

The excitement of the immigration news before has been boiling, but I did not expect to come back like this! If living on Mars will affect the physical fitness of future generations, then most Chinese people will hesitate.

Unlike foreign countries, no matter what kind of family Hua Xia cares about their children. They can avoid everything that is not good for their children.

In the background, Hua Lao's face also changed. He had not considered this issue, and the experts who had contacted him had not said it before.

Everyone has focused on how to better exploit resources and various infrastructures.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to Cheng Yuan.

Looking at Hua Lao this way, Cheng Yuan smiled bitterly: "Hua Lao, it doesn't help you to look at me like this, I am not a **** who can adjust the quality of a planet."

"Is there a solution to this matter?" Hua Hua thought for a while.

"There are many ways to solve it, depending on how the immigrants choose in the future. The easiest way is to use genetic medicine, and the second is to exercise more."

Cheng Yuan replied: "The use of genetic medicine is the most direct, which can strengthen the human body genetically. As for sports, Hualao should also understand that people with good exercise habits are healthier and longer.

And people who exercise regularly will adapt to various environments faster. "

When Cheng Yuan said that, he stopped. He looked a little hesitant and seemed to be making a decision.

"What are you thinking about?" Hua Lao wasn't ignorant of young people. As soon as Cheng Yuan's appearance came out, he knew that the boy was scratching his careful thoughts again.

So at this time staring at Cheng Yuan with a playful look, his eyes seemed to smile.

Cheng Yuan was immediately embarrassed. He coughed and explained, "Since you can see Hua Lao, I will not hide it. I feel it is time to sell the gene fortifier publicly."

"Is it because of Mars?"

Cheng Yuan nodded solemnly: "I believe that with the gradual deepening of Mars development, more population will definitely be needed to fill in at that time. In terms of the current global population, it is too small!"

Cheng Yuan couldn't bear to say that there were so many smart machinery crises, and he felt that he could talk less about them.

Hua Lao also understood Cheng Yuan's meaning. He thought about it and replied, "Don't worry about this, I will go back and discuss it. But I can decide for you, as long as the strength of the fortifier does not exceed a certain limit, this matter It's fine. "

With Hua Lao's assurance, Cheng Yuan knew that this matter would be okay. He patted his chest and promised: "Hua Lao, rest assured, this thing will never cross the line."

Outside, Zero is still facing various questions from reporters ~ ~ Compared to Cheng Yuan ’s deterrence, Zero is much smaller, and with Zero being an intelligent life, journalists are also more interested, so questions Is one by one.

In addition to inquiring about Mars, many people are asking about Zero itself, such as the material used to make Zero's body structure so realistic, and whether it can be used on humans.

Another example is how high the zero intelligence level is, whether it can control the entire earth's network, and so on.

In the face of these problems, Zero can only smile bitterly and shut up.

Cheng Yuan, who was behind the stage, saw this, smiled apologetically, and came to the stage.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's appearance, the reporters who were still interested immediately turned off the fire and sat one by one as if they saw the big devil.

No way, Cheng Yuan left a deep impression on them before. Any reporter who made him say something unpleasantly said that there was absolutely nothing to say about driving away.

Seeing that the scene calmed down for a moment, Cheng Yuan himself also stunned, but he didn't say anything. He patted his shoulders and stood on the stage again.

"Cough!" With a slight cough, Cheng Yuan looked at the quiet reporters and members, and said quietly, "Everyone, you should know almost everything. Next, I will invite a special elderly person to Let's talk about his views on Mars and related plans for the future! "

Cheng Yuan's remarks refreshed many people in the audience. The news of Hua Lao's arrival was not intentionally concealed. The reporters present almost knew the news of Hua Lao here.

At this point, Cheng Yuan did not say that, it means that the most important person today will come to power?

With this in mind, every journalist is excited! They rubbed their fists and prepared for the first interview with Hua Lao!

After all, Hua Lao is not interviewed by anyone who wants to interview. In Huaxia, only a few special media can enter the General Assembly Hall to record content when Hua Lao meets!

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